
Rejecting the Big Shot

Bo Xiyun had been transmigrating into one world after another. He just wanted to recuperate quietly but kept having weird interactions with a big shot. For example, the note he passed to the God of Studies offhandedly resulted in weird expressions from fellow classmates who told him, “You are still infatuated with him? You have no chance.” Bo Xiyun: “…I am secretly infatuated with him?” Holding the note, the God of Studies who had been quiet the entire time suddenly spoke up, “That’s not true.” Bo Xiyun sighed in relief. He just didn’t know how to act in a love drama. The God of Studies continued low and cold, “It was you who rejected me.” Bo Xiyun: “……” The consequence of rejecting the God of Studies was finally realizing what the true meaning of being passionate was. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, just that it was tough on the waist. In the next world, Bo Xiyun became bankrupt, and when faced with a contract, thoroughly rejected him by saying— “I don’t want to be a kept man, I prefer love on an equal footing.” Such a cold-faced big shot who was used to his status as the top of the food chain will definitely not be willing to be in an equal relationship. Bo Xiyun just wanted him to get angry and leave. He looked into this pair of eyes, so similar to the God of Studies, and felt lingering trauma. His waist hurt. The other party stared at him silently, his voice calm, “You had agreed previously to be my provider for three years and didn’t want to be in a relationship.” Bo Xiyun, “……” The consequence of rejecting the big shot was, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen nights, one night less and it wasn’t three years. Even after paying off this world’s debt, there was still the next world on the list. In the end, Bo Xiyun finally realized. He may be cold and distant but when he falls, his passion has no end, like the sea. (Synopsis from NovelUpdates) (It is not an official translation, just a fan translation. Thank you for your support.)

Maya_3D · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
84 Chs

Refuse to Confess (48)

Yi Zhongshen's words left Bo Xiyun in a daze for a long time.

He stared at Yi Zhongshen in a dazed manner, and the young man allowed him to look on like that. He even raised his hand and gently pressed his slightly bent finger against Bo Xiyun's straight nose.

He warmed the freezing and pale tip of the nose with his own body temperature.

After a while, the faint light that had been fixed in the boy's eyes finally moved.

Like the moon's reflection on water, like the thawing of spring ice.

Bo Xiyun slightly lowered his head, rubbing his nose bone and the center of his eyebrows against the young man's fingers.

Perhaps it was because he was bundled up so thickly on this winter night that he wasn't worried about being recognized, or perhaps the warmth in front of him was just too tempting.

The boy lowered himself and buried his face in the other person's chest.

He also raised the hand that hadn't been held, encircling the young man's solid waist. The movement wasn't skilled, and it wasn't even proper.

However, it was indeed an active embrace.

Yi Zhongshen only paused for half a second before he lifted his hand and placed it on the back of the boy's head.

Enveloping him in his arms.


The child's slightly hoarse voice sounded muffled.

He said, "It's like you've been encouraging me all along."

No matter how slow his reaction was, no matter how delayed his response was.

In Yi Zhongshen's low and magnetic voice, there seemed to be a hint of a smile, faint but sincere. He said, "Because you're really doing great."

The child, who had been calmly walking alone for so many years, deserved the long-awaited encouragement and praise.

Spoiled to the heavens.

Upon hearing this, the boy looked up, the mist in his eyes brushing against his eyelashes, making his delicate eye contours shine.

Yi Zhongshen fulfilled his intention and leaned down, kissing the boy's curled, soft eyelashes.

"And also, I favor you."

The young man(YZS) said softly, a hint of a smile more pronounced in his cool tone than before.

Yet, his expression was so reserved.

"So, I think you're not objective."

Bo Xiyun was slightly taken aback.

He had never imagined that the always calm and rational senior, who was even rumored to be distant from people, would say such words.

...Would say something "not objective."

But the young man lowered himself, planting a light kiss like snowflakes between his eyebrows and across his eye contours, and it was indeed a declaration.

"I like you, so I want to praise you."

In reality, the age difference between the two wasn't really that much, but Yi Zhongshen had always treated his crush as if he were a child.


"I want to pamper you like a child."

Bo Xiyun remained quiet for a while, unable to string together a coherent sentence.

Even though Senior had always been reserved and spoke little, he seemed to pour out his heartfelt words to him.

It left Bo Xiyun feeling as though an answer was expected. So, he had no choice but to stand on tiptoe.

And lightly pressed his lips to the young man's thin ones.

In that moment, Bo Xiyun seemed to finally understand the senior's thoughts.

Some things couldn't be contained, they flowed out, too viscous to express clearly.

So, they could only communicate with kisses.

Bo Xiyun also wanted to express himself.

His intelligence might have been focused elsewhere, leaving him awkward and tongue-tied when it came to emotions.


People were patient and waiting.

Burning like snow and igniting like ice, always responding to him.


After a fulfilling Lantern Festival, Bo Xiyun felt much more relaxed than before.

In less than two days, even Gu Sheng noticed the difference in him.

Gu Sheng couldn't help but wonder, "Why does it feel like Xiao Bo Xiyun has been so happy these past two days?"

At that moment, Gu Sheng sat by the long table in Bo Xiyun's study, peeling nuts.

Meanwhile, his precious younger brother was engrossed in reading the problem statements, casually marking on the complex charts that were dizzying to most people, not even bothering to look up.

