
Rise Of The Ancestral Bloodline

This is world of Bloodlines in which being born in the wrong family can crush all your hopes, aspirations and dreams. The Zerst Family had fallen from grace, left with only a pair of twins as the final descendants. This is the story of the twins who restore the former glory of their Family, while overcoming all odds. .... The world is semi modern at the start, and technology is progressing as the timeline is moving forward. But the relevance of technology is almost 0 to the important parts of the story and is only there for more convenient storytelling.

RedNight · Fantasía
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9 Chs

To The Academy

"Was there a need to show off?" Master Zerst took his sister's hand into his. He concentrated for a while before he willed his Bloodline Ability to activate.

As his Ability came into effect, the Bloodline Source his sister lost recovered rapidly.

Lady Zerst replied. "I still can't belive your Bloodline Ability! It's too convinient for our Zerst Bloodline!"

Her brother sighed. "Don't underestimate our bloodline. We gave rise to someone like 13th, what's so great about my Bloodline Ability!"

Lady Zerst rolled her eyes. Her brother's Bloodline Ability let him rapidly restore the Zerst Bloodline Source, the thing that was needed to activate their Bloodline Abilities. It was one of the best utility based abilities that one could awaken.

Moreover, unlike her Forst Ability, it wasn't one of the 21 awakened abilities of their Zerst Bloodline! This meant that if he ever reached sufficient level to pass down abilities through Bloodline, the next generations of their Bloodline would have a chance to awaken 22 abilities instead of 21.

"So, what is our next plan?" She asked, yawing. It was hard for her stay awake for long.

"Next, we prepare for our journey to the North." He looked at the Green Earrings and couldn't help but touch them. "But first, I need to select some bodyguards."


It has been sometime since the accident at the small road. Caroline had joined the Zerst Residence as the personal maid of Lady Zerst and her salary was fixed at 1 gold and 5 silver coins.

1 gold coin was worth 12 silver coins in the Ranze Empire.

For reference, a middle class family with two breadwinners would only earn about 1 silver per month. This 1 silver was enough for their family to send their children to a decent school, take care of their daily expenses, pay their insurances, and enjoy a pleasant sunday with their family.

As for Caroline's family, they had no complaints about her job after finding out how ridiculous her pay was.

The only problem with Caroline's job was that Lady Zerst slept for most part of the day, and when she was awake, her brother was always there to take care of her.

So, practically, the only work Caroline had done in these past days as Lady Zerst's personal maid was to wait outside her idol's bedroom, hoping to be called upon by her.


"Master Zerst, can you tell me why you have asked for me." Roald was entertaining Master Zerst at his house. Two days ago, he had been informed that Master Zerst wished to speak with him, and Roald was asked to fix a date for them to meet up.

"I need bodyguards for my upcoming journey Roald. I have heard that you have awakened a Bloodline Ability and have come here to invite you." Master Zerst waved his hand, and a maid brought out a pouch which she handed to Roald.

Roald took the pouch, tossed it up and felt a jingle when he caught it.

"20 Gold as down payment. 30 on completion of the job." Master Zerst added.

Roald gripped the money pouch tightly as he fell into thought. It was a secret that he had awakened a Bloodline Ability, but he didn't need to doubt how Master Zerst had come to know about it.

The Zerst family controlled half of Mondo, it wasn't strange that Master Zerst knew about his awakening.

"I accept the conditions Master Zerst." Roald lifted the tea cup. "To a pleasant journey."

Master Zerst took his leave after he got consent from Roald. He needed to meet another awakened today and convince him to join them as bodyguard.

As Master Zerst left with his servants following him, Roald's son, Micheal trotted into the room.

"Dad, Master Zerst so cool! He is total badass! Throwing money at others to do his bidding, kuh.. One day, I too want to throw money at others dad!" Micheal, the 10 year old hugged his dad's huge arms and looked at the entrance with shining eyes.

"Well, if you awaken, you might just be able to do that son." Roald lifted his son into air and threw him 10 meters up before catching him. Micheal was laughing as he enjoyed being thrown high into the sky.


After he got the consent from both the awakened in Mondo to be their bodyguards, Master Zerst visited his mother.

"Mother, have you prepared what I've asked for?" Hugging his mother, the 13 year old raised his head to match his mother's gaze.

"I have son." Madam Zerst smiled. "One storage ring of 2 metric cube size. Two Ancient Rings that had been accumulating luck for a century. 100 packs of good luck charms personally drawn by me, each pack containing 10 charms, a tresure that lets you find places rich with luck, a world map detailing the whole of Ranze Empire and a fully functional portable house. The last one wasn't easy to get my hands on, mind you!"

"Thank mum." Master Zerst kissed his mother's cheek. "You are the best!"

Madam Zerst spoiled his hair in return.

"Be careful, playing with luck doesn't lead to a good outcome. My ability would only be active for 3 days and it is the strongest on the third, so make sure you get to the Academy before my Ability runs out."

"I will mum." He nodded. Putting his hands in a praying motion, he wisherpered. "Let the ancestors bless me."

Madam Zerst slapped his cheek lightly. "Are you asking for 13th's blessing?" She laughed and casually nullified the bad luck from the prayer from affecting her son.

Usually, asking the ancestors for a blessing would promt a portion of the luck their ancestors had accumulated to affect him, but since his ancestors had someone like their 13th, asking for blessings would only incur bad luck.

Master Zerst knew it, but he still asked for their blessing anyway. His mother was capable enough to nullify this small amount of bad luck, thus he didn't need to worry.

But even if his mother wasn't capable enough, Master Zerst would have gone ahead and prayed to his ancestors.

It doesn't matter if it brought him bad luck, the important point was to show his filial piety, filial piety for having born in the greatest Bloodline Family of the world.


"So, we are leaving?" Lady Zerst saw the crowd gather at the entrance of Mondo and yawned. The crowd has gathered to send them away to the North, where the Great Rise Academy laid.

She looked around and found that along with her and her brother, Caroline and two others were making this journey.

She briefly looked at the two strangers who were maintaining a smile and waving at the crowd before she yawned. She had been yawning too much nowadays, wasting so much energy on that simple action.

"So, mother isn't coming?" Leaning on her brother, who was seated infront of her on the horse, she asked.

"Well, Mother has been preparing for the luck enhancement ceremony for the last three years. She needs to be here to enhance our luck through the ritual." Master Zerst answered, kicking the horse towards the north.

"I see. Who are those two?" She asked about the two strangers who were riding beside them.

"They are our Bodyguards. They too have awakened their Bloodline Abilities."

"Interesting!" She said, falling asleep on his back.

So, the world is semi modern and there are old model cars for our guys to travel, but he is travelling by horse mostly because there are still many uncertainties on how the cars work. and oftentimes, there were accidents involving these cars.

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