
Retrying as a Villain Until I Get Things Right

Our poor protagonist is sent to the game he used to play, but as a villain that was destined to die. With a limited amount of lives, how does he survive in this world that wants to kill him, let alone the protagonist?

Salad_Adressing · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Bringing Game Mechanics To Life

With the awareness of the oncoming conflict hanging in the air, Braxis muttered to himself with resignation. "Sleeping in the palace may just sign my death warrant with all that's happened, and I can't afford to waste lives like that. I'll fix that."

"And so, let the game of exploitation commence," he whispered with pride as a grin emerged onto his face as he navigated the labyrinthine corridors back to his quarters.

Arriving safely within the solitude of his room, Braxis began to focus his mental energy. He centered the focus, channeling the raw energy of his mana towards a singular point nestled in the cavity of his chest, a beacon where his heart is. The act served as a key, turning a metaphysical lock and opening a hidden menu, a realm accessible only to him.

A reminiscent smile ghosted on his lips. 'When I unlocked the mana heart, I realized what it actually is. The game was designed to unlock this ability once a player reached level 10, something easier said than done,' he mused silently.

'It's no wonder the world's inhabitants remain oblivious to its existence, being nothing more than characters bound by the script of the game. They just see the mana heart unlocking as upgrading their mana's purity and gaining a random ability. But for me..'

Diving deeper into the labyrinth of his own consciousness, Braxis navigated through an encyclopedic menu of endless options, each offering different passive abilities that had certain requirements or items to unlock.

"That's peculiar, there are quite a few I've never even heard of.. This one should be doable." Braxis said as he selected an option called 'Basic Summoning Talent'.

ERROR: Insufficient mana capacity

An inward sigh rippled through him. "Anticipated, but no less frustrating," he thought, recalling an old exploit. "Time to see if a little trick works its magic in this world as well." His hand reached for a mystical gift from Gravis, its glow seeming to pulsate in sync with his heartbeat, ready to surrender its magic.

'In the game, siphoning magic from enchanted items temporarily boosted one's mana pool. Despite losing the item's magic, the trade-off was worth it, turning each magic item drop into a sought-after prize. With bots aiding them, players hoarded mana into millions, becoming near invincible. Only rare mana-drain abilities posed a threat, draining their massive reserves in one fell swoop.' Braxis reminisced as he looked at the soon-to-be enchantless item.

'Boss battles, of course, were a different beast. Developers set up checks to catch and correct any over-the-limit mana, even assigning staff to monitor players with suspiciously high mana. But it wasn't foolproof. Every patch seemed to birth a new loophole. This constant tug-of-war between players' exploits and developers' patches added a whole new dimension to the game.' Braxis sighed, thinking about the old days.

'Mana drain skills were a real pain, even if you weren't cheating. But, they were balanced out by a long cooldown, and players could always tap into other energy types to keep up in PvP battles,' Braxis pondered as he reached for the chest piece, ready to extract its mana.

Mana available: 100/82

His eyes widened in surprise. "Wow! Either this chest piece Gravis gifted me is top-notch, or exploiting is even more potent in this reality than in the game," Braxis exclaimed, his voice echoing in the empty room.

Braxis returned to the menu and activated the summoning talent excitedly.

*Talent Acquired as 100 Mana requirement has been met.. Summoning Menu unlocked!*

Returning to the main menu with excitement, Braxis navigated back to a newly opened menu with summoning options that was now available due to his talent. Upon selecting a shadow knight, he watched in awe as the figure rose from the floor, its emergence slow and deliberate.

"Shadow knight, guard me while I sleep. If anyone tries to assassinate me, wake me up and deal with them, show no mercy," Braxis ordered. The shadow knight nodded, then slowly faded back into the floor.

Morning arrived with sunlight streaming through the windows. Braxis awoke, stretched, and yawned loudly. "That was some quality sleep. I hope one of those idiotic brothers at least tried to assassinate me. That'd be one less annoying brother to worry about," Braxis chuckled as he got up and headed for breakfast.

Walking into the breakfast chamber, Braxis noticed it was unusually empty. He flagged down one of the servants, a pretty girl with glasses and long, brown hair.

"Where are all my brothers?" Braxis asked, puzzled.

'There's no way that the shadow knight managed to eliminate them all, did he?! I told it to wake me up!' Braxis thought with shock.

