

"Are you certain this will work?" Merlin asked me as I laid back in the chair with a machine towering over me, I could see she was slightly worried.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." I replied with a smile.

'Even if something goes wrong I won't die.' I said to myself knowing I could regenerate from almost any physical injury.

"Mhm..." Merlin hummed in response as she watched me carefully.

With that said I used magic to press the start button on the machine which caused metal restraints to appear on my body which wouldn't hold me but it's better than nothing. With the restraints holding me down the machine slowly lowered the arm with a needle that soon reached the largest vein in my right arm. Normally the needle wouldn't be able to pierce my arm but I weakened that spot of my arm to allow it.

Slowly the needle penetrated my arm and began to pump the teal Limitless Serum into my veins and at first I felt nothing but only a few moments later I felt like my brain had been hit by a truck.

*Huuf* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff* *Huff*

My breathing became rapid and my eyes widened as an unbelievable feeling enveloped my body. Clear, awake, enlightened, and every other word to describe the feeling of waking up was what I was going through but on an entirely different level.

While making the Limitless Serum I was unable to truly fathom the thing I was creating. Unlocking 100% of the brain was no simple matter, there were so many systems and functions within the brain that I never even thought existed before, and thoughts themselves were another thing altogether.

Before the Limitless Serum was injected into me I unknowingly thought single-mindedly, I believed that I was someone who thought outside of the 'box' but that thought itself put me inside the box like everyone else. It was an amazing feeling being able to think in more than one way, I was able to truly understand things differently, all was as it is.

I sat silently on the chair unable to speak or express how I was feeling as I breathed rapidly. As mentioned before the Limitless Serum was permanent so right now my mind was undergoing a complete makeover and the entire process was exhilarating. Seeing things I'd never seen before, hearing things I'd never heard, thinking things I'd never thought, so many things were happening to me that my very being was changing into something more, something better.

More and more time passed as the effects of the Limitless Serum continued to elevate nonstop, I truly made an incredible thing. The regular Limitless pill couldn't be compared to the Limitless Serum ever, my creation was on an entirely different level and once this was finished I was certain that the benefits I gained would be far more than subject 137 had.

While going through the procedure I heard Alice return to the Lab and although I wanted to greet her and tell her about everything now wasn't the time but even if I did do that once Merlin saw Alice enter she flew to Alice and spoke to her before they both went outside.

Two hours, twenty-three minutes, and 4 seconds passed before the procedure came to an end. The effects of the Limitless Serum had solidified within me and I was finally able to truly grasp the magnitude of what I created.

Understanding was a very broad and odd term. I understand things now but my understanding isn't the same as my father's understanding, nor is it the same as my second father's. I understood who I was and who I am along with much more.

I was Keath Sunstone, a man who reincarnated into a world full of supernatural beings with the foolish thought of being a hidden power who would save the day when needed. I was a man who was scared of everything, a man who wanted to be brave and strong but didn't want to make sacrifices to do it, I was a man who was ruled by his past experiences, I was a man who thought he was appreciative of what he had and who he was but wasn't. I was a man with many negatives that I nor others could point out but now I could and I accepted them, that was the man I used to be and there was no changing that.

Now, my name is Tristan Swan Liones, I am the man who broke from his shell and destroyed his negatives, I am the only Nephalem to exist within this world, and much more. I truly understood who I am and what my existence implied, my obligations, aspirations, and more were all clear to me.

"For as smart as I believed myself to be I wasn't the brightest." I said aloud as I stood up from the chair that had long released me from the restraints.

Immediately after standing I cleaned myself with magic since I had been sweating profusely during the procedure. After cleaning myself I decided to begin the creation of the Super Soldier Serum for my father, I would have gone to check on Merlin and Alice but I could sense that they were very far so I decided to give them privacy while they speak on things.

"How amusing." I said to myself as I began the first step of creating the SS Serum.

I found it funny how much I wracked my brain thinking of ways to create the SS Serum when the serum was basically a permanent steroid infused with Vita rays, a very simplified way to put it but an accurate description regardless.

In truth, I found almost all of the thoughts I had before the Limitless Serum amusing. I was so driven by my fear and emotions that I didn't take anything else into consideration. A man driven by his fear is no man, but a boy. An accurate description of who I was just a few hours ago.

Putting the thought of my previous foolishness aside I dived into the creation of the SS Serum and progressed at an alarming pace, nothing was complicated when I had so many thoughts going on simultaneously within my brain. There were too many ideas, solutions, and different ways to do everything inside my mind to be stumped at anything I did.

When I looked at a problem I acquired the solution in less than two seconds, when I learned something new it only took one second to fully assimilate the new knowledge into myself, I was good at everything I did no matter if it was my first time or thousandth time, I did it perfectly, I even moved perfectly. I instinctively knew what to do as well as the best course of action for anything I did or wanted to do.

The gains I acquired from the Limitless Serum were many, as I said, my mind had a complete makeover, even my charisma had reached unparalleled levels which was something I expected but feeling it was something completely different.

Continuing my work on the SS Serum I continued for around two hours and quickly realized that if I continued at the pace I was going, which I would, it would take me around 3 days to make Dad his SS Serum.

"Back at it already?" Merlin said as she floated next to Alice.

