
Restart the end of the world

resident Evil! Dead Rising The former friend is now rotting all over, and the claws almost tear him apart. I don't want to die, I can't die. In the end, only I can save

Daoistq71UBT · Fantasía
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70 Chs

I didn't intend to keep him alive

"I didn't! You lied! You are a beast with a human face and a heart, you want to kill me!" The man roared and cursed desperately.

He was very afraid, afraid that he would end up like the man who was eaten. They were all deceived, they were all played by Sebastian, and he wanted to kill them one by one!

Sebastian sneered, cast a pitying look at the mad man, then looked at Tommy: "See, he's crazy."

Tommy's expression was indifferent, with mockery in his eyes: "Killed?"

In a word, the noisy scene suddenly fell silent.

The man slumped to the ground in depression, laughing wildly, and the whole person has begun to be mentally abnormal.

"That's right!" Sebastian nodded excitedly and increased his tone: "You don't know, if you are bitten or scratched by a zombie, you will get infected. This person will be confused and even eat human flesh, and he will definitely become a zombie. In this case I have seen a lot, so he must die! Otherwise, I know a lot, let me join you?"

Sebastian's subconscious is a person with a high IQ, who can discover things that others don't know at the first time. He still feels that way now. He subconsciously thinks that Tommy and others don't know the secrets of zombies, and it is easy to fool the past. After all, Tommy used to be. The behavior shown is completely a mindless reckless man.

Sebastian looked at Tommy expectantly with a certain high attitude in his heart. He gave these people such a big message, he must be taken seriously, right?

Tommy's smile got bigger. He really didn't expect that he would meet such a weak Sebastian in his new life. Sebastian at this time is so different from what he met in his previous life, which made him want to torture him. Can't even mention it.

"Stupid!" Eighteen gave Sebastian a very rude look, "Brother Tommy already knew, do you want to tell me?"

Sebastian's face is fierce, and it's this bad girl again. He really wants to tear this girl up and eat it, starting from the middle of his legs, and feed the zombies if he can't finish it!

Tommy didn't miss Sebastian's grim expression for a moment, but he didn't care either, he'd been through so much, and a lot of things didn't cause his mood swings. He sat on the bed casually, took out some quick food from his bag, and divided it into two parts, each of which can be eaten for two days with a little saving.

"This is for you, put it away." He handed the two meals to the two men who had been following Sebastian, his voice was calm and emotionless, and there was a feeling of being fully enlightened between his gestures.

Tommy's action was very abrupt, making several people in the room a little confused, especially Molly and Eighteen.

"You won't kill me?" The man who was suppressed by Sebastian and almost drove him crazy was a little disbelieving: "You believe me? I'm not infected!"

"I have the ability to judge." Tommy's voice was flat, in stark contrast to the excited man across from him, and it amounted to another slap in the face of Sebastian.

He has the ability to judge, doesn't need Sebastian's reminder, and he knows more than anyone else. In terms of understanding of zombies, and the information in the development process of the end times in the future, no one has a deeper understanding than him.

"That's right! Brother Tommy knows a lot, you don't need to talk here!" Eighteen said another word of Sebastian in a very cooperative manner.

Sebastian felt that his dignity had been trampled on again, and his anger was pouring out of his heart. These people have been targeting him! If it wasn't for Tommy's gun, he really wanted to hack this kid to death. The coexistence of fear and unwillingness made him a little schizophrenic.

"You, are you willing to take us in?" The two men looked at Tommy expectantly. They wanted to be fed and protected, and they didn't want to live in fear again, although they completely forgot that they were getting what Tommy gave them. Before the food, I almost ran away.

Tommy ignored Sebastian's gloomy gaze, and looked at the two who were looking forward calmly and indifferently: "I won't accept you either, the food is just a little help for you, from the point of view of the same kind."

Immediately afterwards, he said a word again, with some kind of terrible warning in his eyes: "Don't eat the same kind, don't eat people, or you will regret it in the future."

The faces of the three including Sebastian changed again. They had eaten human flesh. The psychological burden was so great that their spirits almost collapsed, but they had already eaten. This was an unchangeable fact.

Either continue to feel guilty and drive yourself crazy, or become an unforgivable thug and continue to eat human flesh.

Sebastian in the previous life chose the latter.

Looking at the two pale faces that were overly frightened, Tommy narrowed his eyes slightly: "You can leave now."

This sentence made Sebastian's face happy. Tommy let the two go, but didn't let himself go. Does this mean that he can stay? So good to have food and women here, it's just heaven!

Sebastian made no secret of the comfort in his heart. He sat down very rudely, and put on a comfortable posture on the soft big bed. Examine the value of goods.

He hated this little girl the most, and he didn't know where she was a country child, so he found a chance to kill him.

This big fat man is a bit stupid, but he obeys Tommy's words. It's a ticking time bomb. Let's see if he can deceive him. If he can't deceive him, he will die.

This woman, Sebastian, had a hint of lust in her eyes, and her eyes were fixed on Molly's figure. Her slender and straight thighs were really alluring.

Oh shit! He hasn't tasted a woman for a long time!

As for Tommy, heh! Anyway, after the Fort Worth military base, Tommy will be worthless, he must torture this man well, how dare he do something to him!

The two men saw Sebastian's actions and were immediately unwilling. Why could Sebastian stay but they couldn't?

"Tommy, let me stay, I can be a cow and a horse for you!"

"Please Tommy, help me!"

"No." Tommy is firm, he will not take in survivors who have eaten human flesh.

"What about him?!" One of them pointed at Sebastian angrily: "Why can he stay?!"

"Hey!" Sebastian sneered, and was about to say that I'm not your useless bastard, but Tommy's next sentence suddenly changed his face.

"He? I didn't intend to keep him alive." Tommy's smile was thin, but there was an unmistakable tone in his voice, as if Sebastian was already dead.

brush! Sebastian stood up abruptly, his eyes bursting with red streaks, which were bloodshot eyes caused by anger.

"What did you say?!" He yelled in disbelief, "Aren't you going to take me in?"

"When did I say I wanted to take you in?" Tommy was suddenly in a good mood, and looked at Sebastian with a clown-like expression: "Well, what did you just ask me? Well, I'll say it again, I say"