
Replacement Demon Lord

A university student has been scouted by the Demon Lord! After being summoned Kiyoshi receives the Demon Lords powers and is transformed into a demon himself becoming the new Demon Lord. No longer human, he learns quickly how cruel this new world is and if he wants to keep the Demon Lords army unified and keep his head on his shoulders he’s going to have to learn to control his powers and become more powerful fast! *Please make sure you read the first 11 chapters. This will ensure you have a solid understanding of what the book is and where’s it’s going. Thank you!

RicketyDragon · Fantasía
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27 Chs


Goddess Ariana could barely keep herself twitching from the excitement. She had spent hours debating over the champions she could summon. Eventually she had decided the champion based off of one characteristic that separated this hero from the others.


'She's just what I need'

Not only that but this champion had previously been called and slayed a Demon Lord on a different world.

Usually when a champion slays a demon lord someone from the heavenly realm records it and then all the Gods and Goddesses in the heavenly realm get together to watch the video and feast in celebration. However due to the sadistic nature in which she had killed this demon lord they had decided not to air this footage. When she had first heard about the incident her interest was immediately piqued and she tried to get her hands on a copy of the footage from anyone who had access. Unfortunately for reasons she wasn't aware of the footage had been completely locked down and she had never been able to see it.

It had disappointed her to no end that all she had to go on were baseless rumors that had spread about the ways she tortured the demon lord before his death.

One rumor said, "She took her time and slowly sliced off one joint at a time as she worked her way up from his feet to his torso until eventually he could take the pain no more and passed out when she killed him"

Another rumor spoke of her not even stopping after he had passed out and that first not only did she chop up the demon lord but she chopped up all of his concubines and high ranking officials in front of him first mocking and laughing as they all succumbed to the taste of her blade.

Ariana imagined the potential scenes with a joy that could only be described as twisted.

However that particular demon lord was killed one thing was for sure. She had killed him in a way that the demon lord had been humiliated and writhed in agony right up until the point he had lost his very own life after losing everything else he held precious.

'She could not be more perfect.'

Ariana studied the champions name and description again.

Fuyuko Miura:

Race: Human

Age: 18

Element: Water

Characteristics: Cunning, Persistent, Sadistic

Notes: Uncaring of the life or death of her comrades she cares about only one thing. Killing the demon lord.

Current attempts to kill demon lords: 1

Current success of killing demon lords: 100%

Previous mission summary:

Fuyuko was brought to the world ****** where she and her allies completing in defeating the Demon Lord *******. To defeat him she used her skills in ****** and ************. After defeating the Demon Lord she ******* ***** ******* ** **** ****** ****.

The rest of the summary was essentially the same with no useful information to be perceived. Ordinarily Ariana would have never chosen a hero so mysterious with their information censored. But this was a special case, after all, there could be no mistakes.

Running to go receive Azthar's permission to begin the summoning she briefly debated if she could give the champion two out of the three gifts. Considering Azthar's anger at the loss of his disciple she reflected he probably wouldn't mind all that much.

Beaming with happiness a smile started to display on her innocent looking and beautiful face. To any onlookers they likely would've watched in admiration, with no realization of the insidious thoughts currently being entertained in her mind.

Dah took a drink from the goblet he was just handed. A strong wine flavor emerged. Not having much previous experience with alcohol he decided that he could get used to it even if it wasn't particularly his favorite.

After Dah received that toast he had felt pleasantly surprised at the roar that had erupted. When he had first entered the banquet hall everyone was for the most part silent and seemingly unwilling to participate but after the toast lively conversation and boasting could be heard throughout the hall.

'Maybe they were more afraid of me then I was of them' Dah, entertaining the idea, debated with himself.

Upon this reflection three figures broke out from the rest and approached him. Even without Raphael having given any previous descriptions of them he knew instantly who they were: Lucius, Xarros, and Catera. The three demon generals within his army.