Instead, it was Yi Zhongshen by the boy's side who glanced at Gu Sheng, his gaze falling on the small white nuts in Gu Sheng's palm. He said in a cold and indifferent tone, "What are you peeling."

"What?" Gu Sheng was momentarily confused and instinctively answered, "Pistachios."

He was waiting for Yi Zhongshen's next words, but the young man, after speaking, withdrew his gaze, refocusing on Bo Xiyun's notes.

Gu Sheng paused for a moment before realizing it.

Yi Zhongshen had actually been answering his earlier question.

Why was he happy?

Because he was eating pistachios.


Gu Sheng almost spilled all the peeled nuts from his hand.

What kind of Antarctic-level joke was this?!

Just as Gu Sheng was starting to feel that not only his precious younger brother but even Yi Zhongshen was acting a bit strange, the boy who had finished marking the information finally looked up and asked the question again.

"What did you just say made me happy?"

Gu Sheng regained his focus and nodded, "Yeah, I feel like you've been quite happy these past two days."

The young man fell silent for a moment, blinked his eyes, and then said, "It's probably because the progress of the makeup classes is going smoothly."

Gu Sheng rubbed his nose, feeling that the answer wasn't surprising.

He thought to himself, can studying really be the only thing that brings happiness to Xiao Yun?

Without skipping a beat, Gu Sheng continued, "It might also be because you just finished celebrating the Lantern Festival with someone special, so your heart feels good."

The boy's eyes curved as he smiled, exceptionally sweet, causing Gu Sheng to discreetly press his hand to his heart.

"And the weather has been great~ I haven't felt carsick these past few days either."

Bo Xiyun listed several reasons in one breath.

If it weren't for the fact that the term "someone special" immediately overwhelmed Gu Sheng's mind with sweetness, he might have realized that the boy seemed to be evading the real issue.

He had said so much, yet he conveniently left out the most crucial reason.

Or perhaps the boy was genuinely happy because of something specific.

So, he felt that everything was good and made his heart happy.

This state of happiness continued after the holiday.

When the winter vacation ended and the new semester began, Bo Xiyun didn't return to Q City but stayed in B City, preparing for the national physics team selection.

His foundation was already excellent, with a very strong grasp of the basics. Coupled with the intensive training from Teacher Li for so many days, the boy's progress in handling high-difficulty questions was remarkable.

So, when Bo Xiyun successfully made it onto the list for the national physics competition team, Gu Sheng wasn't too surprised; he was just genuinely happy for the boy.

However, the subsequent developments were so astonishing that even Gu Sheng felt surprised.

Within two weeks, Bo Xiyun breezed through six rounds of selection and secured a spot in the final competition with an undisputed first place overall, out of just five available positions.

He would be representing the country and competing in this year's International Physics Olympiad (IPhO).

The IPhO for that year was being held in Zurich, Switzerland. China was traditionally a strong team in this event, although its dominance had waned compared to its peak years.

Including the previous year, the Chinese team had been left out of the overall championship for three consecutive years. The discussions around the event had shifted from surprise and excitement when the championship was lost initially, to a more resigned attitude last year when the team didn't even make it to the top three. As a result, the level of attention toward the competition had declined considerably.

Each year, when the news was announced, the comments that generated the most replies often revolved around how students in China only knew how to memorize textbooks and couldn't compete against the truly top students internationally. People argued that their problem-solving skills and creativity were lacking compared to their overseas counterparts.

Even some extremist comments would often bring the discussion back to blind nationalism and comparisons of superiority and inferiority, sparking considerable controversy.

(Tn: Every country has a few extreme racists and its something no one change.)

However, these sensationalized opinions didn't affect the actual participants.

The young team arrived in Zurich and, after a brief rest, the nine-day international event, the highest-level competition, began.

Although the nine-day schedule might seem long, the actual competition days were quite intense. These high school students not only had to adapt to a completely unfamiliar environment but also overcome issues like translation and mentality. They had to complete multiple rounds of theoretical and experimental assessments within just a few days.

It wasn't until the afternoon of the fifth day that the exams finally concluded.

The entire competition entered the tense judging phase.

The eighth day was the award ceremony. Even though the ceremony didn't start until 3 p.m., many teams had already arrived early.

The five high school students from the Chinese team also arrived at the auditorium ahead of time, waiting for the announcement of the final results.

During this period before the start, reporters had already arrived.

There weren't many reporters on-site. Nowadays, there were actually very few reporters who bothered to be present at the scene. Most media outlets were waiting to repost second-hand information, satisfied once they had their key performance indicators in hand. They were even too lazy to be at the actual event.

It seemed as if their reporting skills had boiled down to copying and reposting, and their writing only consisted of a sentence saying, "Source: from so-and-so."

This time, accompanying them was a well-known media outlet, and the journalist was a young woman. After obtaining the consent of a few high school students, she called over the cameraman and began the interview.

The questions the journalist asked were all very gentle, such as where each of them came from and how long they had prepared.

However, due to their young age, the high school students weren't very adept at expressing themselves on camera. They mostly answered one question at a time, so the interview didn't last very long.

Seeing that the students were preoccupied with the competition results, the journalist sister didn't press further and quickly concluded the interview. She planned to prepare the article after the awards ceremony.

Just after wrapping up the interview, her phone rang. The journalist picked up the call and gestured to the cameraman before walking away.

The cameraman stayed in place, filming some additional footage inside the auditorium.

The five high school students sat back together, preparing to wait for the upcoming ceremony.

