

In a world where life is treaded by bloodsucking beings that kill anything on their path, an orphan was left in a church where only sisters were permitted, and no men were allowed. Still, they made an exception and raised him as one of them, and they noticed that his eyes were dark blue rare eye color that only central clan had, that got wiped out by the vampires.

doctorplage · Fantasía
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6 Chs


The world was built off the soul of our creator at the beginning of time, shaped into five massive pieces of land that we call luna in the southeast, Elena northeast, Maria northwest, Rose southwest, and paladin in the center.

A thousand years after the creation of the world. Everything was fine until a circle made of magic appeared in Maria, rose, and Elena. Demons appeared, unleashing a plague that is contracted by getting bitten by someone that is already infected.

This created a spark of fire that became a forest fire.

Humans looked at ways to kill this thing, and a hand full of men traveled by boat to these three islands and discovered something that made multiple of them tremble in fear.

These things feast on human blood. They were utterly sentient; they had new personalities after dying and reviving; they were walking corpses with super speed and inhuman strength.

1 out of 12 boats that sailed to these three islands returned and 1 of 10 people returned in that single boat.

"people! People! We are doomed! We can't fight them; they murder all my people; they let me leave because they are sending a message! Listen! and listen carefully; we are the apostles of God, and we will clean the world of all of you, rats! We are vampires, and I'm your humble servant, Draken, King of the vampires!" the man stopped and graved a machete next to him and put it against his throat, "may God be with you." The man said and slid his throat and started to stab himself multiple times in the chest, falling off the boat into the sea, creating a crimson splash of water.

The multitude was in shock, but it didn't end there. This horrible night will end in endless corpses and blood. The torches illuminated the night sky of probably a hundred boats on the sea, and the ship's crimson glowy eyes started jumping from the boats and entering Luna's coast.

One of the vampires saw a woman and a child, and in front of the child, the vampire opened his mouth, and a complete set of fangs entered the woman's neck. As the vampire sucked and feasted on the woman's blood, the woman's eyes turned white, and her body started to dry until he stopped and threw the woman's corpse to where the kid was.

"your mother was tasty," that thing said, smiling. The kid looked at his mother, and for a split second, he felt anger and fear, but then he felt warm. The warmth was coming from his stomach, and he saw the vampire licking his hand "you kid, on the other hand, you taste awful."

When the kid looked down, he saw his guts coming out of his body. And the vampire chuckled, and all went black forever for this child and his mother.

Paladin was the last place where there was safety... for the moment.

For an entire year, humans had peace; they tapped into the light and dark forces. Some people made contact with devils, and others prayed to god for weeks without food or water. They either died or were blessed by god.

The ones blessed by god could only use light, earth, and water magic, and those who used dark magic used dark, fire, and air magic.

Then vampire hunters were created, tribes of humans trained to kill vampires.

Churches were built, but only women that were virgins were allowed in them. No man was ever allowed to enter.

Decades and decades of war ended with vampires becoming victorious over the hunters, but the hunters managed to push the vampires back to the three islands.

But a few years later, tribes of hunters began to disappear and disappear; it was said that one of the hunters was infected and started to murder all of the hunters like a parasite.

One of the three tribes with special magic saw this coming and hid one child in a church where the vampires couldn't enter.

A mother's pain is leaving her son's side to not be there for his first words and protect him from the world if necessary.

But there were too many things at risk. The woman looked at her beautiful baby with such amazing dark-blue eyes that light into the night sky, "your father loves you, baby, your mama loves you, baby, but you have to live because one day you will lead the next generation of humans to the light of a new day, a happy day." a woman said with the same dark blue eyes as the child.

"this world. doesn't deserve you, my beautiful boy," the lady said, walking throw the forest.

A chapel's bell rang on the horizon " a baby born from dark and light magic users; you will be so strong. yes, you will," the lady said, stroking the baby's cheek.

The boy giggled as he felt the woman touch, and with his little hand, he reached for her hand and held her.

The woman went client for a moment, and tears started to fall down her eyes "what am I doing, I haven't even left you in the church, and you are already making it hard for me to leave you. why do you have to be so mean, baby?" she got closer and closer to the church step by step there was the sound of fire and water boiling.

Nuns outside the church prayed in gods name; when they saw the woman with a black hood covering the woman's face, the nuns released a gasp and started praying against the woman.

"Vampire hunters are not welcome here! Begone witch!" one of the elderly nuns with a cross in her hand said.

"I'm not here to end your miserable existences; I'm here to allow you to take care of this boy. he is special, the only human that can use dark and light magic with no consequences." the woman said. She started looking for something in her backpack; the eldest nun placed the baby in her arms.

"that is probably his blessing." the nun said, looking at the baby.

"yep... anyways, here is his necromance, the only thing that will allow him to learn dark magic," the nun took the book with disgust painted all over her face.

The woman turned around "well, I have to go. They are hunting me..." she stopped for a second because the baby started crying, but she started walking back into the woods, clenching her fists.

the woman started crying and sing in as she left the church, "Now, now, baby, don't cry,

you are safe now; you will be alright

if night tries to catch you, you better not say goodbye.

One day you will walk for days and nights, but one day, you will reach happiness; now, rest, baby; one day, you will understand the dangers of this world.

Rest, rest, lonely boy mama and papa will see you from above

Rest, rest, lonely boy mama loves you and will never let this go.

Rest rest, lonely boy." the woman in the woods was Pearce by bullets of blood throw her heart.

"ma-mama loves you," a tear fell down her cheek as she closed her eyes into eternal darkness "rest, l-lonely b-boy."