"Master Braxis, Gravis has assigned them all to a special mission. That's the extent of my knowledge," replied the servant girl, offering a respectful bow before stepping back.

Suddenly, she stumbled, colliding with a figure in her path. "Excuse me," she murmured, glancing upward. The sight that greeted her drew an immediate gasp. Falling to one knee, she exclaimed, "My lord, please forgive my indiscretion! I only beg for your leniency toward my family. Punish me as you see fit!"

Gravis responded with an amicable pat on her head, "Rise and continue with your duties. Accidents occur. Just ensure it doesn't repeat." He dismissed her gently.

Relief washing over her, she thanked him profusely and darted off, eager to avoid further disturbances.

Watching her retreat, Gravis queried, "Her?" pointing casually at the fleeing servant.

Braxis fought down a chuckle, a mix of shock and embarrassment on his face, "hell, no! She's not my type."

A grin bloomed on Gravis's face, "Despite your impertinent nature, it's refreshing to converse candidly."

Braxis scratched his chin in bewilderment, "Uh, thanks?" He took his seat, a meal awaiting him.

Gravis laid a hand on his shoulder, "Take it as a compliment. Finish eating and join me in my quarters. We have details of your mission to discuss." He began to stride away.

"We already talked this out yesterday. You've given me the map. What more do you need, old man?" Braxis grumbled.

Gravis's eyes turned a deep purple as he summoned his gravity magic, "Braxis, your insolence is testing my patience. Remember your place. Heed my instructions." His warning was stern, not to be dismissed lightly.

Braxis pondered over his apparent invincibility in Gravis's eyes while hastily finishing his mana-rich ravioli. He made his way to Gravis's quarters, navigating the sprawling palace corridors.

As Braxis made it in front of the intimidating door, he turned the knob and walked into the room. He could clearly feel the cold atmosphere, meeting Gravis's icy gaze. 'What a warm welcome,' he mused sarcastically.

"Alright, out with it. What's so important?" Braxis inquired, stifling a yawn.

"Your mission. It's to survive your brothers, whom I've sent to kill you. Your challenge is not to kill them while enduring their attacks," Gravis's voice was as cold as his gaze.

"If you fail, your death won't be the only one. The women that you've asked me to invite to your quarters will also meet a painfully slow end. You'll witness it all before I kill you. I promise," Gravis's threat hung heavily in the air.

Braxis felt the weight of the absurdity, "So you've sprung an assassination attempt on me today on top of my additional test because...?" His words trailed off.

"Every successor undergoes this test. My father, myself, even Vorkath, who admittedly didn't fare well, hence his limited understanding of my gravity magic. Yours may be more complicated due to the added quest, but it's necessary. If you fail, it's back to the drawing board for me to find another successor," Gravis explained, folding his arms across his chest.

"Ah, so everyone goes through this damned test, Vorkath failed, and that's why he's still breathing, right? There better be a fucking prize at the end of this, or I'll drag this family name through the mud, now that I know your weak spot," Braxis snapped, flipping Gravis the bird.

A chuckle rippled from Gravis before he summoned his gravity magic. In the blink of an eye, Braxis's head disintegrated into tiny bits that sprayed across the room. "I did warn you. Now, it seems I need to create another heir. When will this ceaseless torment end?" Gravis's voice dripped with bitterness as he demolished the palace, embarking on a wild rampage.

"Remaining revival points: 3."

Braxis snapped back to consciousness, once again in front of Gravis, who was repeating his previous monologue. "Alright, I get it. I'm off now. Don't you dare forget about my reward," Braxis cut him off, dashing for the door.

"Not so fast, I haven't finished," Gravis countered, gesturing vaguely to the air.

Suddenly, a guard who seemed to materialize from thin air tackled Braxis to the ground, pinning him. Gravis crouched down, bringing his face uncomfortably close to Braxis's.

"Just let me do the fucking quest! Quit layering on pointless crap," Braxis shouted, struggling against the guard's iron grip.

"You're dismissed when I say so, get it? Now, let me finish," Gravis growled. "I assume you're curious why Vorkath is alive?"

Braxis nodded, albeit reluctantly.

"Good. It's essential you understand. I'm not entirely heartless. Your father wants you to stand a chance, given this challenge is far tougher than what previous successors faced. You won't tackle it alone. I've arranged... a familiar ally to accompany you."