However, at that moment, a man wearing a brown vest and square glasses approached them and asked, "May I ask if you could accept our interview?"

The man spoke politely, but the few high school students hesitated for a moment and instinctively looked for their team leader.

They hadn't previously agreed to two interviews, and the appearance of this male journalist seemed to be an unalterable part of the process.

However, the team leader wasn't nearby at the moment. Just as the kids were still in a daze, the person who had come with the male journalist had already opened the camera and started filming directly, pointing it at their faces.

The male journalist didn't introduce himself, and he didn't have any identifiable credentials on him. He smiled amiably and asked, "China's team hasn't taken first place for four consecutive years. Did you come here this year with four years of anticipation?"

Four years?

Wasn't it three years?

This question was sudden and felt somewhat sinister. Despite the friendly demeanor, his words seemed to carry hidden meaning.

The high school students had no experience dealing with such situations. They had been here for so many days and only now encountered such an unexpected situation.

Seeing that they didn't respond immediately, the male journalist didn't rush them. He continued politely, "Including this year, it's been a full five years, right?"

The way the other person calculated the years without winning was quite strange. Sitting on the innermost side, Bo Xiyun couldn't help but sense something.

He looked at the male journalist's face.

The man's Mandarin was very standard, without any accent.

However, Bo Xiyun realized that this probably wasn't a domestic journalist.

Four years ago, in the previous competition, there was an unusual tie for the top place in the team standings, and the individual champion also didn't have a clear winner. The Chinese contestant eventually obtained the highest score in the theory part, while the other tied country achieved the highest score in the experimental part.

The male journalist kept emphasizing the events from four years ago, perhaps because he was a journalist from the tied country. That's why he wasn't counting the championship from four years ago as China's.

As he continued to ask questions, the microphone he held was getting closer to the frontmost high school students.

"If you don't secure first place, would you feel ashamed?"

The few high school students were a bit puzzled. A girl looked at him warily and cautiously responded, "The results haven't been announced yet, isn't it inappropriate to ask this now?"

Upon hearing this, the man immediately handed the microphone to the girl and the cameraman swiftly turned the camera towards her.

"Miss, do you think that once the results are out, you'll definitely come in first?"

With the camera and microphone aimed at her like this, the girl felt somewhat uncomfortable and instinctively tried to avoid them.

However, the microphone quickly followed her movement, and the male journalist's smile remained genuine.

"What if you don't win?"

A boy next to the girl protected her, pushing the microphone away from her face.

However, this didn't deter the male journalist from pursuing his questioning.

"If you can't achieve it, yet you're certain that you'll come in first, where does that confidence come from?"

The male journalist glanced at everyone. He wasn't tall, yet his demeanor was somewhat condescending as he spoke.

"Do you not feel that this is also a problem throughout the country?"


He said this, and the high school students immediately refuted him, speaking up one after another.

"That's not it!"

The male journalist's expression was somewhat ambiguous. "Really? Clearly lacking the ability, yet still wanting to compete for first place, forcing the world to acknowledge it, making enemies left and right..."

"No," the high school student sitting on the innermost side suddenly interrupted, "We've said it, that's not it."

"We aren't fighting for first place, we just want to achieve our own results."

Bo Xiyun spoke in a deep voice. He remained polite in his tone towards the male journalist.

"If you're dissatisfied, you can wait for the final results to come out. It won't be long."

Naturally, the male journalist's words were provocative, and he smiled, saying, "Do you all have so much confidence in the results? Where does that assurance come from?"

After saying this, he didn't wait for the students to answer and continued.

"According to my information, among this year's competing teams, there's even the younger brother of the champion from four years ago..."

Although the male journalist's words were somewhat tactful, he was speaking as if victory was assured.

However, after he had spoken for a few sentences, he realized that the group of high school students before him wasn't reacting.

The five of them quietly conferred and then acted together. They opened a cloth bag and carefully took out what was inside.

It was a piece of thin silk. They each held a corner of the silk from the outside, a telepathic synchronization, and then with coordinated precision, they unfurled it with a swift motion.

The national flag was as brilliant as a flame.

Bo Xiyun, sitting on the innermost side, pointed to the unfurled flag and calmly said, "This is our assurance."

The male journalist paused for a moment before smiling and saying, "You are truly confident."

Bo Xiyun replied calmly, "We won't pretend to be humble."

Clearly arrogant and cold, yet pretending to be respectful and amiable.

The male journalist continued to smile, "I hope you'll still be this confident later."

"Of course," the high school students said, "that's our goal."

"Not just this time," Bo Xiyun added, "we believe that next year's competition, we will also raise this national flag."

It was at this moment that the journalist sister who had left earlier returned.

As soon as she arrived, she looked at the male journalist.

"Hello, may I ask why you're here for an interview? Did you apply in advance?"

The male journalist didn't say anything and quickly left with the cameraman.

The journalist sister watched his departing figure, furrowing her brow. She then turned around to reassure the high school students.

"Are you all okay?"

The high school students shook their heads. The journalist sister explained, "He's not one of the domestic journalists who came with us this time. I haven't seen him before, and he wasn't even wearing a press pass."

Who is this person? Deliberately trying to intimidate these kids.

The group didn't chat much because the award ceremony began quickly.

The ceremony had a few segments, and the final results were announced swiftly.

And the results were quite pleasing.

