
Remnants of the Forgotten

In the year 2090, gene editing reached unprecedented heights, leading to the emergence of "ascenders" - individuals with extraordinary abilities known as bloodlines. As a result of this genetic transformation, nine families ascended to power, each possessing unique and formidable bloodlines. Born to the Vesprs, one of these nine families, Argus Vespr finds himself in an era where power reigns supreme. However, tragedy struck the Vespr family when a catastrophic event known as the "Night of Ash" nearly wiped out their entire bloodline, leaving Argus as the sole survivor. The world soon forgot the existence of the Vesprs, labeling them as the "Forgotten Ones" and relegating them to the archives of history. Now, as the last remaining descendant of his once-mighty bloodline, Argus must navigate a world oblivious to his true identity and the potential he holds within. As he unravels the secrets of his family's past, Argus embarks on a quest to reclaim his heritage and uncover the truth behind the Night of Ash, a journey that will test his resilience, unlock his hidden powers, and reveal the dark forces that seek to keep the Forgotten Ones buried in obscurity.

BungaBunga · Ciencia y ficción
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12 Chs

Hidden Intentions

Argus woke up to the soft rays of morning sunlight streaming through the windows of his unfamiliar room. As his mind emerged from the fog of sleep, he found himself staring at the grimoire resting on the nightstand beside him. Thoughts of Aeris and the weight of the sacrifice he would have to make to avoid death flooded his mind once again. The deadline of 72 hours loomed over him, urging him to take action.

"The Symmetry of Sacrifice," he murmured, his gaze fixed on the ancient book. "What secrets do you hold?"

Something about the title resonated deeply within him, as if it was related to Aeris and the sacrifice he demanded.

"Maybe... there's something hidden within these pages," he whispered hopefully.

Reaching out towards the book, Argus attempted to run his fingers over the weather cover of the grimoire; however, as his fingertips brushed against the book, a sudden surge of electricity shot through his hand, causing him to recoil in shock.

"Whoa! Okay, okay... the book's not ready yet," Argus muttered, frustration evident in his voice.

With a sigh, Argus decided to honor the book's warning. He knew that hasty actions could lead to dire consequences, especially when dealing with the unknown. He still had 60 hours before the deadline, and he needed to figure out what sacrifice he would make to save himself from death.

Gathering his thoughts, Argus made his way down the winding stairs of the unfamiliar house. As he entered the living room, he couldn't help but notice a glimmer of light reflecting off something on the center table. Curiosity piqued, he approached the source and discovered a couple hundred dollars in cash, neatly stacked with a note on top.

Reading the note aloud, Argus adopted Selene's tone of voice, breathing life into the words written on the note:

"Dear Argus, I hope this note finds you well. I apologize for my sudden departure, but I have been called away on an urgent mission. I've left you this money to buy whatever you need in my absence."

"I trust you to make responsible choices with the funds. Feel free to use them for any necessary expenses or emergencies that may arise. I will be back as soon as I can, and we can catch up then. Take care."

"– Selene"

Looking down at his torn and tattered clothes, Argus realized it was time for a change.

"I could use this money to buy new clothes," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Following Selene's advice, Argus stepped out into the lively city streets, his torn clothes drawing stares from passersby. Despite the attention, he remained focused on his goal. He needed to find a clothing store and buy new attire, but was unfamiliar with the area.

Spotting a young man with blond hair standing nearby, Argus approached him. "Excuse me," he began, trying to catch the man's attention. "Could you tell me where the nearest clothing store is?"

The man turned towards Argus, assessing him for a moment before flashing a friendly smile. "Sure! Just walk straight down this road, and when you reach the coffee shop on the corner, take a right. You'll find a clothing store named 'Threads & Co.' right next to it."

Argus thanked the man, grateful for the assistance, and set off in the direction he was given. The sun's warm rays cascaded down on him as he weaved through the bustling streets, following the man's directions. The city was alive with activity, and the vibrant atmosphere contrasted with Argus's somber thoughts of sacrifice.

Finally, he arrived at the clothing store, indicated by the chime of a bell as he entered. A well-dressed lady greeted him with a polite smile, but her eyes betrayed a hint of surprise and curiosity upon seeing his torn attire.

"Good morning, sir. How can I help you today?" she asked, her gaze lingering on his clothes.

Argus noticed her reaction but brushed it off. "Thank you, but I'll be fine on my own," he replied, mustering a small smile.

Wandering through the neatly organized racks of clothing, Argus selected a plain white t-shirt, a pair of dark pants adorned with white circles, and a comfortable pair of gray shoes. With his choices in hand, he made his way to the dressing room to try them on.

Stepping in front of the mirror, Argus examined his reflection. His short black hair framed his face, his purple eyes a constant reminder of the supernatural world he found himself entangled in. He sighed, knowing that appearances were the least of his worries at the moment.

He needed to focus on finding a sacrifice.

Deciding he would need more than one set of clothes, Argus picked out a couple pants and shirts, all of the same pattern he tried on initially, an intertwining of black and white.

Satisfied with his new attire, Argus walked out of the dressing room, clothes in hand, and headed towards the payment counter. The lady who greeted him earlier approached, scanning the tags on the garments he carried. "That will be $54.50, sir," she informed him.

Ready to pay for his new clothes, Argus pulled out the wad of cash that Selene had given him, slowly flipping through the banknotes in a way that could only be considered amateurish.

"Excuse me, sir," the middle-aged cashier interjected, her eyes widening slightly as she caught sight of the impressive wad of cash in Argus' hand. Her voice carried a mix of surprise and concern. "You might want to be discreet with that amount of money. It could attract unwanted attention."

Argus, momentarily caught off guard by the unexpected comment, quickly realized the gravity of the situation. Nodding in acknowledgment, he replied with a hint of gratitude in his voice, "You're right. Thank you for the warning".

Without missing a beat, he promptly folded the stack of bills, making sure to take out the necessary amount, and concealing the rest of the cash within one of the pockets of his pants. He then patted himself down, making certain that no evidence of his newfound wealth remained visible to prying eyes.

Handing her $55 for the clothes he had selected, Argus kept the advice he had just received in mind, making sure to keep his actions discreet. The middle-aged cashier accepted the payment with a professional demeanor, her initial surprise fading into a polite smile.

"Thank you for your purchase," she said, handing Argus the receipt and the change. "Enjoy your new clothes."

Argus returned the smile and expressed his appreciation before carefully tucking away the receipt and the remaining bills in a secure place.

As he left the store, he noticed a group of three men eyeing him with a mixture of curiosity and another, more devious emotion. Argus kept his gaze forward, dismissing their scrutiny. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of the impending sacrifice, and he knew time was ticking away.

Walking through the bustling city once more, Argus pondered the sacrifice he had considered the night before — abstaining from eating. The thought of denying himself sustenance seemed like a suitable offering; however, as if to challenge his decision, his stomach growled loudly, betraying his hunger.

"It's going to be a long day," Argus muttered to himself, steeling his resolve.

With determination in his eyes, he continued on his way, knowing that time was slipping away and the weight of his choices grew heavier with each passing moment.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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