
New blessed land

~Sha Jing Oasis~

Two young men can be seen seated at a teahouse in a village in periphery of the Huang super clan village that rule the Oasis and its surrounding. 

"Where do we need to meet the client." Ask Yize.

"In a village closer to the Huang village." Answer Yuzhe.

"Then why are we seated at a teahouse so far away from the meeting place?"

"You can learn many things from a clan just with seeing the living conditions of mortal under the clan protection. Tell Yize what do you see?" Yuzhe question back.

"Buildings and roads are in good conditions; they are clean and cared for but the mortals are all rushed while the Gu master parade themselves around the roads as if they have all the time in the world." Answer Yize.

"This fronts the clan put up with the infrastructures prove the importance of pride in this clan probably sue to them reigning supreme here while being protected by Gu Immortal, and the clear differences in the conduct of mortals and Gu masters show us how mortals have no hope here while Gu master became conceit and have a clear lack of urgency and vigilance." Yuzhe explains to Yize in hope of him starting to develops a critical thinking.

"That is what you call the righteous hypocrisy?" he answers linking the explanation to a past lecture on how human relation works.

"Exactly" Finishes Yuzhe

Standing after finishing their tea, the two brothers continue their travel to finally reach the meeting point.

"Are you Yuzhe the Informant?" asks an old man with a token with five marks at his waist as they enter the restaurant.

"Yes, and you are?"

"Ju Kai, but people call me 'The Scorpion'" He answers, with a hint of pride at the end.

"Nice to meet you, Scorpion, I heard a lot about you, your strength is widely acknowledged around here."

"But we are here for business so tell me Scorpion what is that you need?" Yuzhe asks the old man.

Ju Kai actives a Gu making the place silent and explain:

"I need to find a rare Gu material, it' a part of the Spectral Raven a Rank 4 mutated beast, but unfortunately, it's quite hard to find since it can go spectral and I can't find it in when it is."

"That explain the meeting location. We can probably find it, and I suppose that you will come with us to catch it?"

"Yes, I will after all you are only Rank 3 and fighting isn't part of your services."


~Next day morning~

They left early for Green Ghost desert, an extremely dangerous place marred with soul beast and soul path related materials of nearly all ranks. 

They reach the edge of the desert one hour before noon, making pause to take a launch before entering the eerie desert full of spooky tree. 

It took them two hours to find the Spectral Raven using a wind path killer move that was part of the complete inheritance. 

"The raven is on the tree 2 li in that direction" Point Yize after locating it.

"Ok, you can stay here while I conceal myself and approach it." Say the Scorpion as if the raven was already in his hand.

Yuzhe and Yize watch as Ju Kai approach the raven while using a concealment Gu no noticing how the raven eyes lightly move to let the approaching Gu master in his peripheric field of view.

When Jun Kai reaches the fifteen-meter mark, in his range to capture the raven, it flew away turning spectral and phasing through three trees before disappearing. 

Jun Kai seeing the raven fly away let out a low growl and join up with the two young.

The 'Scorpion' tried a few more time but every time the ravens flew away and disappear after phasing through 3 trees. 

Seeing the beaten look of Jun Kai, Yuzhe decides to enlighten him.

"You know that if you pay us for the task of finding the Spectral Raven and ask us to help you capture it for a similar price we could probably help." 

Jun Kai throws a look at Yuzhe and Yize before sighing and giving an information Gu containing knowledge about a Rank 4 Gu recipe.

"The Spectral Raven is an interesting species that use two paths manly, soul path being the main and most visible, but they also us wind path to orient themselves and recon their surroundings." I explain while using a killer move blocking the smell, sound and wind displacement linked to movement.

Ju Kai understanding why he failed every time, nod gratefully while doing it again under the cover of my killer move letting him finally kill a Spectral Raven. 

After thanking us and paying our services with another information we split up with him leaving for another desert and us staying here, taking some trees before teleporting back to the Blessed land after he left far enough.

In the Fierce wind Blessed land, nothing really changes outside of a new forest and group of mutated beasts appear at a previously empty plain. 

The forest is made of Ghost Crying trees and the beasts are Spectral Ravens, everything was collected during our stay in the Green Ghost desert. 

Yuzhe chooses to take this particular species because both are attuned to wind path Dao mark while being mostly soul path oriented. 

Soul path is a fundamental path that boost many other paths and Yuzhe will surely delve in it one time or another.

Speaking of fundamental, Yuzhe thinks about that Tian Blessed land and the urgency of claiming it before a disaster happen.

With that in mind, Yuzhe start planning an easy way to obtain a token, and the easiest conclusion is a teleportation of the token inside his untraceable pocket dimension where time is stopped. After why planning something complicated when you can just create an invisible portal next to one of the team, drop some powerful beast and teleport a token in the confusion.