In this IPHO competition, all five members of the Chinese team won gold medals, accounting for only 8% of the total. They also achieved first place in all four categories: team total, individual total, individual theory score, and individual experimental score.

They truly became the champions of this year's competition.

The journalist sister also keenly noticed the male journalist in the distant audience seats; he was still present.

The cameraman shifted the camera lens and later, the male journalist's expression appeared on the screen, looking quite unpleasant.

It was as if they had already held the victory in their hands, but the final cold result woke them up with a jolt.

The news of the team's absolute victory in first place at IPHO quickly gained significant attention back in their home country.

In theory, international competitions are important, but since they happen every year, the number of people who pay attention each year isn't actually that high.

Even if it was a triumphant return to the championship after three years, at most, it would only spread among high school students and a small circle of people who pay attention to competitions. Most people would just glance at it and move on.

However, this time, the topic of the IPHO award ceremony surged onto the trending topics list and the discussions remained intense.

The reason behind this was that the entire interview process conducted by the male journalist was continuously recorded by the camera that had been filming for supplementary footage.

Once this video was circulated on domestic platforms, it quickly spread beyond its initial circle.

The intentions of the man with the square-framed glasses, who had come to provoke trouble, were evident throughout the video. His seemingly polite but actually overbearing attitude made people genuinely disgusted from the bottom of their hearts.

His nationality and identity were now clearly exposed.

Originally, this was an academic competition, but as soon as it touched upon the topic of the country that had jointly won the championship four years ago, the public discourse exploded.

The topic related to that country was already in a sensitive state. Nobody had anticipated that they would hide malicious intentions even in the context of this purely academic event.

After this incident, domestic citizens once again witnessed the other side's full malice, reigniting old enmity with the addition of new grievances.

As a result, this championship in the competition became particularly triumphant, serving as a resounding retort that left people satisfied and proud.

After the topic ignited heated discussions, people compared the information on overseas platforms and found that the man with the square-framed glasses wasn't even a journalist from that country; he was one of the leaders of their country's competing team.

This discovery further fueled online discussions.

["So they thought they had won first place and came to show off in advance, huh?"]

["No wonder the guy's expression was so ugly in the end. Their team is more than twenty points behind us!"]

["They didn't even make it to the top three, where did they get their confidence from?"]

[According to his words, it's their entire country's issue [dog emoji]]

[He's only right about one thing; this time they are indeed the younger siblings [side-eye smirk emoji]]

The high school students in the video also became the subject of discussion. Due to their composed responses, they received a lot of praise and encouragement. Especially their unified display of the national flag deeply moved people.

[Strong youth, strong country!]

[Young people are so talented these days...]

In just a few days, the results of another international competition, the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), were also announced, and the Chinese team won the championship again after two years.

The consecutive victories sparked unprecedented discussions in China.

This time, nobody mentioned that students only knew how to rote(drill) memorize or were inferior to students abroad.

At this moment, the attention shifted to a young boy in the physics competition video. Since the list of participants in international competitions is public, the names of the five high school students became known. The surname "Bo" was quite rare, and it inevitably reminded people of a previous hot topic:

The "little beggar" who was driven away in Q City and whose true identity turned out to be the child B City's family had been searching for over the years.

Although it's often said that the internet has no memory, the screenshots and videos from the previous hot topic remained, and upon comparison, the public discovered that the "little beggar" who had previously gone viral due to his unexpected background was one of the main characters in the IPhO award ceremony video.

Moreover, this particularly eye-catching and seemingly young and beautiful boy secured the first place in the theoretical exam, the experimental exam, and the total score.

He left the Russian participant who came in second place trailing by an astonishing margin of five points.

Truly deserving of being hailed as an undisputed prodigy.

For a while, this young prodigy received somewhat "chuunibyou" (a term describing adolescent delusions of grandeur) but unanimously top-notch reviews on various forums:

"Like a god descending, terrifyingly so."

Although the broader public might not understand the significance of this competition, it doesn't stop them from enthusiastically discussing the topic.

When compared to the previous viral topic, the reversal of this young boy's identity is even more dramatic.

The most talked-about aspect is news of this kind.

"Thirty years on the west bank, thirty years on the east bank; do not bully a poor youth."

(Tn: "西岸三十年,东岸三十年;勿欺贫少年." "Xī'àn sānshí nián, dōng'àn sānshí nián, bùyào qīfù yīgè pínqióng de qīngnián." It rhymes in chinese but the translation spoiled it so here it is in pinyin.)

Not just trending topics and online users, but many people who know Bo Xiyun are also discussing these topics.

Especially at the high school he attends.

In fact, previously, there were some concerns at his school.

Bo Xiyun's household registration had already been transferred to B City, and although his student status remained at his current school, it could be transferred away at any time.

While B City didn't lack students who could excel academically, and many students who ranked fourth in national competitions would have been enough to make any high school want him, including prestigious ones.

The teachers were well aware that for this child, Q City wasn't a city worth lingering in.

Moreover, the matter of his student status was significant, and transferring to B City was indeed a more secure option.

So when Bo Xiyun's call came through, the homeroom teacher was mentally prepared.

However, he didn't expect to hear the young boy say:

"Teacher, I'm going to represent the national team in Switzerland and I need the school's cooperation to submit some documents."

Bo Xiyun didn't mention transferring his student status at all.

He still considered himself a student of their school.

Until the end of the IPhO competition, as the topic of the awards ceremony ignited public discussion, the teachers looked at the online information but couldn't help but feel their eyes getting misty.