"Time is of the essence, my dear." I replied as I looked away from the microscope and scanned Alice and Merlin who shook visibly as my gaze swept over them.

"You two look amazing." I said with a smile as I sat against the metal table behind me.

"You seem..." Alice said as she scanned me.

"Different." Merlin said finishing Alice's sentence.

Although the two hadn't been around me after the procedure yet it seemed that they could both sense how different I was compared to before, even Merlin and we hadn't known each other for long.

"Was the stuff you made supposed to make your eyes brighter?" Alice asked me as she stepped forward.

"It wasn't but I wasn't capable of annulling every side effect back then so it's not unexpected that this is the case." I replied as I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes had indeed brightened. They were a regular green and blue before but now they were neon green and eclectic blue.

"I like it." Merlin said as she wrapped her arms around me from behind, she had already proven to be an extremely confident woman so I wasn't surprised at how laidback she was about our relationship.

"Is that so?" I replied with a confident smile of my own as Merlin released me.

"Mhm." Merlin hummed in response as I looked at Alice who was watching from the side with a smile.

"How do you feel about this Alice?" I asked forming countless plans to get her to accept it happily.

"Well I was mad at first but when our sibling bond was formed my anger went away but I was still skeptical." Alice said as she dived into my arms adorably.

"Then me and Merlin hung out for a while and got to know each other some and I figured out something great!" Alice said with a bright smile as she looked up at me.

"What's that?" I asked curiously while returning her smile.

"Merlin's just like me!" Alice said excitedly as if she had met her best friend.

'Indeed she is.' I said to myself as I remembered the way Merlin looked at me a few hours ago, we hadn't even known each other for long but she was already showing signs of crazy, I had already calculated how she would act after we truly established our bond with a kiss and the results were lovely.

"Is that so?" I said with a smile as I looked at Merlin who was smiling at us.

"Mhm..." Alice said as she tightened her grip around me.

With that said the thing that I once thought would be a problem ended up not being one at all thanks to the sibling bond as well as the similarities between Merlin and Alice. With that out of the way, the three of us began to conversate on anything that came to mind but Merlin was more interested in the Limitless Serum which I said I would make for her since I knew it would help her immensely, just like it did me.

The biggest letdown for Merlin was that the Limitless Serum I would make for her, a human, wouldn't be as strong or as beneficial as mine due to the limits that she as a human had.

"Here handsome." Merlin said as she handed my phone back to me after putting her contact information into it.

"Although I'd like to stay, I have work to return to." Merlin said with a smile as she prepared to leave.

"You'll be coming to the Kingdom this coming weekend right?" Merlin asked curiously wanting to know the next time she would see me.

"Yeah." I replied as I stood up to see her off.

"I see." Merlin said as she wrapped her arms around me in a hug while I placed my hands around her slim waist.

"Remember our deal before, you're coming to my place." Merlin whispered in my ear before teleporting away.

"She's way more forward than I was." Alice said as she continued drawing.

I chose not to comment on that before walking toward Alice and placing a kiss on her cheek which earned me a beautiful smile from her.

"I'm gonna get back to work now sweetheart." I said to Alice.

"Okay." Alice replied with a smile.

With that said I returned to the creation of the Super Soldier Serum [SSS] for my first father Charlie. Now, the reason I say my first Dad is because I now recognize that Meliodas is my father and I should give him the chance to be that and the same thing applies to Elizabeth. Before I was set in the mindset that I already had parents and I didn't need to give them a chance but now one of the things I realized was that they did deserve that chance.

Putting the thought of my family aside I began diving deeper into the creation of the SSS which I planned to continue making nonstop until I had finished it. I had already made a projection for me to go to school so it didn't matter if I actually left the lab or not.

'This is far easier than I anticipated it would be.' I said to myself as I continued working.

Before taking the Limitless Serum I had expected that after I had taken it I would still take a while to make something like the Super Soldier Serum but it appears that I was wrong about another thing. I was already far smarter than any regular humans by far so humanities greatest non-supernatural minds like Erskine from Marvel weren't a match for me but after taking the Limitless Serum, I reached an entirely different plane of intellect compared to before so creating something like the SSS wasn't excessively difficult for me.

'I wonder if Dad can be trained as a knight after I get him the SSS.' I said to myself as I placed a test subject into a pod similar to the one Captain America was in but better. Since I didn't have one already made I had to take some time and build a Vita machine to assist with the Serum.




"AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" The subject screamed.



"AAAAHHHHHHHH..." The subject screamed before falling completely silent.

"Subject 212, deceased." I said aloud as the subject's heart stopped beating.

Another thing that changed after the Limitless Serum was the overly complex emotions I had before when the topic of death was mentioned. Before I came up with any reason to justify my actions but now I knew and understood that I wasn't doing this to get revenge for the victims of these people, I was doing it for my own gain and that was a big difference.

I don't mean that I became an emotionless killer that'll kill some random man on the street, I mean that I've understood that I don't necessarily mind killing someone for my own gain. Perhaps that's odd for someone like me but it's something that I've come to understand and accept.

With another subject dead, I moved on to the next then the next until it had been a few hours. At this point, I had come across a few different serums that did empower the subjects but nothing as good as the SSS so I couldn't say it was complete but I was pretty close, Dad would be more than your run of the mil human soon.

To be continued...

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