With the plan made, Yuzhe just need to find an unimportant team that lacks connection to strong people and to find a beast to throw at them.

~Rock Pillar Desert, a month later~

After waiting a week, the unimportant Tian clan team finally decides to take a mission in a place where encountering an accident is possible.

Yuzhe hidden far away only using the invisible portal he put around the place watch as the team walk through the Rock Pillar desert while following a safe path dodging every strong beast territory, well they should have if a Hundred beast King of the Sand Turtle beasts along with his pack didn't reveal themselves as the team step down of a fallen stone pillar to the sand making them enter in the territory of the Turtle pack.

"Retreat !!!" Shout the leader nearly instinctively, but still a bit late as one of his teammates got cut by a sand spear of the Beast King.

Noticing that the Gu master token flew out of his waist, Yuzhe react promptly and put the token inside his dimension.

With his mission accomplished, Yuzhe disappear from the Stone Pillar desert while he reappears inside the Blessed land of the Tian super clan member.

His arrival led to the arachnoid land spirit sudden apparition and his demands related to the token.

With a quick teleportation of the token, the arachnoid has no choice but to submit making Yuzhe the master of the Myriad Formations Blessed land.

With Zhumao, extremely happy with her new status, she begins by explaining everything related to the Blessed land, being an apex Rank 7 blessed land, having a complete Formation path inheritance with immortal Gu and a true meaning, with it also has multiple resource points with some more interesting and lucrative than other.

Yuzhe decides to use every information Gus present in the Blessed land, before accepting the true meaning making him jump from Quasi-master to Grandmaster in the Formation path.

With his new attainment and knowledge, Yuzhe during the next months, quickly develops his ideas previously unrealisable. 

The main one being an original Gu Formation Core Gu, a Gu that has the same use as the Formation heart Gu but can rotate to show a second formation without having to remove the actual and then rebuild another. He of course replaces Formation Heart natal Gu with it 

That Gu reduces one of the main weaknesses of the Formation path being the time need to set up a formation.

The new Gu makes it harder to create a formation since you have to merge two of them into a single one, but it doesn't really matter for him with his Grandmaster attainment in the Formation path.

He also develops his own original formation, the five-element formation, its rank is defined by the Rank of the five core Gu, it's extremely versatile, the formation can attack, restrain, conceal, defend and heal.

 As Yuzhe takes a stroll through the Myriad Formations Blessed Land, he notices the Architect Spider Desolate Beasts webs, this specie is one of the few beasts that are purely from the Formation path, the webs are built like a Gu master build formation, as one of the spiders moves one of its legs, the web moves but didn't deform. 

The lack of deformation appears in Yuzhe mind as a Eureka, he finally has a clue on how to move a formation without having to break it or having to make a Gu house.

He just needs to use spider string to link every Gu that makes the formation to move it without problem. It might be useless for many formations but at least his Five elements formation will be able to move making it a proto-Gu house.

Yuzhe teleports back to his new chamber inside the Myriad Formations Blessed land and call the Zhaomu. 

He asks her to harvest some spider threads from all the spider species here and to buy enough refinement materials to refine multiple Gus composing the Five-Elements formation.

Yuzhe passes his next few days refining Gus and a profonde frustration hit him with the number of failed refinements, most of them being at the last step which you can't influence without Luck path.

And that give him an idea, if he is too weak to influence it at least he might be strong enough to know if it will work before starting and that train of thought lead to the heaven defying Gu, Coin Toss Gu, Iron Coin Toss Gu for Rank 1 to Diamond Coin Toss Gu for Rank 5. 

That peculiar Gu will when in use throw himself spinning in the air before landing on the Gu master hand, the face of the coin answers the Gu master question, it has only one use a day and can only answer question of the same or weaker Rank. 

Of course, the question is restricted to matter that are entirely up to fate.

With my new Gu, the number of failed refinements is reduced to my refinement prowess.

Knowing that reaching master attainment in refinement path might take a while, Yuzhe decide to create a simple refinement formation using his Grandmaster attainment letting him use some mortal refinement material as the formation component to create an environment more favourable for refining.

 With that formation, Yuzhe after some weeks was able to refine Linked Component Gu, a Gu that if part of a formation makes the formation a whole letting it moves without breaking.

With this new Gu, his Five elements formation is now able to move making it one step closer to a mortal Gu house lacking only the energy storage feature.

The only mortal energy storage/production Gu known to Yuzhe is the Heavenly lotus Gu created using spirit spring, unfortunately he doesn't know the recipe making him stuck at this stage.


Author's note : I may have fucked up the time dilatation in the last chapter, the attainment system in RI lack a great deal of consistency.

I also lack the writing skills necessary to write faster and make the read more intuitive.