Because the list of champions had already spread across various platforms, behind the first-place winner's name, a few clear words followed:

"Bo Xiyun (Q City No.1 High School)"

Compared to other team members from prestigious schools like R High School and Yali Middle School, Q City No.1 High School wasn't as well-known.

And this was precisely why this listing held so much significance for Q City No.1 High School.

It was their first time achieving such a prestigious honor.

The school naturally rejoiced in this achievement, but what pleased them even more was Bo Xiyun's consistent identification with their school.

Coupled with the reason for his name being in the public list, Q City No.1 High School gained significant attention recently.

After considering the situation, the school leadership thought: We can't let go of such a great example of education—promotion, let's promote it!

As a result, not only did Q City No.1 High School spread the news through various local media, but they also put up a massive promotional banner outside the school for their talented student.

In fact, this kind of thing was not uncommon. The annual honor roll and similar practices were very common methods of promotion.

However, this time the photos were posted on a grand scale. On a huge wall billboard was Bo Xiyun receiving the award at the awards ceremony in Switzerland.

Full of spirit, a gallant youth.

The promotional billboard was put up right before the weekend, giving them time to prepare for the coming week.

Many students from Q City No.1 High School went to the banner to take photos and watch, attracting the attention of passersby. Among the crowd gazing up at the promotional billboard, there was a middle-aged man who seemed to be passing by coincidentally. His expression couldn't hide his desolation, and he stood there staring for quite a while.

As the murmurs around him gradually grew louder and people occasionally looked over and pointed in this direction, the middle-aged man finally seemed to snap out of it. He turned around in silence and walked away.

The nearby students noticed this scene and were curious.

"What's up with the guy who just left?"

"Did he drive him away..."

High school students of this age were often at the peak of their abilities, and when they encountered beggars who were physically able, they couldn't help but stop. Even when they saw elderly people selling vegetables, they would feel compelled to buy something.

Furthermore, the sight of the middle-aged man leaving in a dejected manner seemed pitiable to onlookers.

However, soon the truth was revealed.

"The guy is Bai Gelei!"

"He's the one who forced God Yun to change his surname. He insisted on it, almost delaying even the competition results."

As soon as Bai Gelei's name was mentioned, the sympathy that had arisen in the students quickly transformed.

"It's him? How does he still have the audacity to show up?!"

"No wonder he couldn't fit in... he's brought this upon himself! It's no wonder he's struggling. He has no one else to blame but himself!"

The middle-aged man had already left with heavy footsteps, and his back was no longer as upright as it used to be. The words of the passing comments were like bricks, weighing him down and making his posture even more hunched.

The pointing and whispering that followed after being recognized wasn't something Bai Gelei had encountered for the first time in the past few days.

As the sun set, the golden hues cast their radiance on the large promotional billboard, making the already dazzling white-clad youth appear even more brilliant.

Bai Gelei, who had been chased away by the chatter, no longer had the right to even take another glance at him.

Bai Gelei came to Q City No.1 High School today to process Bai Xiu's withdrawal from the school.

And it wasn't just taking a leave of absence.

Bai Xiu was expelled directly from the school.

In the past, this might have been a matter that concerned his reputation, something Bai Gelei would never personally handle. Even after Liu's exposé and Gu's careful reckoning of the balance, Bai Gelei didn't let down his guard, always appearing dignified and putting on a show when he went out.

Until recently, when the mastermind behind everything was finally revealed, Bai Gelei was plunged into a deep confusion. And today, he couldn't even bother to pay attention to anything around him.

Bai Gelei initially thought it was his younger brother causing him trouble. Later, he suspected it was someone who had shared his bed for over a decade. It was only in the end that he finally learned the identity of the person who had been plotting against him all this time.

It was his own biological son, Bai Xiu.

The revelations from Liu's exposure, Wu Ying's manipulation... even the recovery of his biological son, it turned out that Bai Xiu was behind it all.

Upon confirming this information, Bai Gelei was consumed by rage. He immediately wanted to restrain Bai Xiu and forcibly execute his own backup plan — creating a child through artificial insemination.

He planned to have a new and more obedient heir.

However, Bai Xiu managed to resist his father's attempts. Bloodline inheritance was a terrifying thing. Despite not having lived with Bai Gelei for even a day, Bai Xiu had managed to learn all of his father's methods and was even more ruthless and cruel.

Bai Gelei couldn't have anticipated this turn of events.

In the end, he was thoroughly defeated by another version of himself.

Bai Xiu had been planning this complete takeover of Bai Gelei's life for a long time. During these days of resistance, Bai Gelei gradually emerged from his state of fury, falling into a deep sense of confusion.

He hadn't even realized how long he had been living like a walking corpse.

Three days ago, Bai Xiu was suddenly taken away by the police — he was suspected of using illegal drugs. These drugs were powerful hallucinogens, a category strictly prohibited.

Only then did Bai Gelei regain his freedom.

As the elder in the family, Bai Gelei soon learned of the real progress of the investigation.

Bai Xiu wasn't just using prohibited drugs; he was also involved in their sale.

This has turned into a criminal case.

Even though Bai Xiu is still a minor, there's no way he can escape responsibility. He was immediately taken into custody.

Bai Xiu couldn't settle down even in detention. He managed to send a message through a friend to Bai Gelei.

"Get me out of here, or you'll never get the sperm you want."

