

Don’t read it* It’s a waste of time* A 30 years old adult losses his life in an accident as a consequence of him being careless however he gets his awareness back and finds himself in a mysterious location. As he wanders around, he encounters a voice calling itself God from whom he gets a request in exchange of retaining his former life’s memories on beginning a new life in a new world. However he’s unknown to the intentions of God. Note* Gonna rewrite everything from the beginning after some time. This is actually a draft version and it’s full of grammatical errors.

naurakauma · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
41 Chs

Chapter 27

She is thrilled about it, perhaps she wants to show me something.

Like yesterday we started attacking each other with water sphere and snowball.

She was able to cast two magic in a row like me creating water and snow ball at the same time and shooting it out one after other.

I complimented her for that.

She was also blocking my attacks by using snow and water sphere similar to what I did yesterday plus she was dodging it with gymnastics moves.

Yesterday she didn't use any moves like that and today, surprise… she's moving like a expert gymnast.

Maybe yesterday she wasn't confident enough to execute those moves.


"I'm impressed, you can move like that and use magic at the same time. I'm dazzled by you. Hope you'll teach me to move like you someday."

I yelled.

"Sure I'm going to…"

She smiled and continued shooting snow and water.

Eh, now she's blocking my attacks in mid distance. Damn, she got that much good. I'm really impressed.

As I shot out water or snow ball she shot out either of ball increasing its speed as a result blocking and destroying my attacks.

She shot out snow ball and it was coming faster than before.

I dodged it.

I guess I can increase the speed also.

I shot out water sphere and likewise before but surprisingly it got destroyed by her in mid distance.

Now my attacks aren't reaching her but only her. I gotta increase its speed.

I shot out both, water or snow one after another. She blocked one and dodged the other then she shot out.

It's my turn to defend myself so I, nope I didn't use snow or water ball to block it, and nope I didn't dodge her attack or use magic barrier.

I actually used flow of air to deflect her attacks quite a few times.

I discovered this method randomly while trying to flick my Master's skirt by using magic. I failed many time at start but it didn't take much time to be expert at it.

I mean I am not specialist of flicking skirt or anything like it. I'm just saying that I can use or cast magic unnoticeably since I don't need to chant any words.

As I shot out each of the ball I thought of experimenting something with magic.

I told her about me taking a break. She started practicing magic and I found myself deeply absorbed in thought.

Hmm, magic barrier huh…, I guess I'll just do a little research on it.

Magic barrier is known for its protecting capabilities. While casting it a certain amount of mana is drained out from your body in order to form a barrier and mana is use to kept it active for long period of time.

But I want to know if it is possible to make a barrier that doesn't use much mana and absorbs mana from magical attacks.

Mana is used in order to make a magical barrier and it protects from any attack either magical or physical and it can be seen by naked eyes.

If it's possible to form a magic barrier around me which can't be seen and absorbs mana in order to make itself stronger then I definitely want to achieve that.

Mana is the thing that can't be seen and it is converted into something that is visible. So if I surround myself with my mana like a barrier, will it work as a barrier and absorb mana?

Trying doesn't hurt.

Gotta do it.

Nope, I never did it before and I don't know any method of doing it, how am I supposed to do it?

Just by concentrating on my mana and letting it out of my body and making it to flow around me or as a result forming a mana barrier?

Is that even possible?…

Well, I've to try it otherwise there's no knowing if it's possible to archive that?

Let's start by concentrating on my mana.

I closed my eyes and started to feel my mana flowing around my body.

I tried letting it out of my body. It successfully got out of my body since I felt the warmth of the mana was vanishing from my body randomly.

It's getting out of my body but it's not flowing around me. How can I archive that?…hm…

Just concentrate…, yeah, concentrate and imagine on your mana surrounding you from the outside completely.

I started the process again.

I concentrated on my mana and as I felt the warmth vanishing from my body I was able to feel the warmth from the outside of my body.

Wow, I did it. Damn, I'm surprised by myself. Let's try doing it again.

I was able to archive it again however it was quicker than before.

Every time I succeeded I saw vision of the horizontal line inside my head.

So the more I practice the faster I can perform it.

Let's try something else.

I told my friend to attack me with each of balls after forming magical barrier.

She attacked me.

I didn't try dodging or blocking it since my invisible mana barrier was active.

It was about to hit me but due to my mana barrier, it disappeared before touching my clothes.

The moment it disappeared I felt the sudden increase of warmth on my body.

It worked, damn… I'm proud of myself…

I yelled to her to continue attacking me with a little bit more strength.

As her attacks reached really near to me it just disappeared out in thin air. Every time it disappeared I felt the warmth around my body.

Why am I feeling warmth every time it disappears?…

Feeling warm is mainly because of mana so her attacks weren't disappearing but actually converting back into mana then it flowed around the mana barrier due to that I'm feeling warmness.

Simply as magical attack hits my mana barrier it starts to convert back into mana and next it gets absorb by the barrier due to that I feel extra warmness and the sensation just gets absorb by the barrier due to that the warmth feeling of staying inside the barrier gets normal.


Some day has passed.

Each day we met and spent our time together either playing or studying or learning either at my parent's home or at our usual place which was near the river and forest.

Sometimes I found her talking with my mom while I was being trained by my father. We practiced swordsmanship not every day but in free time. After the training of mine gets over, me and my friend spend our time together till she leaves for her home.

I practiced the invisible barrier everyday from the day I discovered it. At first I was able to make barrier big enough only for me like five centimeters, however its coverage got a bigger.

Not that big but if I stretch my hand I could reach it out of it. At first it was like an outfit covered only my body but later it expanded to became barrier and covered just a bit big area.

You may ask "how did you know if the barrier really got bigger since its not visible?"

Well there's something I discovered during practice.

I experimented with mana conversion after practicing invisible barrier for six days.

It was night time. I was in my room standing and practicing the newly discovered thing, yeah the invisible barrier or mana barrier whatever you call it, I was practicing it peacefully but I couldn't help myself but to experiment something with it.

I tried converting mana into water as I practiced it. I was successfully archive it plus I was also able to turn the water back into mana and also absorb it.

And every day I used the mana conversion to see coverage of the barrier.

And there's more, while playing with my friend, her attacks were used to come really close before disappearing but slowly it started to get absorb without getting really close to me which hit me with the fact of the coverage of my invisible barrier increasing.

I'm currently in my room staring at the stars from the window.

You know I'm happy and excited about something.

I've been writing her a letter every night since the day my dad got me pen and paper.

I mean I thought what to write and then write it afterwards however I didn't write it every night.

The pen seems to be bird's feather and I've to dump it into ink which is just back mixture of liquids and write thing in the paper afterwards.

I already finished writing there's nothing left but a final finishing touch. After that it's ready to get delivered, of course I've to enclosed it in its envelope however to fill out my Master's address, I need to know her address.

The envelope is strange, well it can't be helped. Everything in this world is strange to me due to my past life's memories.

I've to make a scroll, tie it up with ribbon and put it inside this thing and close it. Next by putting the envelope inside the box and after filling out the address on it, it's ready to get delivered.

Let's see if everything I wanted say is written on it.

I started observing the letter.