
Resident Evil: Rebirth

Starr_Dakota · Película
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9 Chs


"This is Claire Redfield's convoy calling out to any survivors." Nick's radio said as he drove down the empty Nevada highway. He had heard that message several times since that morning and he was starting to wonder if it was just on repeat. As he got closer to a few cars on the side of the road he saw a man toss a spike strip out but he was going too fast to stop and hit them, sending his car tumbling into the sand.

"We got another one!" The man yelled as a three people stepped from behind the cars and they ran over to Nick's car. They stopped when the driver door was kicked off and a very pissed Nick climbed out.

"You know I really liked that car." Nick said as he rubbed his neck and the group of crazed survivors rushed him. He sidestepped the first man and kicked his leg, making him fall face first on to the jagged metal of the wrecked car. A woman tried to stab him in the chest with a long knife but he pivoted on one foot and grabbed her arm. Nick twisted and threw her into the car and picked up the knife before throwing it into the next man's head. The last man was confused when Nick seemed to ignore him as he pulled a map from the glove box of his car and before the man could say anything a zombie grabbed him from behind. Nick heard the man's screams as he tried to figure out exactly where he was before pulling his gun out and shooting then both in the head and folding up the map.

"Fifty-seven miles to Las Vegas and it's going to be full of infected. This is going to be one long fucking walk." He said as he grabbed the essentials from the car and began to walk down the blistering hot road. After two hours of walking he heard a convoy coming towards him and tried his luck by holding his thumb out. To his surprise they stopped and the door of the yellow S.U.V. opened up.

"Nick?" Carlos asked as he stepped out and Nick was happy that a familiar face stepped out, "What are you doing out here?"

"I was driving through here while avoiding Umbrella's satellites but I'm sure you passed my car back there." Nick said as he pointed the way they had come, "Some assholes threw a spike trap out and made me crash."

"Where are you headed?" Carlos asked as Alice climbed out as well and Nick was surprised again, "I'm sure you remember Alice."

"Yeah." Nicm said as they locked eyes but he turned back to Carlos without saying anything to her, "I'm going to Las Vegas to find another car."

"That's were we're going as well if you want a ride." Carlos said as they climbed back in the car and Nick quickly did as well, "You wouldn't happen to have a smoke would you?"

"Today's your lucky day." Nick told him as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and grinned as they all took one, "I'm guessing you're Claire Redfield? I've been hearing your convoy's message since this morning."

"That's why you tried to get a ride?" Claire asked as she lot her cigarette and Nick nodded as he leaned his head back, "Those two talked about you."

"Well we shared some old memories and you were listening." Carlos said with a grin and looked in the mirror at Nick, "How long are you planning to stay this time?"

"It all depends on Umbrella." Nick told him with a sigh and Carlos nodded his head, "What's your plan?"

"Here, read this." Alice said as she handed him a notebook. He flipped it open and began to read through the pages with interest.

"So there's a place in Alaska with no infected?" Nick asked as he handed the book back to Alice, "Worth a shot."

"Let's hope it's still there." Claire said as she looked out of the window and they remained silent for the rest of the trip. Once they reached Las Vegas Nick hopped out first to make sure the coast was clear and motioned to them that it seemed safe. Claire had the other survivors setup a perimeter around the cargo container blocking their path to the gas pumps.

"Wait." Alice said as she motioned Nick over and they heard a bump inside, "Get back!"

"Sir Project Requiem is with Project Alice." An umbrella soldier said as they watched them from above with a satellite. Isaacs looked at the screen with a smile before taking a step back to formulate a plan.

"Alice get away from me!" Nick yelled and she saw the Umbrella logo flicker in his irises. She sprinted away from him as he tried to fight Umbrella's control and Carlos suddenly hit him with the yellow S.U.V. knowing Nick wouldn't have told her that if something wasn't happening to him. When he was sure Nick was pinned he hopped out and began to fight the zombies that were attacking them.

"Carlos what's happening to him?!" Claire asked as she saw the S.U.V begin to move, "Why did you hit him with a car?!"

"Umbrella turned him into a bioweapon just like Alice but he was designed to take down anything they ordered him to!" Carlos yelled as he snapped a zombies neck, "He went against them back in Raccoon City and I'm guessing they are forcing him to comply!"

"Damn Umbrella!" Nick yelled as he felt their connection break and knew Alice had to have done it. He pushed the car back and saw that Alice was running to a nearby roof. He followed her up and they both walked towards the Umbrella guards.

"Shut them down!" Isaacs yelled at the soldiers on the computer but it was too late and he ran to the helicopter. Alice killed the soldiers inside and destroyed the computer as Nick watched the helicopter fly away.