As the sun set, Bai Gelei drove alone on the streets away from the school. He stared ahead blankly, filled with confusion.

Given the severity of Bai Xiu's involvement in the case, although the final outcome hadn't been determined yet, the school had already held a meeting and decided, according to the school regulations, to expel him.


The sound of a vibrating phone suddenly echoed in the quiet car, standing out starkly.

Bai Gelei's hand wasn't steady, and it took him a couple of vibrations before he finally answered the call.

"Mr. Bai," a voice filled with barely concealed excitement came through, "we've made contact. Everything you need is ready. When would be a good time for you to retrieve the sperm? Take a look, and also when can the retrieval schedule be arranged for?"

To the good news he had eagerly anticipated not long ago, Bai Gelei now seemed unusually dazed.

The voice on the other end continued, "You seemed to be in a hurry, luckily, the extra payment worked. After the success, you'll be able to hold your child around September. We guarantee a baby boy for you..."

Bai Gelei suddenly spoke, his voice hoarse.

"No need."

The voice on the other end hesitated, thinking they had misunderstood. "...What?"

Bai Gelei's voice remained flat, albeit hoarse.

"Cancel the sperm retrieval plan. I don't want the child anymore."

With that, he hung up the phone directly.

As the evening glow descended, in the rearview mirror, the gradually receding giant advertising board still basked in the warm golden sunlight, shining brightly.

The vehicle continued its silent journey, heading towards the vast night darkness, gradually sinking into this dim and gray darkness.

What more did he need in terms of descendants?

In the midst of this somber night, Bai Gelei finally realized this truth.

His painstaking efforts, his depleted energy, all to preserve his genes, seemed so despicable.

So utterly worthless.

After completely giving up on Bai Xiu, and abandoning the long-planned sperm retrieval plan, the heart that had been supporting Bai Gelei seemed to have been drained in an instant. He appeared to age ten years in a blink, his back stooping more and more uncomfortably.

But he still had a destination.

Bai Gelei stared ahead.

Go... go back.

There was still a place he could go.

Bai Gewen plotted for his inheritance, Bai Xiu had calculated against him deeply, but there was still one person.

Still one person waiting for him.

How ironic. Bai Gelei had pursued bloodlines and legacy throughout his life, only to realize in the end that the one he could truly trust was none other than Wu Ying, who had no blood relation to him whatsoever.

(Tn: His second wife, the one who helped BXY with money and basic necessities.)

He was going to Ying'er's place.

(Tn: er '儿' is an informal suffix added at the end of your loved one's names.)

At the thought of this sweet name, Bai Gelei's previously weary face suddenly radiated a renewed brilliance.

He knew he looked different from Wu Yang now. Just a couple of days ago, strangers had mistaken him and Wu Ying for a father-daughter pair.

But Bai Gelei didn't mind.

He was willing to be with this woman.

Now, he only cared about Wu Ying.


The video segment of the IPhO awards ceremony had sparked lively discussions in China, but Bo Xiyun, one of the participants, remained unaware of the extent of it all.

Because he hadn't returned to the country yet.

The competition lasted a total of nine days, but on the ninth day, Bo Xiyun didn't go to the airport with the rest of the team.

Instead, he went to find his senior.

In fact, Yi Zhongshen had initially planned to arrive earlier. He had even prepared to accompany Bo Xiyun to Switzerland for the competition. However, during the competition, the students were under strict containment and couldn't leave the premises freely, so the plan was abandoned.

Yi Zhongshen finally picked him up on the first day the young participants were allowed to leave the competition venue.

With the new school year having just started, Yi Zhongshen wasn't too busy. They spent more than ten days in the region, touring almost all of Western Europe.

Originally, Gu Sheng was concerned about the young child, wanting Bo Xiyun to return home early. However, as the online discussions gained momentum and the public was so engaged in debating the matter, they decided not to disturb Bo Xiyun and let him take some time outside to relax.

The child had been preparing for the competition nervously all along, and now that it was finally over, it was time for him to rest properly.

Only when they had truly relaxed enough and Bo Xiyun began to worry about his senior's class schedules did the two of them prepare to return to their home country.

A day before their return, Bo Xiyun received a call from Gu Sheng.

Gu Sheng's call wasn't about anything urgent. He just wanted to inquire about their travel arrangements and have a chat with his dear younger brother.

As Bo Xiyun was packing his luggage, he put the call on speaker and chatted with Gu Sheng while checking his belongings.

Gu Sheng noticed something peculiar as he heard Bo Xiyun listing the items on his packing list. He sounded puzzled. "Why do you have so many luxury bags in your luggage?"

He didn't remember his brother being fond of such things before. Could it be that he had been giving the wrong gifts all this time?

As it turned out, those bags weren't Bo Xiyun's.

"I bought these for Wu Ying. She said they're only available at the boutiques here."

Gu Sheng was a bit surprised. "You're still in touch with Wu Ying?"


Despite being in B City now, Bo Xiyun had continued to stay in touch with his friends from before.

Originally, even after losing his reproductive ability in a car accident, it couldn't make Bai Gelei change his ways. However, this time, more than ten years later, he finally came to a complete realization.

Bai Gelei sincerely reflected on himself, realizing that he had wasted so many years living in vain. Fortunately, it's not too late, as he has now found the love of his life.

"Bai Gelei gave a considerable portion of his shares to Wu Ying, and as a result..."

