

Crossing over the cultivation world, Jun unfortunately had no talent in cultivation. Helpless and afraid, he went to a random mountain to spend the rest of his day as a young hermit. Three years had passed, and things started to get messy. A belated system, a woman he had a crush on, came into his humble mountain peak. With the system on the left and a wife on the right, Jun roamed the cultivation world, becoming a legendary cultivator! The legend of Eternal Immortal starts here!

OnceAgain · Oriental
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32 Chs

Chapter 1 — Hermit Jun, Awakening of Golden Finger!

The Desolate Mountain, just like its name suggests, was a barren place. Black gasses encompassed the periphery. Terrifying monsters roamed, and thus none dared to step foot inside, except few powerful individuals.

Three years ago, a youth had appeared at the foot of the mountain and went inside this infamous death place, starting a new life as a secluded hermit.

He called himself Jun.

The morning sun cast its rays to the summit of the mountain peak and onto a small humble hut. A young man sleeping soundlessly inside was awoken, yawning as he stood up.

This young man was naturally Jun.

Jun did not immediately organize his bedding and instead stretched his body. When he was done a few sets of exercises, he neatly arranged the pillow and blanket, and then finally leaving the room.

The early smell of the mountains greeted him as soon as he stepped outside. A small distance away, his small field around 2 acres was shining with luster.

Jun's eyes remained calm. He had been farming for two years and some now so he expected just seven days later after plowing, there were results.

He walked towards the field and bend slightly.

The field was divided into six rows. The first three rows were used to plant rice, while the other three rows were for vegetables; mainly, potato, cabbage, tomato, and unimportant others.

"This month's harvest seems good."

Jun smiled in satisfaction, "My decision of coming to live here was right. The foot of the mountain might be full of negative energies, but the summit of the mountain is brimming with vitality. Farming here is very suitable."

Saying this, Jun walked towards the cliff and looked down. The black gasses could be seen everywhere and occasional roars of beasts could be heard.

Jun couldn't help but shudder. Three years ago, when he decided to come here to live a reclusive life, he was clueless about the dangers of this mountain. He had almost died back then and had only survived by a fluke.

But anyway, he was already a veteran after living here for three years. Going down the mountain peak was no longer as dangerous as when he first came here.

As he thought up here, he cannot help but sigh.

Jun was actually not from this world. He was from Earth.

He did not occupy someone's body like other transmigrators nor did he was reborn as a baby. Instead, he was engulfed by a portal and crossed over.

When he arrived here three years ago, he realized this world was not ordinary.

Immortals which only exist in fiction books existed here. They have the power to overturn mountains and seas, and transverse thousands li with a single step.

Not only that, but terrifying monsters also dwelled here.

Naturally, as a weak person...no, as an ordinary mortal, Jun didn't have the ability to defend himself in this treacherous world. Afraid that he would die, Jun didn't hesitate to shut himself from the rest of the world and lived as a hermit.

Jun didn't care about becoming immortal at all. Three years ago, he already tested his aptitude but his potential was only so-so.

A certain supervisor who had tested him had said he could only reach the Meridian Opening realm, the first realm of cultivation, for the rest of his life. After knowing that, Jun could only accept the reality and go on with his life.

Without a bright future in cultivation, Jun decided to live a hermit's life, away from the dangerous cultivation world.

Now three years later, he was living a leisure life.

His decision couldn't have been better.

"Let's start the day!"

Jun hummed as he went back to the front of the hut. There were varieties of tools outside which he had made on his own hands for him to use in his daily life.

After picking up a wooden bucket and a fishing rod, he descended the 'Peace Lonely Peak', which was the name he decided for the mountain he lived.

It did not take long for Jun to arrive at the foot of Peace Lonely Peak. Black gasses were drifting around, but fortunately, there were no beasts around which relieved Jun.

'Now that I think of it when I was chased by some ferocious beasts three years ago, they did not continue chasing me when I enter the Peace Lonely Peak. I wonder if there's something special around this place?'

Jun thought. But he had been here for three years, if this place was special, he would have bound to notice it long ago. Since there was nothing at all, he probably was overthinking things.

Jun looked ahead of him. When he first came here, he thought these black gasses were dangerous and could kill him. Until now, nothing happens to him, so his trepidation had long vanished.

Jun stepped inside the black gasses.

His vision wasn't obstructed, seeing ten meters of his surroundings.

With great familiarity over the terrain, he reached an open area. The black gasses around this place were less and Jun's vision spanned over a hundred meters.

Ahead of him was a clean, white lake.

Jun walked at the corner of the lake and gawked.

Since the lake was so clean, the fishes swimming about could be seen clearly. This was naturally a good thing for him.

He immediately sat down and took the bait. He put it on the hook of the rod. After, he throws the hook on the lake.

"Let's cultivate for now."

Jun put the fishing rod to his side and sat in a lotus position.

Even though he had no future in cultivation, Jun didn't ignore it. After all, strength was essential for survival. This was also a sort of protection for him if a beast would suddenly appear in the Peace Lonely Peak.

Although he still had not reached Meridian Opening after three years of bitter cultivation, he had progress. He estimated that he could reach the First Meridian Opening within a month or two.

While Jun was focused on cultivation, time slowly passed. From time to time, his fishing rod would shake, indicating that he hooked something, and Jun would immediately leave the state of mediation as he pull the fishing rod out.

Six hours passed.

Jun had caught seven fish in total; five small fishes, and two large ones.

'This is enough.'

Jun stood up, bringing the bucket with him as he went back to the Peace Lonely Peak.

After returning to his hut, it was already evening. To his estimation, the time should be around 4:00 P.M.

Having been here for three years, Jun determined the time here equates to earth's time. Thus, he knew how to calculate time intervals.

Jun put the bucket and the fishing rod down and took the water vessel. He then watered the field. After he was done, it was already 6:00 P.M.

Jun prepared his food, and after proving that he didn't miss a single thing, he went to sleep.

A month quickly passed.

Today was evening. The sun was almost setting.

Jun was sitting cross-legged on the cliff since morning, entirely focus on cultivation.

He did not head out to fish as usual since today was the day he would finally open one of the twelve meridians!

Due to his impatience, he ignored everything. He didn't even water the field.

Jun exhaled and inhaled. Qi would follow along with each of his breaths. When he inhaled, Qi would enter his body and onto one of his barred meridians, constantly harnessing it in order for it to break and open. As he exhaled, the impure Qi would then leave his body.

This process is constantly repeated.

When the moon descended, Jun suddenly let out a shout.

The meridian which he had been harnessing for three years showed a sign of cracking.


The barred meridian shattered!

First Meridian Opened!

"Hahaha! Finally, I reached the First Meridian Opening!"

Jun roared as he jumped in joy.

Finally, his three years of bitter cultivation had borne fruit!


Jun was stunned. This sound was very familiar to him.

Is my system finally here?

As Jun hoped in his heart, the mechanical sound continued.

[Congratulations to the Host for successfully awakening the Sign-In System!]