Lucius wearing a dark black breastplate posed an intimidating figure. Tall and well built he had the looks of a capable individual.

But, 'surprisingly young looking' Dah decided.

Indeed all three looked much younger then he had anticipated. Probably quite close to his own age.

Xarros began to speak, but Lucius cut him off.

"Hey new Demon Lord", he drawled the word "new" as if to make sure Dah heard it "What do you say we go become battle buddies."

Getting closer he whispered with a mischievous grin, "This place can get boring without any entertainment"

Xarros possessed average height and build but had intelligent piercing eyes. Dah couldn't help but feel them observing him and wondered what they could see. He then chose this moment to cut back in, "There's plenty to do here Lucius it's not our fault you can't control your own blood lust." Xarros said this quite matter of factly as if they'd had this conversation many times over.

Catera stepped in, of all the things he knew about the generals she was the one Dah knew the least about. Indeed he had been curious about what she would look like and had not been expecting the radiant beauty that now stood before him. Her red hair complimented the red dress she wore. Despite being in a dress she exuded an intimidating appearance. With just one glance he thought she might be on even footing with Lucius if it ever came down to it. Her dress which displayed her assets was cut generously and Dah couldn't help but feel his eyes drawn to her. A light scar on the side of her face, she smiled in a provocative way and Dah couldn't help but feel interested in what she was putting on display.

In a cool voice she spoke, "That's enough bickering boys if Dah'guud is who I think he is we will all soon have our fill of bloodshed."

Both Lucius and Xarros instantly heeded her words looking appropriately chastised.

'Who is this woman'

Catera then turning her attention to Dah asked him one question, "what do you think separates a demon from a human?"

Lucius and Xarros both grew quiet and listened for Dah's response.

Raphael immediately excused himself into the situation, "Well demons have no souls of course, while humans do." he stated as if that answered the question in full.

Catera brushed off his explanation. "I would like to hear Dah'guud's thoughts actually" she stated this with a slightly cold and unloving smile.

Raphael could simply bow having done the best he could to diffuse the situation.

Reflectively Dah began to speak. He could see the generals attentively listening and he noticed even Raphael was listening closely although he was making every effort to show disinterest in the answer.

"Humans are nothing more then a demon not at war." He finally answered simply.

Catera dumbfounded, "Demons are always at war. What do you mean?"

Dah answered with a question his brain processing things far quicker then it used to.

"What is war?"

Lucius, looking for an opportunity to shine jumped in on the subject he was very familiar with, "war is when you get to kill lots of people" he said with a very proud look on his face.

"That is one aspect of war" Dah agreed "But war is a timeless beast. A beast that drags on no matter how wounded it is. Many say that it will bring out the instincts for survival but I do not see it the way they do. Instead war pushes its participants to extremes making them forget who they were and who they are. It does not let them escape it's clutches but rather binds them in a prison suffocating them and preventing any notion of escape. In this way humans at war are not different then demons."

Raphael looked at him sharply with a new gleam of respect that hadn't existed in his eyes.

Xarros and Catera also looked at him with wide eyes. Catera even going as far as to let out a little gasp as she considered the depth of Dah's comprehension.

'This is no ordinary Demon Lord' she ultimately decided. Her hands near her sides gripped her dress and twisted slightly. A smile that dripped anticipation slowly appeared and stayed on her face as she observed him.

Lucius seemingly confused initially by Dah's response saw the others reactions toward it and knew Dah had said something that was intelligent quickly said, "Thanks Dah'guud you said exactly what I was trying to say."

Dah couldn't help but notice the ice cold dagger stare that Catera shot at Lucius after he had made that statement but her smile reappeared after she looked back at Dah.

Looking around in satisfaction Dah reflected, 'I seem to have earned their respect'

Suddenly feeling famished he announced to the hall to begin eating and the lively chatter soon lulled him into a state of contentment. Something he was not used to.

'Is this true happiness?'

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See you next chapter.

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