
Reverend Insanity - New History

Shai Yang reincarnates in the world of his favorite novel, Reverend Insanity, now he needs to become as strong as possible, because this world is dangerous, after all, it is the Gus World. This story is a Fanfic based on the 2334 chapters of Reverend Insanity, if you haven't read the original story it is highly recommended that you do, as many concepts explained there will be used here, and I don't intend to explain them here either. This story is just the translation of the Portuguese version, Reverend Insanity - Nova História.

Henrique_Pinheiro · Cómic
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17 Chs

Chapter 02 - The World of Gus Part 1

Chapter 02 - The world of Gus Part 1

Gu are the essence of all things, in this world Gu worms are used by people to fight for power, it is the Gu along with cultivation level and skill that define the strength hierarchy.

In Reverend Insanity Fang Yuan, the protagonist also came from the earth just as Shai Yang, being a demon from another world, destroyed the Gu of Fate and cultivated it to level nine, becoming a Venerable Demon.  Unfortunately, the novel was banned by the Chinese government, so Shai Yang doesn't know the ending.  According to information that Shai Yang gathered through trade caravans, he came to this world about twenty years before Fang Yuan was born, he was now fifteen, it was about five years before Fang Yuan was born.


At dinner, Shai Yang sat across from his mother Shai Shi, and beside his father, who was at the head of the table.  The man was tall, thin, had broad chest and arms, dark brown hair and dark eyes, was in his early forties, and was a Rank 4 Middle Stage Gu Master.

Shai Yang's mother was a beautiful woman even at the age of around thirty-five, she was thin, not too short, dark brown hair and deep black eyes, having Rank 3 Initial Stage cultivation, having advanced only a short time.

Shai Yang had an average height of around 1.70m and was thin, his arms were not thick, but it was clear that his physical strength was above average.  Her hair and eyes were like her mother's, having a pretty face.  He was just a mortal, he hadn't started his journey in the cultivation world yet.

Dinner had been silent so far, as usual, the father and mother were cold to their son, not having much room for feelings.  It was then that, to break the pattern, Shai Chuan started a conversation.

"Tomorrow is the awakening ceremony, you must achieve at least grade B aptitude so that in the future you can become a clan elder."

"Yes father".

Shai Yang replied coolly.  He had no affection for his parents or anyone else in the clan.  He had come from another world where he was 30 years old, he didn't see those people who gave birth to him like his parents.  But he couldn't afford to disagree with his father, otherwise the outcome would be bad for him.

Shai Yang had a goal in this life, to become as strong as possible and live as long as possible, fulfilling his wishes, unlike Fang Yuan, who in the novel wanted Eternal Life.

Of course, if there was a chance for Shai Yang to get Eternal Life, he would grab it, but he didn't have much confidence in it, after all not even the Level Nine Venerables could, a mere Shai Yang with a little knowledge about the future could?

He had more realistic goals, and had already started to work on them, since the age of six he had been training martial arts with a lot of effort, already surpassing most of the new generation.  He also sought to acquire as much knowledge of this world as possible through the trade caravans and mainly through the clan library.

Now that he had trained his martial arts and acquired enough knowledge, it was time to take the next step, awakening his aperture tomorrow at the clan awakening ceremony and starting to cultivate.

This chapter was longer, but I thought it would be better this way, as this is an introductory chapter to the story, I hope you enjoyed it, leave your feedback and share it with friends :)

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