Gu Sheng paused for a moment, cleared his throat, and then continued.

"Wu Ying's shareholding percentage reached an absolute advantage, obtaining decision-making power and directly taking over Bai Gelei's company."

Bo Xiyun was slightly surprised. "...Taken over?"

"Yes," said Gu Sheng. "Now, the Bai Corporation has already begun asset restructuring, or rather, it's not called Bai Corporation anymore. Now, it belongs to Wu Ying."

For Wu Ying, this wasn't actually difficult at all. As early as a while ago, the financial power of the Bai Corporation was already in her hands.

However, Gu Sheng didn't mention all these details to Bo Xiyun. He couldn't help but exclaim, "Wu Ying is amazing."

Gu Sheng fell silent for a moment. He didn't say anything more, perhaps because he recalled Wu Ying's recent thunderous methods. Even though he had only exchanged a few words with his younger brother on the phone, Gu Sheng couldn't help but say a few more things.

Without truly considering the possible risks, it was hard to know the extent of the situation.

Gu Sheng didn't overlook the presence of someone else on the other end of the call who had remained silent throughout.

When they were packing their luggage earlier, Bo Xiyun was only responsible for reading the items aloud. The person who actually checked and verified the belongings was someone else, as one could easily imagine.

Occasionally, Gu Sheng couldn't help but wonder. In terms of work-related matters, he certainly wasn't as capable as his friend. To the point that now, Gu Sheng could only speculate without evidence—

Given that Bai Xiu had been quickly and conclusively imprisoned, and Wu Ying had smoothly taken over the substantial assets of the Bai Corporation, was Yi Zhongshen also involved in these efficient processes?

The truth was hard to determine.

But Gu Sheng could still perceive who was genuinely looking out for Bo Xiyun's best interests.

Someone who was entirely focused on what was best for the child.

After returning to the country and dealing with a day of jet lag, Bo Xiyun went out the next day to meet some friends. The people who invited him were classmates who had participated in the competition in Switzerland with him. Although the IPhO had ended some time ago, several of them happened to be in the same city as Bo Xiyun.

Furthermore, for them, this was the most relaxed and leisurely time. So, as soon as Bo Xiyun returned to the country, all five of them gathered together, arranging to meet up a day later.

In the evening, the five high school students went to find their team leader teacher and had dinner together. Looking at it this way, it seemed like a celebration banquet held back in their home country.

That day, Yi Zhongshen returned to the school to handle some matters that had been left pending during their overseas trip, so Bo Xiyun went out alone. Although the bodyguards who had been accompanying the young man during the day were following from a distance, they weren't with him in the evening. They had dinner and went to Yi Zhongshen's hotel, and even the seating arrangements were made by Yi Zhongshen, so he wasn't overly worried.

However, this lack of worry lost its convincing power when Yi Zhongshen checked his watch for the third time. Perhaps due to the lively conversation among the high school students, the dinner extended into the late hours of the night.

Just when Yi Zhongshen was beginning to consider whether he should call to inquire about the situation, he finally received a message from the young man.

"I'm here."

This was a new habit the child had developed. If they were not together, every time he arrived at his destination, the young man would send Yi Zhongshen a message to let him know he was safe.

Yi Zhongshen thought for a moment about how to reply, but his body reacted before he could do anything.

"Knock knock."

Two hours later, Yi Zhongshen had already appeared outside the young man's bedroom balcony, knocking on the French doors.

The window was pulled open from the inside, and Bo Xiyun stood by the window, lowering his beautiful eyes to look at him.

Unlike before, the young man didn't move aside promptly to let him in. His reaction seemed a bit sluggish, and there was a hint of bewilderment in his eyes.

He looked at Yi Zhongshen for a few seconds, then softly said, "Romeo."

Yi Zhongshen chuckled.

Climbing onto the balcony, huh?

The indoor floor was slightly higher than the outdoor balcony, so when Yi Zhongshen leaned forward, he was able to kiss the young man's delicate nose.

His low, magnetic voice carried a faint smile.

"Kiss, Juliet."

After planting that kiss, Yi Zhongshen frowned.

He pressed a hand against the window frame and then maneuvered himself inside, carefully sizing up the young man.

"Did you drink?"

Yi Zhongshen caught a faint whiff of alcohol on the young man's body.

The young man seemed puzzled, as if not quite understanding his question. After a moment, he shook his head and said, "No."

But the faint smell of alcohol on him couldn't be hidden.

Yi Zhongshen wanted to ask further, but the young man suddenly whispered.

"It tastes so bitter..."

"What's wrong?" Yi Zhongshen asked.

Toward the side of the table, Bo Xiyun's gaze landed on a bowl of deep brown soup, faintly steaming.

With a single glance, Yi Zhongshen recognized it as a medicinal soup meant for Bo Xiyun's health.

These types of herbal concoctions certainly wouldn't taste good, but Bo Xiyun had been drinking them for a while now. He never complained before when taking medicine, and there was rarely a need for a reminder.

So obedient that it made people want to sigh.

It wasn't because of the alcohol; today was the first time the young man had shown such obvious resistance.

It melted people's hearts.

Yi Zhongshen leaned down and kissed him gently.

This was a good thing.

A cause for celebration.

The young one was finally starting to act coquettish.

However, Yi Zhongshen, who interpreted the young man's reaction as a happy event, clearly set his joy standard quite low for tonight.

Because as he locked the window, drew the curtains tight, and turned around, he was met with the soft voice of the young man.


