

In a world where life is treaded by bloodsucking beings that kill anything on their path, an orphan was left in a church where only sisters were permitted, and no men were allowed. Still, they made an exception and raised him as one of them, and they noticed that his eyes were dark blue rare eye color that only central clan had, that got wiped out by the vampires.

doctorplage · Fantasía
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6 Chs

What happen?

As more and more hunters gather around the first protection barrier, they start to put their hands against it. They had the same uniform, a suit with a tie and black pants. The only thing that changed between them was the shoes.

"We are ready, sir," a man said to another one close to him.

"READY?!" Everyone simultaneously slammed their right leg, and magic circles formed in their hands. "[FIRE MAGIC, DARK FLAME!" the man said, and an enormous amount of dark fireballs slammed against the barrier, breaking it and forming the same way against the second barrier destroying it the same way.

The man searched through the destroyed building and got close to the boy.

"Sir! Sir! We have three survivors." another man said, running towards the man looking at the kid.

"Great job, go help them. I got this one." the man close to me said, and the man next to him nodded and left, running.

The man looked at the boy. "the water will turn off my cigarette; now tell me what happened, lonely boy." the man said, looking down at the boy.

The boy said nothing; his eyes were like a dead fish, but the tears were still flowing; there were no whimpers or sobbing; it was just tears streaming from his eyes.

"I'm asking you a question." the man said, a bit irritated.

"What is my magic for?" the boy said.

"What?" the man said, curiously about what he said.

"What is my magic for? I could have killed them, but I didn't, and now my mom is sealed as a restless monster who never stops suffering. I could have killed them and stopped my suffering... IM SUCH COWARD!" the boy hit himself in the face, and blood splashed on the ground from hes nose.

"WHY AM I ALIVE!" another hit flew from the boy's hand to his face.

"Kid-" the man tries to say something else but stops.

"Why... why... WHY?! WHY WAS I BORN?!" the boy looked at the sky and saw a glimpse of light before it was dark; a lightning strike hit the kid, killing him instantly. The other man saw the kid die and fall to the ground.

...well, that is the end of the story. It was pretty tragic, but it ended; if you excuse me, I have to leave. After that, they will start searching for me.



A voice in the sand spoke, I am from Shadows and light. You were created, and your death was never written in the books of death.

I am you, and you are me. Brake your soul and revive into a monster, and not even god will ever kill you.



I opened my eyes. It was warm and cozy; my eyes felt heavy. I looked at my hands and saw buses covering my hands, the lines like veins on the outside of my body. Both My hands had the same marks. I got up and saw that my body had the same pattern too. I looked for a mirror, and when I found it, I checked my face "it seems like the marks ended in the middle of my neck."

"Those are lightning marks. They are created when the body receives a lightning attack, or you are struck by a lightning bolt naturally." A woman said; I looked towards where the voice was coming from.

"then, shouldn't I be dead when something like that happened, "I said, looking at this nurse on her desk typing on her computer.

"There are exceptions for everything; 10% of people can survive a lightning strike, " the woman said, getting up from her chair.

I never changed my expression, dead and without care.

"I like your face. It makes me horny." the woman said. My face and my emotions were gone. I could feel nothing.

"Fine, but make it quick," I said as I started taking my pants off.

"N-no, kid, I'm joking, but now I'm concerned," but before she asked me any question that she had. The same man who "saved me" entered the room and saw me with my pants down and the woman holding my shoulder.

"rape is not tolerated in this school," he said with a severe tone, placing a hand on the nurse's shoulder.

"Why do you think it's me the one doing the rape?" the nurse said, her eyes turning towards the man while still facing me, full of hatred.

"Come on, Molly, let the boy go." the woman named Molly moved her hand from my shoulder and got up. From her knees.

"fine, I'm not going to have this kid, but it is just because you are interested in him, captain," she said, smiling.

"He is 10, for fuck's sake." the man said calmly.

"I'm 12, not that you care. anyways if you excuse me, I have a mission; thank you for saving me, but this is goodbye." I said, putting my pants up and looking for my shirt.

"Here." the man said, throwing me a tie with a white shirt and black pants "this is not a goodbye; this is you are joying in the hunter academy because I said so." the man said to me.

"Why?" I said, keeping the same face.

"well, dead eyes, what you want to do is a mission; a mission is something a hunter does." the man said, grabbing a cigarette from a fancy box. "by the way, I found a grimoire on the site, and I can sense dark magic from your body, so I assume this is yours." the man said handing me the book.

I signed and took the book from hes hand. "thank you, did you find a light magic book?"

"Yeah, there was this old book that said this weird name a-," the man said but was stopped by me putting a hand up.

"Yeah, that's my mother's. Please give it back," I said plainly.

"Sure, but you have to accept my terms; you will enter this school and race throw the ranks all the way to the top." the man told me, looking at me.

"Sure, but give me my book," I said, putting on the shirt that he gave me, "I need a black sweater as well," I said, looking at him.

"Okay, deal, but what about the shoes?" the man said, looking back at me.

"black and white sneakers," I said, looking at my feet.

"Okay, so... What happened in that church? Two strong barriers were protecting it, and I want to know what happened," the man said, looking at me.

"My mother was turned into a broken heart by other nuns, and she destroyed the church," I said blankly, hiding all the pain and suffering that tormented me.

"Your mother was turned into a broken heart... Was she hot?" the man said.

"Y-yeah, I guess." I looked out the window and saw students bigger than me. "this school, how old do you have to be to enter." I said, placing a hand on the glass.

"15, so you can use the library cafeteria and the dorms, but you can't enter classes formally." the man said. And they started to walk away "follow me, kid." the man started talking, but I opened my white magic book and started reading it from the page I had left. Since my mother couldn't use light magic, she only used it to stop doors, so as a kid, I could grab it without permission; learning the language of magic at a young age is called kanji, and the book says that if you decipher the code of the language you will have the meaning of the universe.0

"Hey kid, we are here; this will be your room." the man said and pointed at an open room and handed me a key "have fun." the man said and left.

"I guess," I said and entered the room and locked the door behind me.