
Chapter one: The beginning

The people of Elementia were been attacked by the people of damania, their ancestors were friends and allies but this present generation is something else. when the 135th king of damania came to power he went power hungry, and started war with other nations of the continent.

The people of Elementia were divided into four people, they controlled the four elements fire, water, air and Earth.

Eleanor's POV


It was really hard after the king of damania started attacking us. there was famine everywhere. if not for the water and Earth controllers we would have surrendered to the king of damania.

And it's really a hard time for me, I'm nine months pregnant and my delivery can be anytime this week.i can't believe it my children are going to be given birth during the war time, what if they get killed what if..., I'm not supposed to think about all these things, as the queen of Elementia I'm supposed to be optimistic. Besides thinking about all will just make me weak, at least I have to give birth to my children alive.

I remember my husband's face when the priest told me I'm going to give birth to twins, he looked liked he was going to die because of pain thinking about his children given birth in time of war.

Ouch,.....well that is normal I normally feel pain like this then it all goes away,

ouch,.....there came another one as I was about to move I saw fluid like water on the floor. oh my God do you think,.....

the pain came again but it was more painful than the last two one's, but the midwife said my delivery wasn't due until next week.i suddenly felt weak as if I wanted to die, I used the remaining strength in me to call my maids.

"Yes your highness" the maids said, I can they still be calling me highness when I'm in pain. I just pointed at my stomach, then one of them ran to call the midwife.


I was very pleased with my children but also sad at the same time also sad because they were being born and they might not make it ali... no I must not think about this. I went to their crib were they were sleeping peacefully.but they woke up immediately I came in I was expecting them to start crying but they didn't, as if they knew I didn't want them to cry.i wonder what they would be able to control, anyone born with royal blood can control anything related with what they can control. then I noticed something wrong with them, like something odd... when I looked closer I saw their eyes. the first one was icy blue and the other it was fiery red. this has never happened before. anyone with eyes relating to their powers is very powerful. but at least I Know what their powers are. funny enough I haven't named them yet.i will tell the king what their names would be.

Hi guys u hope y'all are enjoying the story ❤️. I hope for positive reviews.

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