
Riahna, the spirit warrior

Riahna a civilian of the planet Grainen have limitless power on to her ledge. Lesas, the demon who got captured down by the civilians of Grainen in a war was released by betrayel. Lesas destroys Grainen. On the proximity of the destruction Riahna hits on Earth with no memory of past. She realises some strange power within her. She tries to understand the real Riahna. She wants to perish Lesas with it's roots. But on the other side the Americans try to capture her powers underneath. Will she destroy Lesas or will her powers be invaded by the Americans.Let's see. If you wanna judge the novel according to the given story line well I might as well suggest you to think again cause it's more than that and please let me know if there's any mistakes along the chapter's.

Madcap_Gal · Fantasía
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98 Chs

Trip to the centre of the universe

"So you ready?"asked Zack.

"Yep."said Riahna.

"You scared?"


"You can always talk to me if you want."

"Just shut up and get in."


Everybody (Jaydon, Grey, Aaron, Adhil, Noah, Riahna, Aldric, Zack) got into the spaceship and decided to take off for the great trip.

"So, it's time. We might die or live in this adventure but to be frank you guys are shit but I like you so let's go through ...."

"What the f**k?"said Noah.


"That was your big speech?"

"That was my big speech which was intensively ruined just right now."

"Don't get me wrong but you suck at this."

"Why, why does everyone stop in the middle of my big speech?"

"Cause you suck at it"

".... Whatever let's just go."

"How can we make it work?"asked Riahna.

"Well, Ragons are made from combining the five elements of the universe:fire, water, space, air and earth."

"So that's it?"

"You'll have to have a clear an concentrating mind."

"I think I have that."

"Study this. "

"What's this ?"

"A spell book."

"What do I need it for?"

"Just study it you might need it. It'll help you."

"Okay, whatever."

"Hey Zack!"called Aldric.


"I know you hate me well and sound. But let me explain."

"I don't need you to explain anything."

"The whole operation 305 thing and Jake being Jaydon and evrything. I know it's a lot to handle but she found it all and literally made me shut my lips sealed."

"Great cause she's my friend and she would always kick your ass."

"I know you're proud of that, I should've never talked you into it anyway, a storm's coming and we're in the center of it. It's better if we team up."

"I'm never ever going to team up with you."


"Ever."said Zack as he pushed him over to the fridge right behind him

"Hey, hey stop. No fighting in this spaceship on my watch."said Riahna.

"We're not fighting."

"Yeah, I technically saw you pushing him over to the fridge."

"I just pushed him"

"Stop and behave yourself okay. We're in the middle of nowhere. I don't want some people's corpse in this spaceship. Do you understand?"

"Yeah."murmured the both of them.

"Hey!"called out Noah.

"Hey."said Riahna.

"You studying?"

"Kind of."

"Am I being a sus?"


"You know disturbing you from your study time and all?"

"Nah, I think I'm happy to just talk a little rather than study all the time."

"Sooo, It's been a lot of days."


"You feel different."

"I do?"

"Your mind, it's stronger than ever.".

"Oh that,I've been doing something lately."

"Your powers came back to you?"

"Yeah, it did. Big news right?"

"But how?"

"I don't know it just came with the flow and has been there for a lot of time right now."

"You feel great?"

"Yeah, kinda."

"Girl, you're mind is strong as hell right now. I can't even get inside it."

"Ah, I think I outrun you huh?"

"I think so. You've been great huh?"

"Great, not the exact word to express it if you ask me."



3 hours later,

"Hey, we're approaching the destination."yelled Aldric. As they got closer and closer, they saw two guards standing there protecting the door to the centre of the universe. As they saw them coming, they started to get ready for any attack that might come near any time any where. Aldric asked Adhil to stop the spaceship and they got outside one by one. They got closer to the 'protecters' and as soon as they get close Aldric bowed before them in order to show them that they respect them and that they're not here for doing anything bad or something.

As soon as everyone else saw Aldric bowing to the 'protectors' they too decided to bow and did so too. The 'protecters' asked them kindly to stand up and asked them the reason why they are here.

"Why are you here?"

"Your respected, We come her for no harm to be done. We gather peace and only that. If you would be so kind to let us pass by, it'll be our pleasure."said Aldric.

"I'm afraid that that is not possible."

"Can you tell us why?"

"The last people who came here tried to steal the gems and ended up going to hell as a result. How do I make sure that you are good people?"

"We are good people."

"That was what he said too. I don't believe you entirely. I'm sorry I might as well ask you to leave. Please leave."

"We are not like them."

"I don't believe you so please get back or we'll be forced to attack you."

"This is not fair."

"This is our priority and we can do as much as we can so please get back."

They felt bad for ourselves for not allowed to get in, so they decided to walk back for another plan to be made. As soon as they started to walk back, the protecters saw the symbol of a dragon in both Riahna's and Zack's hands.They got startled by the sight and called them out.



"How did you get that?"asked the protecters while pointing the tattoo on both of their hands.

"Um... It's our spirit animal."said Zack.

"Who are you?"

"I'm a soldier of the planet Grainen and she's the princess of Grainen."

"I shall let you two get inside with me and my friend protecter will guard the door till I come."

"Why only us?"

"You'll know when you get inside."said the protecter while showing them the way to get inside. Zack and Riahna got inside along with the protecter and the door behind them closed within a second's lapse.

"This is gonna be a long night."said Aaron.

"Why them alone?"asked Jaydon.

"I don't know."said Aldric.

"How did you get inside?"

"Well... um.... huh...."

"You did something didn't you?"

"Yeah well I took the shape of the late king of Kalmork and they walked me inside."

"Oh My God."

"Well, Kalmork's king is the most powerful king of the century and I knew that they would let me inside."

"Not that."

"Then what?"

"Aaron's talking to the protecter."

"Oh My God."