
Restart the end of the world

resident Evil! Dead Rising The former friend is now rotting all over, and the claws almost tear him apart. I don't want to die, I can't die. In the end, only I can save

Daoistq71UBT · Fantasía
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70 Chs

Do you remember me?

The white truck is like a dividing line. There are humans on one side and zombies on the other. The humans stand upright without even exerting any effort. The zombies on the other side have turned into piles of corpses, fully occupying the Half a bridge, piled up like a hill

There were hundreds of people standing on the crowded bridge. The environment that was supposed to be noisy was very quiet at the moment. Everyone couldn't speak a word, as if they were being choked by someone, they couldn't make a sound. Their eyes were wide open. so big, with an exaggeratedly wide open mouth, the jaw almost fell to the ground.

"You are late."

Tommy's voice was very calm and not too loud, as if speaking casually, without even panting, but it was very clear in this quiet environment, everyone could hear clearly.

It's unimaginable that he used that heavy iron ax to blow the head of a zombie just a second ago, and he couldn't accept the appalling number of zombie corpses behind him at all. He just turned around indifferently, without blinking. Blink, like just doing a very ordinary thing.

Five people, killed enough zombies to make hundreds of them flee? Even that young man solved most of the zombie by himself with just an iron axe?

Is this still human?

How did he do that?

Everything in front of me was like a dream, which made people feel extremely unreal, and everyone was in a state of shock.

Gerry was astonished, his heart was beating again and again, but he couldn't figure out what was going on at this time, it was completely impossible, but Tommy did it, and even his team members were unharmed , You must know that most of Tommy's team are women, and there is even a twelve-year-old child!

Frederick hadn't had time to get out of the car, and he was also surprised, his glasses were tilted to one side and he didn't notice it, his appearance looked very funny.

Louis was still holding on to the steering wheel, his eyes staring like light bulbs.

Standing next to a car, Linda's eyes widened in disbelief, holding the iron bar tightly. She was very familiar with the face of the man opposite. She had scolded him countless times, but now, he But he was so powerful that he appeared in front of him like a god. In this endless darkness, where people could not help but despair, this man was like the dawn, giving her an extremely strong hope.

Hidden in the crowd, Kenneth trembled all over. Isn't this the one who crashed into the supermarket with the G55? Yes, it was him, and there was another woman in the car, and there was a little loli? ! Oh shit! Why are the women around this man so beautiful, not one, but three!

Suddenly there was the sound of a car door closing, followed by a few messy footsteps squeezing into the crowd, which was unusually prominent in this empty and quiet place, causing the stunned crowd to regain their senses in an instant, and turned their heads to look over.

They were two college students, a man and a woman. The logo of a certain luxury brand could be vaguely seen on the dirty, muddy and wrinkled clothes. Their appearance, their mouths are full of dirty dirt and some food, their throats are swallowing something, their yellow and foul-smelling tongues stick out and lick their mouths, licking those food residues and filth together Into the mouth, and then suddenly swallowed down.

Everyone's expressions were dull for a moment, these two people didn't get out of the car just now, and they were eating in it?


"Poor ghost?"

Two voices with surprisingly similar tones shouted from the mouth of the man and the woman, causing everyone to short-circuit their brains again. They looked at the two Atlanta University students who had just arrived at the base today in disbelief. How do you say the word "poor ghost"? Exports?

Immediately afterwards, Ming Duan and Anita finally noticed that groups of zombie corpses were piled up behind Tommy. His body was covered with carrion and black blood. It was obvious that he had killed those zombie corpses.

How did that kid suddenly become so strong? Isn't he afraid of zombies?

The appearance of the two brought back Gerry's sluggish thinking. He hurriedly took a few steps forward and looked at the young man in front of him: "What a boy! You're so tough! I'm sure you are my friend! This time you saved me once." , if there is any difficulty in the future, I will definitely be there as soon as possible!"

"My god! Young man, you are amazing!" Louis finally came to his senses, jumped out of the car and ran over, not forgetting to say to Masters Calvin, "Your driver is indeed a driver's life, and you're not as good as your boss. It's just too weak."

"Damn it!" Masters Calvin said: "Of course the most powerful is my boss, you are talking nonsense!"

Masters Calvin has 90% loyalty to Tommy, and it will only increase and not decrease. At the level of high loyalty to Tommy, there is no jealousy, no dissatisfaction. If he only praises him but not Tommy, he, Masters Calvin, will not be happy!

Frederick straightened the mirror frame, his footsteps were steady but swift, he was also shocked in his heart, and suddenly felt a sense of admiration for this young man named Tommy, he stopped the group of zombies at a critical moment and let them leave, waiting for them to bring people to the rescue At that time, it was discovered that there were no zombies left, and the crisis had been completely resolved by this person. This kind of shock was not insignificant.

Tommy smiled softly, and calmly accepted the system prompt that Gerry's loyalty reached 50%, and Louis and Frederick's loyalty reached 30%. He glanced at the system points. There will be dozens of points away from 800.

What a pain! It seems that Alice's loyalty should be improved as soon as possible.

The three most powerful people in the fresh fruit base are Gerry, Frederick, and Louis. The attitude of the three of them towards Tommy made everyone feel a little tricky. If this kid joins their base, his status will probably be higher than Gavin, and even keep pace with the leader Gerry .

And this person's fighting power is very strong, and the women around him are all beautiful and beautiful, which makes people jealous. This is the end of the world, and whoever has a hard fist is the boss.

Soon, everyone rushed over and gathered around Tommy to flatter him.

"That's amazing, young man."

"Has the young man ever been a soldier? That's amazing!"

The students of the University of Atlanta stood in a daze, their faces filled with complex emotions, excitement, excitement, and admiration.

That's Tommy! It's their Atlanta University students, their classmates, their friends !

"Tommy, great job!" All the Atlanta University students gathered around and shouted excitedly.

"Tommy! Tommy is me! It's me!" Suddenly, Anita went crazy and squeezed into the crowd. With disheveled hair, she looked uglier than a zombie, but she insisted on putting on a pitiful look at this moment. She grabbed Holding the corner of Tommy's clothes, he looked at Tommy emotionally and said, "Tommy, do you remember me? I miss you so much!"