
Resident Evil: Rebirth

Starr_Dakota · Película
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9 Chs


"Project Requiem why did you betray Umbrella?" Jill asked Nick as he woke up chained to the wall. When he didn't give an answer the light turned off and electricity coursed through his body. When it stopped he lost consciousness again and his body was smoking.

"Who do you work for?" Jill asked as his eyes began to open and he glared at her silently. They used stronger electricity that time and he screamed in pain before slumping his head. He could smell his flesh burning as he struggled to lift his head. They weren't giving him time to fully regenerate before electrifying him again without asking him anything.

"Why do you and Project Alice refuse to answer us?" Jill asked as he woke up again, "Why do you two wish to destroy us?"

"Alice is here?" Nick asked with clenched fists and when the light turned off again he began to pull on his chains with everything he had. The electricity cut on but he didn't stop as the chain and wires began to come out of the wall and with an explosion of electricity the lights cut off and the door opened. He watched in confusion as a panel in the wall opened and he saw a fresh Umbrella uniform tucked in. He got dressed and walked into the bright hallway that made he remember the facility in Raccoon City.

"I have to find Alice and get the fuck out of here." Nick said as a door opened next to him and as he walked through he saw New York City. He was too busy looking around to see the monster swing its large weapon and he was sent bouncing down the street.

"Do hear that?" Ada asked Alice as they stared at the monster that Umbrella sent for the test. Before Alice could say anything Nick slid to a stop next to them before dashing for the monster that had hit him. He had caught the attention of the monster in front of them and it chased after him.

"Shouldn't we help him?" Ada asked but Alice shook her head and pointed at the Nick as he dodged the monsters' weapons by flipping between them by spinning midair. Nick delivered a devastating right hook to a monster's stomach and it hit its knees as blood poured from his hood. The second monster tried to hit Nick with the sharp side of its weapon but Nick kicked the first monster in the way and sliced its head off. As the monster recovered Nick jumped off of the corpse and grabbed one of the metal stakes in its head. The monster tried to fight Nick off as he put his feet on its shoulders and pulled the stake straight up, causing it to tear through the monster's head and killing it.

"Wesker didn't tell me you were that strong." Ada said as her and Alice walked behind Nick and making him spin around in a defensive stance.

"I figured they wouldn't be able to cage you forever." Nick told Alice with a grin before turning to Ada, "Explain."

"We're in an Umbrella facility designed to test different scenarios with the T-Virus and I'm here to get you out with the help of a strike force that should be arriving in the facility soon." Ada explained cautiously, "We have a few more testing areas to go through before we get out."

"Lead the way." Nick said as the two women walked towards the door that had just opened and he quickly followed after them. The next area was a small suburban street that looked as if the last test had just finished.

"The strike team is late." Ada said as he show looked at her watch and saw how cautious Nick and Alice were being.

"Someone is watching us on the second floor of the house behind you." Alice told her and the three walked inside while watching the windows. When they got inside they saw a dead clone of Alice and as Ada explained what the simulations were Nick was watching out of the window. They heard something bump upstairs and Alice and Nick went up to see what had caused it. Alice motioned for Nick to check down the hall as she checked the room in front of them and moments later he heard gunfire.

"Mommy I hid like you told me to." A little girl said as Alice finished off the zombie. Nick walked in with a look of confusion when he saw the girl hugging Alice and her face lit up when she saw him.

"Daddy you're ok!" She said happily while using sign language and hugged him tightly, "I thought those bad people got you."

"Everything is going to be ok now." Nick told her as he put his hand on her back with a blank stare before shaking his head to clear his thoughts and kneeled in front of her, "Go get your things together ok? I'll be with you so no bad people come."

"Ok." She said as she grabbed his hand and led him to her room. He gave Alice a concerned look before he began to help the girl get her things together. It didn't take them long to get her things together and Nick signed for her to go into the kitchen table.

"She's just a clone that was programed to think you are her parents. None of it is real." Ada protested to them but Nick was silently watching the girl, "I could show you fifty more clones with her face. That's just how it is."

"To her this is real and I won't let her to die." Nick told Ada coldly and Alice agreed with him as he walked to the girl with a smile, "Let's go."