

Shortly after the Chitauri invasion in New York another globally affecting incident occurs, one that Fury manages to keep under wraps however. Nanites are spreading around the world at a slow rate and turning some organisms into EVOs. The only known cure: Rex Salazar Pairing: Rex x Daisy / Rex x Ruby

Grimm_48 · TV
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11 Chs

diving into the ocean

disclaimer: I don't own Generator Rex or Agents of SHIELD

A Chopper is hovering over the ocean, piloted by an experienced SHIELD agent with a certain eyepatch wearing leader sitting beside him while in the back of the vehicle a younger man in his early to mid-twenties is looking at a device which shows a red dot pinging right at their location.

"It's right here. I'll take a look what's in the water." Rex Salazar informs Nick Fury, setting down the locator before a helmet like structure covers his head and top of his shoulders.

"Roger." Nick replies with a nod before the younger man slides open the chopper door and jumps out, while diving towards the water two rotors appear to come out of his shoulders like wings, the devices being a silver and copper color, blending together with the orange red jacket he wears over his otherwise all black clothing.

Shortly after diving into the cold water he sees a white cube on the bottom of the ocean and reports the sighting to Nick Fury over his communicator.

"It's from a Shield air craft, my guess would be the bus." Nick informs Rex, who then gets swerves in the water at a sudden onrush of air coming from the now blown open container.

"It just blew open I'll see what happened." Rex reports and his rotor wings speed up in their rotation, reaching the container quickly and sees a woman and a man only slightly older than him, the woman appears to be pinned under a part of the blown out door while the young man is floating in front of her unconscious.

Rex dives into the small space and attempts to free the woman, but she shakes her head and motions for him to take the man up first.

Rex nods and grabs the young man, quickly swimming out of the cube and flying out of the water, tossing the man into the open chopper before diving right back down and racing to the woman.

When he arrives at her location she is barely able to stay conscious, clutching her hands in front of her face.

Rex turns his left arm into a big metal claw and starts breaking apart the door part pinning her down while his mask disappears and he tugs away her hands with his free one, pressing his mouth to hers and gives her some of his air while holding onto her shoulder to try and keep her from panicking.

Moments later he manages to free her and they swim out of the container together before Rex wraps his arms around her and constructs his rotor wings again, flying out of the water quickly, both breathing heavily once they are at fresh air.

"Come on. We need to get these two to medical quickly." Nick says, holding his hand out from the back of the chopper while the woman's companion is already strapped to a bench securely.

Rex flies over to him and helps the woman into the chopper before going in himself, his constructs disappearing in moments.

"Director Fury." Jemma Simmons says with a strained voice.

"We found the locator beacon you send out. We were originally looking for a friend of mine, any idea where Phil is?" Nick asks.

Jemma then manages to tell Nick about the locator she and Simmons managed to place on the bus before passing out.

"Who are they?" Rex asks, wringing out his jacket while pushing up his goggles, looking at the two scientists.

"Jemma Simmons and Leopold Fitz, they are scientists of the team we are looking for." Nick Fury informs him while the pilot takes them away.

Soon after Nick and Rex infiltrated the tech compound where Coulson and his team are taking on Hydra and their army of empowered soldiers.

While Nick Fury splits off from the superhuman man to help his old comrade he sends Rex to take care of the control center holding the soldiers of the Deathlok program hostage.

"Knock knock!" Sky hears a shout from behind her as she's trying to talk the head of the command center into showing her where Hydra keeps the incentives, in other words the prisoners used to make the implanted soldiers follow their commands.

"What the fuck." Skye curses, pulling the guy with the backpack she taped to his chest hide behind a cubicle wall as a young Hispanic man enters the room flashily while swinging a giant metal fist the size of his own torso through the entrance door.

"Huh?" He mumbles, pushing up the leather goggles he's wearing upon seeing the room empty.

"Where is everyone?" He asks himself, walking down the middle of the room, heading right to Skye and the Hydra employee.

Hearing a struggle from the room to his left Rex is about to head over there until he sees Melinda May fight with a dark-haired man.

"Guess she's on Coulson's team." Rex mumbles to himself as he continues walking down the aisle of cubicles until he reaches the end where Skye and the Hydra employee look at him scared while kneeling behind a cubicle wall.

"And who are you?" Rex asks, his arm turning into a sharp blade with gears and mechanical designs sticking out from its connection to his arm.

"Fuck it. I'm not gonna get captured by another one of Garrett's experiments!" Skye curses and takes a deep breath before charging at Rex headfirst with a wild swing.

"Who's Garrett?" Rex asks, easily catching the unskilled woman in a secure hold while his blade dissipates, holding onto her wrists with one hand while holding them behind her.

"What do you mean who's Garrett? Your boss." Skye grumbles while struggling against Rex's hold.

"I came with Fury." Rex says confused.

"Rex? She's with us let her go." Melinda then informs the man, arriving in the room after beating up Hydra sleeper Agent Ward.

"Sorry." Rex says releasing the brunette immediately.

"Now, where are the incentives?" Skye immediately asks the captured Hydra worker, who brings them to the prison section holding the hostages and releases all of them.

"Looks like I missed quite the story huh?" Rex asks, watching multiple people leave cells in a hurry while Skye appears to be searching for a specific hostage, rushing from door to door.

"Found him!" Skye shouts when she finds Deathlok aka. Mike's son and tries to comfort the young kid while trying to get a message out to Mike.

Deathlok now freed wastes no time in assaulting and beating John Garrett to a pulp while Nick and Coulson, who were struggling against the man watch.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were Hydra." Rex apologizes to Skye awkwardly when the two leave the building to rendezvous with Nick and Coulson.

"Oh and one request. Make sure Rex can do his work and maybe try to help him here and there." Nick tells Coulson leaving via chopper, having just made him the new director of shield and told him to build the organization from scratch.

"What does he mean by work?" Coulson questions the Latino.

"It's kind of a long story." Rex says.

"We have a long pane ride back ahead of us you can fill everyone in." Coulson says with his usual relaxed grin, leading him to the team and everyone heads to their ride once they are together.

"The first thing you must know is that shortly after the rise of the Avengers there was an accident in a lab that SHIELD covered up." Rex tells everyone once they are settled on their ride and the team is gathered.

"No surprise there." Skye remarks, Melinda rolling her eyes at the trainee.

"Anyways, during that accident microscopic machines called nanites were released and spread over the globe, they don't have much effect yet... in most cases but some organisms react with them. The cause is still unclear as far as I know but the result is the mutation of said organisms. It can be trees, animals or humans that react basically anything and the reaction also varies a lot." Rex explains.

"Then why haven't we heard of something like this?" Skye asks in disbelief.

"Because Fury recruited me to shut down the nanites in the mutated organisms we find. They revert to their original state once this is done." Rex explains.

"And how can you do that?" Coulson asks.

"Fury found me close to the accident... For some reason the nanites react differently with me I control them not the other way around. I can shut them down or do things like this." Rex says, holding out his hand and it turns into a copper, steampunk shield.

"Why were you at the accident site?" Coulson asks, stepping onto the plane with everyone.

"I wish I knew. I have amnesia. I remember some of my childhood but not much in all honestly. Mostly some flashes of who I guess are my family." Rex answers.

"So we are supposed to help you stop those nanites things?" Skye asks.

"If you want to. I think it'd be nice to have some comrades." Rex says with a hopeful smile.

"We'll discuss this later. For now we should focus on establishing a base after Hydra's emergence." Coulson says, Melinda nodding in agreement before heading to the cockpit to take over the plane again and getting it out of autopilot.