
Revenge of the half-demon cultivator on his second life.

Xie Ra was a stranger who suddenly appeared in the peaceful Yulong village out of nowhere. He had a hard time adjusting to his new environment. Being amnesic didn't make it easy for him. Under the wings of kind elder Mo Xing, Xie Ra started to believe his life would be fine from now on. But, fate seemed to have other plans. Sadly, One tragic incident forced Xie Ra to leave his village life behind. However, fate didn't stop playing with Xie Ra after this. He regained his memory and learned how unfortunate his previous life was. The innocent, childlike cultivator who just wanted to be a swordsman... What happened to him? How would he face the fact that he unjustly condemned and murdered by his own friends? Would he make peace with the fact that he was half-demon? A half-breed offspring of the ancient abyssal race? Would it be easy for him to build his cultivation crumb by crumb, from the mortal realm to above? He cannot forgive. He cannot forget. "They will pay for their sins." For the first time in his life, his smile became malicious. (PS: I don't own the drawing of the cover picture. I sadly couldn't find the artist. If you know please kindly tell me to give them credit. :D)

Unorthodox_Quill · Oriental
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52 Chs


Life is full of wonders.

No one knows what is waiting for them in the future. Yet, as humans, everyone has a secret dream, a wish they want to become true.

The person they desire to become, to live a joyful life surrounded by their cherished ones. You will never know when you will reach the greatest glory, happiness, and peace you crave.

However, sadly, you will never know when it will be taken away from you.

Life is such a teaser, a torturer, and it won't think twice before pushing you into the darkest abyss of hopelessness, hatred, regret, or pain.

Like a mama-bird pushing off its little hatchling from a cliff to teach him how to fly, life will also take you to a higher point and push you down from your throne of glory.

Then before you get destroyed completely, life will save you. This again leads to new hope…


Xie Ra had faced the same cruelty of life. He didn't even know what happened to him. He was dropped into the midst of strangers with no memories or a guarantee about his protection. Then life sent an angel to look after him, Uncle Mo.

One year and two months passed after Xie Ra appeared for the first time, at the eastern border of Yulong village.

By this time Xie Ra's life started to have positive changes. Uncle Mo looked after him as his son. Yan Ye became that jolly grandfather figure who always had interesting stories to tell.

Surprisingly, our bitter melon became closer with Xie Ra. They became like brother figures. City merchant Lan Xi visited the village duo from time to time which always ended up with some disaster.

However, Mo Xing or Yan Lou didn't prevent Xie Ra and Ning Bo from Lan Xi's company. As proud fathers, they looked at this chaotic trio as they had fun as normal youths do.

Xie Ra felt like his life was becoming more colourful. He found himself laughing often. Becoming a part of the 'unofficial brotherhood of three' put the full stop to his previous lonely life.

As soon as they found an opportunity, he and uncle Mo used to visit Yan's residence to have some good times.

But, Xie Ra couldn't say that this positive change applied to his job as well. Unfortunately, their current contractor was a living image of the word "asshole".

He was a son of a rich merchant family who lived a very comfortable life therefore he didn't understand the lives of these villagers. He loved to act like a boss and bark at poor labourers for pointless reasons.

This man single-handedly converted their working hours into a living nightmare.

Xie Ra heard from AhLan that this man was hated among other merchants as well because of his nasty personality.

"Big-bellied peacock".

That was how AhLan named this merchant.

That brat knew how to insult.

A slight smile painted on Xie Ra's lips. Even Mo Xing, who was sipping his evening tea sitting in front of Xie Ra, noticed that. He remembered how rarely this youth smiled on first few months. Nobody was delighted as Mo Xing about this transformation.

He loved this kid as his own. Maybe heaven sent an angel to accompany his last days. Mo Xing's heart swelled with warmth.

"Cough, cough"

Xie Ra jumped as he heard Mo Xing coughing again. This winter managed to make the poor old Mo sick. Xie Ra hurriedly poured a cup of warm water for him. Uncle Mo' gently patted the younger boy's head.

Xie Ra stiffned under uncle Mo's touch. His electric blue eyes filled with confusion.

Uncle Mo smiled kindly at Xie Ra.

"I used to regret the fact that I had no kids. When I was young, I thought I didn't need a woman or kid so I used to ignore my mother when she was talking about marriage.

Even now I don't want a woman but I felt the emptiness for not having a child of my own." Mo Xing sipped his warm water.

"When I saw Yan Lou with his son, I always felt so lonely and sad. At times like that, I used to reflect on how foolish I was for not listening to my mother.

However, finally, heaven has shown mercy to this poor old man and gave him a son.

Thank you for coming into this old man's life… Son"

It was too much. Simply too much. Xie Ra's eyes filled with tears. 'Son'. That simple world turned his whole world upside down. He always thought how wonderful it would be if Uncle Mo was his father.

Xie Ra wiped his tears only to see Mo Xing looking at him lovingly, with tear-filled eyes. He hugged him tightly but, carefully, without hurting this loving elderly man.

Yes… Life is wonderful. Xie Ra has a family now.

A father of his own.

Bàba- Father

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation! ◕‿◕

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