
Chapter 34: Alluring death.

(On the unknown floor)

Madam was escorted by 10 people in suits and oversized coats that they put over their shoulders. She looked at the massive palace in front of her and looked around at the majestic empire. She then entered the palace where maids and servants were cleaning the palace.

"Please wait a moment, Madam. The executives are currently in a meeting," An old man who acted like a butler stood in front of a white door with a gold frame and carvings. "I'm not trying to be rude, Madam, but you should dress up more properly next time," he looked at the inappropriate clothes that Madam wore.

Madam that had a black leather jacket over her shoulders immediately put it on and zipped it up to her neck. She raised her eyebrows as she looked at the butler and showed a forced smile at him. The butler didn't say anything or make any expressions, but he immediately averted his gaze and stared at the wall behind Madam.

Madam was staring at how great the empire was from above, and she still couldn't believe something like that was built in a single night. She then heard the door being open, and when she turned around, the butler nodded his head to tell her it was okay for her to get inside.

Madam entered the meeting room, and it was dark with zero light that couldn't be seen inside or coming inside. She stood there and could only see the necks down of those executives. The moment the door was closed, it was pitch-black and it was impossible to see even though Madam had the ability to see in complete darkness.

"I thought you were going to deal with that thing down there on the 1st floor," A soft man's voice could be heard in the distance.

"I was until I believe this matter is not that simple," Madam answered. "I believe this has something to do with the Resistance," she said with confidence.

"Funny that you said that when the truth is it wasn't," A woman's voice responded. "I have seen Hien's dead body and he was killed by that Non-Player. He was underestimating his enemy and he got what he deserved," she continued.

"So, it wasn't them? And Hien died because of that Non-Player that had just entered the tower?" Madam asked and she didn't sound convinced by the truth.

"Yes, but you're right about something," A manly voice answered. "That Non-Player, if he's that strong even though he just entered the tower, the Resistance would want him to be on their side," he pointed out. "So thanks to you who handled the issue, we found something good and an opportunity to lure out those rats," he continued.

Madam didn't have anything to say, and the atmosphere became so eerie when it became silent.

"There's another report that just arrived earlier, Madam. The same man killed 4 Players inside an inn a week ago, all of their heads are missing. It seems that this man has some kind of grudge against Players to see him kill them like that," the woman informed. "Seeing him make another scene means that he has recovered. To think he survived after that fight with Hien, he must have some powerful allies," she added.

"Do you think it's them?" Madam asked.

"If you can find that Swamp Knight and bring his dead body here to me, I would know the answer," The woman responded. "But I believe that Swamp Knight is no longer in that forest, I assume?" she asked Madam.

"Yes, I went to check and there was nothing there. I found a cave where those Non-Players lived, but they have long gone," Madam answered. "I don't think they would go to Vern after that incident, so I believe that man who killed Hien is alone now," she speculated.

"We will find out once I observe their dead bodies," The woman responded. "Also, we know what the man looks like, he's quite young and somehow handsome. With that being said, since you used to be the infamous headhunter, do you know how to find him?" she asked.

"The last thing you want is to put his face everywhere. So letting him travel around the floor makes him think that he's safe and unnoticed. After that, I just need to send my trusted aides to be my eyes. When we find him, I'll make sure to bring him here alive if you want," Madam answered.

"Excellent!" The woman was excited. "Bring your dogs and meet me in my office. I'll let all of you know what the man looks like," she said.

"That's all for this meeting. You can leave now, Madam," The soft man's voice said.

Madam nodded her head and then left the meeting room after the butler opened the door for her.

Madam always had her aides by her side, and those aides were the ones who escorted her earlier. The infamous 11 Fingers, but Hien died which meant there were only 10 of them left. They went to the other side of the palace which took them 5 minutes of walking in the hallway because of how big it was.

They arrived at a grand hall and there were two stairs that led to the second floor. That was where Madam had to be, to meet with the woman. She and her aides went upstairs and before they could enter, a barrier prevented them from touching the door.

"Alright, you guys can come in," A woman's voice could be heard from inside.

"If you want to live, close your eyes and don't even dare to open them while you're inside," Madam warned as she put her hands on the handle. "Don't even dare, to open them, understood?" she coldly asked her aides.

All of them nodded their heads and closed their eyes.

Madam opened the doors and she entered with her aides who had their eyes closed. She saw a woman in a sexy blue dress with a transparent silk scarf that she wrapped around her shoulders. She had beautiful white-pink hair and alluring light blue eyes.

"That's no fun..." The woman said as she crossed her legs and arms, staring at the men with their eyes closed. "If you're interested, you can feast your eyes," she smiled and made a sexy and soothing voice.

All of them knew that they would die if they opened their eyes, and somehow their bodies didn't want to listen to their minds. Their eyelids were trying to open themselves not because they wanted to. When they were about to open their eyes, Madam unsheathed her dagger and stabbed it at the marble desk, producing a loud cracking sound that snapped them.

"I don't care if you're the executive, but if you're toying with my men, you'll be on my death list," Madam stared coldly at the woman.

"Don't be so grumpy, Madam. I'm just fooling around," The woman smiled gently at Madam. "Since you don't like to beat around the bush, I'll just get straight to the point. So give me your hand, and those rough masculine hands of your dogs," she looked at the men in front of her.

Madam put her hand on the woman's hand, and once it was done, one of the men reached out his hand at the woman. The woman held his hand and caressed it as she giggled, and when she was about to kiss it, Madam slammed the desk and this time it almost broke the whole thing.

"I swear, don't make me pull my second dagger," Madam warned and she looked pissed at the woman for her stupid play.

The woman smiled and then gave everyone a vision of Hien's last moment. They could see Rigel's face and they knew what he looked like, what he sounded like.

"It's done," The woman said as she sighed. "You can leave now, except for you, Madam. There's something that I want to discuss with you," she said as she squinted her eyes at Madam.

Everyone left the room, leaving Madam with the woman alone, and the atmosphere became heavy in an instant. No matter how harmless and weak the woman was, she was a part of the executive, which meant she was in the top 5 of Players on the leaderboard. Madam would have no chance to win when it came to fighting her alone, and what she did earlier was already beyond forgiveness.

"I don't like when you tried to dig some information about me, Madam," The woman's voice turned cold and the cheerful side of her had turned into malice.

Madam immediately closed her eyes and her heart started pounding really fast. The soothing voice of the woman had turned into a voice of death itself.

"I'm just curious, how can someone who has lived over 300 years can stay young," Madam responded and her hands started to tremble.

"Why don't you start climbing the tower again and find the answer yourself? Go beyond the 70th floor and you will know," The woman whispered into Madam's right ear. "If I see you poking your finger at me, I'll make that face of yours unrecognizable that your dogs would try to kill you for your ugliness," she warned.

"Is there anything else?" Madam asked calmly and coldly.

"No! You can leave," The woman's voice turned back to normal and the atmosphere as well the moment she smiled.

Madam opened her eyes and avoided the woman's eyes as she hurriedly left the room.

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