this is about a boy who reincarnated to resident evil because he died the same way as the protagonist of his Fanfic The system can download the creatures ability and unique talent while downloading an object can give you information on how to make that object _ _ ________________________________ _ _ I'm not sure if I will write lemons because I'm new at writing a fanfic
Inside the basement of his parents, a boy is writing something "what if i make a fanfic about resident evil with a download scale system, like the fanfic of supernatural"
while writing the start of the protagonist, he thought "the plot story of the story is that the protagonist was a newbie writer while doing the chapter he got electrocuted because he accidentally spilled his water and then died and got reincarned to resident evil"
while writing, his mom suddenly shouted and said "Adrian the dinner is ready" Adrian said
"Okay mom coming" while rushing to post his Fanfic and standing up to his chair the water on his desk spilled and got electrocuted, "fuck aaah *chichichi* am I gonna die like the writer to my fanfic"
Suddenly an old man appear "hello would you like to be reincarnated like in your fanfic?"and Adrian replied "where am I? Are you a R.O.B?Is this real?
why am I so calm?and why did you chosed me?"
The old man replied "for your question you're in my domain, second yes I am a R.O.B, third yeah this is real, fourth because I don't want you to freak the hell out, fifth I choosed you because you're interesting you died like your fanfic protagonist in the same way and both of you are newbie writer also I'm bored"
And R.O.B get serious "I will reincarnate you and give you 3 wishes" and Adrian said "I have a question and request is it okay?". "Okay what is it?". "Can i customize my body and face to look like Adrian tepes with 12 inch dick and choose the timeline,age of reincarnation and also my background". "Sure why not I am feeling generous today okay so what is your wish?".
"My first wish is an unparalleled talent at anything, Second to have the download scale system but have infinite Bites and you just need to touch a target for 5 second and if you touch the target while downloading the speed of loading will be faster, third I want my body and cell to adapt to any threat and viruses without having a negative side effects, and just retain the possitive effects that can benefit my body, and my body will not became inhumane or became like a monster."
" and I want to be reincarnated at the same age as Leon the timeline is 1 year before the outbreak in Racoon City, I want to become biologycal little brother of Alex Wesker and we're close to each other and don't have a job because I'm rich and spoiled by Alex."
"Okay bye good luck to your adventure."