
Who is a new king?

A king of Lynx kingdom is currently very weak as he is suddenly suffering from unknown illness, he decides to choose an inheritor for his throne after him. Among of all three sons who he have he found there's a one son who is capable of becoming a ruler but that son doesn't want to become an imperial, king use all his ways to make his son accept his destiny but nothing ever worked so he decides to call his son's best friend who is a head principal at a certain college which they call Almal college.while waiting for him king is looking where his throne is while smiling after few minutes there's a certain person who inter inside and when he reach near the king he bows slightly to give a respect to his king. "My king as you ordered now am here".

"Reen, you have been a friend with prince Stephan for such a long time,I can say you probably now him better than I do" says the king as he turns his head to look at Reen. "you were together all the time when you were establishing Almal college which now is a largest and a best college of all colleges at this kingdom!"says the king showing that he is proud of it.

"All thanks to you my king"

"But I summoned you today to tell you that am going to close your college because I want Stephan to accept becoming a king and he refused it as he said his dream is not becoming a king but a great master alongside with you in that college. Now you tell me do you think am doing a bad thing!?"

"my king I..I.."

"You don't have anything to say?then I have decided to close that college till a day prince Stephan Made up his mind of become a next ruler "

while the king and Reen are talking there is a shadow seen near a wall which is a person shadow indicating that he was inside before them and he heard all conversation.

Early in a morning at Reen's house. There is a woman coming from inside and she start stretching her joints.

"what are you doing?" asked Reen who shows that he was already awake and he is sitting at a certain big stone which is outside his house and when he sees his wife he stands up and go where his wife is.

"don't you see that am doing exercises, you didn't sleep at night? why your eyes are so...did a king said something to you?" while looking closer to her husband's face

"if you want to do physical exercises you should do like this now follow me what am doing"

"don't change the subject besides that I can not do those hard exercise now because it can bring bad effects to my baby" says that woman while holding her stomach.

"what do you mean, you're calling this hard exercise ....wait what did you just say now?..a baby and ...no I should ask..are you.."

"we are going to have a child darling!"

"what?!...oh my dear are we having a child me am going to have a child? I can't believe this..thank you so much my dear" while carrying his wife with so much happiness. It's a happy moment of their life because now they will be parents. Later on Reen sit down with his wife and tell her everything which a king wants him to do

"It's about closing Almal college"

"why?did you do something to offend him? what's wrong with it..."

"don't worry my dear, it's not a big problem is for our own good with our country and it's going to end soon..come let me play with my baby...hey am your father wait darling is he a boy or a girl?" while touching his wife's stomach

"which one do you wish?"

"both... anyone is fine for me!"

At a certain big restaurant there's a certain person sits as if he is waiting for someone a place where he sits is at a top floor of that restaurant and there is costumers besides him with his bodyguards who all the time are standing. Then one of his man come who was looking outside all the time and give him some information "your highness prince Stephan is coming like you ordered"

That highness hold a cup of wine and drink it while he is putting down a cup on a table is a time someone who were talking about him come

"Milton what's that you want to tell me?" while standing far from them as he didn't want to come at this place

"brother Stephan , let's play a game!"

"Am not interested playing with you, if you have something to tell me just say it!"

"only one round and it's so easy for you since you're so intelligent so it will not take much time"

Now two princes are playing a Chess game

"Are you real not interested to a throne?" asked Milton while moving one of a pieces on a Chess board

"you have already win"

prince Stephan stands up so he can go

"do you know what father planned for you becoming a next ruler?....is by closing your damn college" then he drinks a wine again. prince Stephan go where prince Milton is and he grabs his neck when bodyguards try to do something Milton stops them

"what do you know?did you tell my father to do it...what are you planning this again after killing my wife, what is that you want?!!"

"I told you I didn't kill your wife(he says while removing Stephan's hands from him), she insisted that she wants to die so I let her...am not planning on anything am the one I should ask you what are you planning..... blocking my to reach my dream that's why I hated your wife because she played like she know everything about me..."

This leads prince Stephan to give prince Milton a punch then prince takes a sword and give a prince Stephan a small scratch by using his sword

"Do you call that a dream for someone like you who do not care for people who cares about you....my wife wanted to understand you bastard"says prince Stephan while holding where his wound is

" Understand me....then what is a dream, giving up the throne so you can become a teacher? ..but to me for you doing that is a good idea so am not the one who wants your damn college to be closed... brother you know you have so many weakness that it's so hard for me to choose which I should use... sometimes I wish I should use my father?"

"is he not your father too?"

" Your correct he is my father too so what a sort of it when he is not by my side I can use him,what about prince Danielle?"

"don't you see that he is your brother too"

" if so what about your friend Reen and your only son...!"

"don't you dare lay your hands to anyone of them !!..you will regret it"

"brother a last one there is me because I know you love me so much as your brother..see I know you can fight better than me but am the one who has a capability of killing you... hahahahahah! am sorry this is so funny to me"

Then prince Milton leaves his brother.

Prince Stephan found it is dangerous for his family staying closer to him for this time because he what Milton can do so he decides to take his son up to brother of his wife so he can live with them.

"I said I don't want to go please father let me stay here with you!"is a child who is about four years old.

"Milan please listen to your father go and stay with your uncle and after I take care of everything I will take you back with me"

"promise"still crying

"I promise!"

Prince Stephan knows closing that college many people will suffer especially his best friend Reen so he decides to visit him at Reen's house

"I think you already know about it...and am afraid there's nothing I can do to help you with this"says Reen

"Your right it's better if you stay out of this.. because you have someone to take care of" at that time Reen's wife is bringing a tea

"please follow what you're father say, accept being a crown prince"

" I don't deserve it.... and I don't want it.... Reen do you remember our hardships when we were establishing Almal? I said I would do anything for Almal remaining strong and my dream of becoming a great teacher never gone out my head.. "

"so do you wish for prince Milton becoming a crown prince while you know what he is capable of...if not Danielle who is only twenty years age"

"that's why I want to take care of everything without no one getting hurt and I want prince Danielle to become a next king I know he is young but he is wiser than Milton!... please Reen stay away from this... remember you have someone to take care of"

later at night prince Stephan meets with his father inside his father's bedroom chamber because a king is still sick

"Father why it have to be that college please don't close Almal college...why don't you make Danielle a next king "

"Stephan do you think becoming a king is something to play with...are you judging my choice?"

"it's not what I mean... Danielle is wise even if he is still young there is you...you can help him also ministers especially prime minister!"

"I want you to become a king do it as my last wish...if possible I want Milan to become a crown prince after you


"If you don't wish to see those students going home accept what I want you to..and am confident in you because I know you can and you deserve it ....if your coronation ceremony went well then am going to open that college"


"yes!..because now am weak this is my only way of winning you".

Almal college is a college which was established by Stephan with his friend Reen ten years ago. Almal college is a very big college which help young talents, teaches Martial arts and many things about life.

Tomorrow is a coronation day and prince is at palace at a certain room thinking on how he is not going to accomplish his dream then at his window there's a pigeon reach by with a message at his foot. He takes and read it

"I have your family!"

prince Stephan know who he which make him so angry"Milton don't force me to kill you"saying while holding tight that message. While doing that someone knock his door

"yes!...oh Danielle!"

"brother.. someone sent a message to me that I should make sure I go with you .... it seems so suspicious should I tell my father or police chief Mr welner"

"No! father is currently very weak"

"but what if something bad happens to you...and tommorow is your coronation"

"because I know who is and what he wants.. Danielle don't follow me!"

"he said I must go with you "

" don't follow me just give me an information about where he is!"

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