

My sister Blessing walked toward the entrance of the Rosey Boutique. Some people came out and started taking pictures of the daughter of the richest man in the whole wide world. I know they will not be able to get a good picture because she was masked as usual and the bodyguards were really doing a great job by not allowing anyone to come close nor touch my sister Blessing. Finally, they stepped into the boutique and she started buying what she came for and i was forced to stay for a longer time as they crowd were still much at the entrance of the boutique. My sister did not do as if i was outside as that was our plan not to let anyone know that i was her younger brother and the only son of the richest man. So, i waited for an extra 30 minutes after she went in and when i was ready to go in, i droped my mask in the back seat of the car and on a second thought, i wanted to go in with it but i changed my mind as i wanted to see whether i will be recognised as i am already tired of trying to hide my face from the entire world. I dropped the mask and started walking toward the entrance of the boutique and immediately i was few inches away from the door. It seemed as if someone shouted my name was behind, I did not want to turn at first, so i continued walking but someone said, he is Prime the son of the richest Mr. John. The other person said, he is not the one, how will the richest man on earth allow his only son to be walking on the street like this alone without a body guard. The other person said, look, here is his picture, is it not the same person and they seem to realize i was the one before them and they shouted Prime. Immediately i heard my name, i did not know why i turned but it seemed something just spined me around against my wish as i wanted to pretend i was not the one. As i turned, the shouted, "he is the one", "it is Prime, the only son of Mr. John the billionaire". I tried to rush to the entrance of the boutique as to avoid attracting more attention that i may not be able to control. I turn to walk faster but as i turned my face, alot of people were already before me taking pictures and screeming, some using their front camera to record a live video on their social media platform.

David_Chinedu · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
45 Chs

Caught In The Cave

Someone is inside the cave, one of them that came into the cave first shouted coming closer to me.

I sat quietly without moving or altering any single word.

I know, it is a waste if i should do anything now that i have been caught red handed.

Everything was over including my dreams of starting a new life.

my dreams of getting a legal job is all over as i wait for my karma to deal with me.

I found him. 'Who?' The thief that snatched the gold out of Mrs. Philips land this morning.

The gold is here too! He said grabbing the gold even as some other men came in roughly, they grabbed me and dragged me out of the cave as an animal.

Immediately, we got out of the cave, they started beating me.

Some where using sticks while others were using whatever they could find to hit me until my nody started gushing out blood.

I was just shouting for the pain and the injury they are inflicting on me.

I cried and cried until Mrs. Philip came and stopped them from beating me.

Mrs. Philip asked me, 'are you the one that snatched the gold from my hands this morning on my way to the bank?'

Who else will it be? The men that dragged me out shouted and continued beating me, after few minutes of beating.

Mrs. Philip asked them to stop hitting me and let me answer for myself.

Are you the one that snatched the gold out of my hands this morning on my way to the bank?

I tried to say a word but nothing was coming out. The next thing that happened was that someone kicked my mouth and blood started flowing again.

Can't you talk! They shouted at me.

This is what my parent told me about being a street boy, they told me never to engage in stealing or any immoral action.

They said the street will not allow you get to the police alive but incase you do, just know that your God have saved you because other criminals will join in beating you when you are finally caught.

One of the rule of the street is that, you can do anything you want to do but never you be caught because what ever happens to you if you are caught is no longer anybody's problem.

I answered, Yes ma!

The next thing i remembered was someone hitting my head with an iron and the next thing was that my head started spinning, blood everywhere and then i fainted.

I woke hours later and found myself in a closed house with water in a bottle.

I rushed the water and took it and drank it quickly as i was too thirsty.

Someone came in and shouted, he is alive and Mr. Philip and someone that may be Mr. Philip and two other men came in and help me to seat up.

The man i thought to be Mr. Philip officially introduced himself to be Mr. Philip and he asked me why i have decided to be stealing in the street.

I couldn't say a word but all i did was to cry and i kept on crying as if i had something to say but nothing was coming out.

They watched me cry without saying anything to me.

Mr. Philip said that they brought me into their house as i fainted outside the cave earlier, that they thought i was dead, so they refused to inform the police about it but now that i am awake, that it is better that i speak up for myself of i will be sent to jail and they reminded of a law i already know that i will be spending 15 years in prison for stealing in the States.

Mrs. Philip said, if you can talk to us, we can try to help you out but if you can't give us anything solid for your actions then know it that you will definitely spent that 15 precious years of your life in prison and not only that but with hard labor because you locally melted a gold that was worth millions of dollar.

I manage to start talking because that was the only thing i know that could save me or not.

I started with how my family was destroyed by a man that my family trusted and everything that have happened to me.

I also told them how i got to the street and how i met Princewill and how he introduced me to the stealing with the promise that we are going to get a house and start a legal job and how i woke up to discover that i have been betrayed the second time by my own friend Princewill.

So i decided to increase my stealing as to leave the street in 1 year or less that was why i saw the gold but decided to take the risk to get it because all my intentions weren't to stay in the street forever but to be a responsible man and get married and have a beautiful family.

But here am i seating on the floor explaining myself for something i never believed i would ever be pressured to do.

I gave them all my story but made sure i never mentioned that i was the son and the only heir of the one time richest and most powerful family in the whole world.

I thought that was not necessary to mention as i was assumed dead by the whole world but only my uncle Mr. Sam knew that i was alive and desperately wants me dead but he will succeed as i am already worst than dead.

After hearing me, they went out and after few minutes Mr. and Mrs. Philip walked in alone and asked me what my plans are if they refuse to inform the police and let me go.

I told them that i have no plans as my plan is aways the same which is to go back to the street because i will get hungry and also need something to eat.

They said, we can take you considering the fact that you have suffered a lot but on one condition.

I was eager to hear their condition because i was very ready to leave the street for good.

And they said, their condition is that i will leave with them but i will make sure i follow every of their instruction.

That any day i disobey them, they will inform the police of this incident and i will be in prison as they've already taken few of my pictures as evidence against me.