The young man's eyes, filled with watery light, gazed steadily at him, his expression so earnest.

"I like you too."


Yi Zhongshen let out a sigh for himself.

He turned around, lifted the medicine bowl from the table, and stirred it with a spoon.

"You still need to take your medicine."

The young man looked at him, his expression tinged with confusion.

"It's not about that…"

The young one's eyes seemed to be even more moist.

"I mean it."

"I know."

Yi Zhongshen replied seriously.

"But I need to say something different, or else you might get too ecstatic."

Bo Xiyun visibly paused.

It seemed that his already somewhat confused thoughts couldn't quite connect the words "serious and stern senior" with "ecstatically going crazy."

But he could sense it.

Everything Senior said was true.

He closed his eyes as Yi Zhongshen's kiss landed on his soft eyelashes.

Senior seemed to always enjoy kissing him, getting close to him, and touching him.

Now, Bo Xiyun understood very clearly.

It wasn't for any other reason.

It was simply because Yi Zhongshen liked him.

It was just that simple.

So, after expressing his feelings with the same simplicity and directness, the young man's delicate and soft brows and eyes appeared content.

Even facing the medicine, it seemed as though the bitterness had vanished.

Not "seemed," it only lasted until right before he took the medicinal soup into his mouth.

Just as Yi Zhongshen brought the warm water, he saw the young man tilt his head back and gulp down the rest of the medicinal soup in one go, without a pause.

Drinking it quickly would make it taste even more bitter.

He might as well drink it all at once.

Even when the young man indulged in some coquettishness, he still made sure to take care of his own matters quickly.

After Yi Zhongshen gave him a bit of warm water to drink, Bo Xiyun, looking somewhat languid, settled quietly in Yi Zhongshen's arms.

Despite being back for a little while, the young man hadn't been able to put on weight. These days in Western Europe, while Bo Xiyun had enjoyed himself immensely, the long-haul flights and jetlag had left him noticeably lighter.

It was a mystery how someone so thin could afford to lose any weight.

As he leaned against Yi Zhongshen's chest, it reminded him of the golden kitten that was being raised by Gu Sheng.

The cat was at an age where it wasn't very old, and after seeing the little golden cat, Bo Xiyun had grown quite fond of it. The kitten often stuck to him, sleeping in his arms and even kneading his arm with its soft, padded paws.

(Tn: They used to have a cat, remember?)

When Yi Zhongshen was around, Bo Xiyun would show the kitten to him, allowing the little cat to snuggle into Yi Zhongshen's embrace as well.

However, the kitten didn't like to knead Yi Zhongshen, as his muscles and bones were too firm. Instead, it often retreated back into Bo Xiyun's arms.

Bo Xiyun felt a bit sorry that he couldn't share the cuteness of the little milk kitten with his senior.

But Yi Zhongshen didn't envy him at all.

(Tn: Envy BXY because he couldn't hold the kitten.)

He had experienced something a hundred times more wonderful.

Especially during the nights, where he received exclusive services.

Now, with the young man nestled in his arms, soft and tender, it was even more obedient than holding a little milk kitten scented with milk.

Moreover, Bo Xiyun was already a bit clouded by the bitterness of the medicine and the effects of alcohol, yet he was still seriously considering something.

He was pondering the sentence Yi Zhongshen had said before.

"I'll say it a few more times... Have you gotten used to it?"

(Tn: they mean the "i like you")

The more times the young man said that he liked it, the sense of pleasure and excitement wouldn't diminish in the slightest.

But Yi Zhongshen nodded and responded, "Yes."

So, the young man said it again, "I like you."

Even though he didn't have much strength left, he still made an effort to tilt his head back and gently touch Yi Zhongshen's chin.

Yi Zhongshen himself realized that something wasn't quite right. It felt like taking advantage of the situation while the young man wasn't fully sober, using the opportunity to deceive him.

This made him feel guilty, and he was prepared to apologize sincerely once he sobered up the next day.

As for why it had to be tomorrow, it was because he could only let things be for now, to resist the temptation or to indulge in the moment.

How tempting it was to have the young man filling his embrace and occupying his heart, only he could truly understand.

Yet, from Yi Zhongshen's perspective, it was difficult to accurately describe.

Just because the young man initiated a small touch, it had already overwhelmed his rationality.

Sweet and tender kisses continued to rain down without stopping. The young man, who was already not entirely clear-headed, began to kiss back in a dazed manner.

Yi Zhongshen had long known that the young man appeared soft and delicate on the outside, yet inside, he remained so composed, ensuring that every task was well-handled.

Like a layer of crystalline ice, unbreakable and firm.

But it was only until the end that Yi Zhongshen realized:

Deeper within, the young man's core was still sweet and tender.

A touch would make the honeyed essence flow again.

This knight who had protected him for so long.

Finally tasted this sweetness.

After a short while, the young man became a bit dizzy from all the kissing. It wasn't too late, but Bo Xiyun, who had spent a whole day out in the sun, was clearly feeling sleepy.

Yi Zhongshen told him that he tended to become clingy when he was tired, and now that the young man was kissing with a nasal tone and every word sounded like a coquettish murmur.

"Can you... not go back?"

Yi Zhongshen whispered, "Why don't you want me to go back?"

He used this question to clarify the rare words that were hard to come by in ordinary times.

Though the young man's response was a bit delayed, he honestly answered him.

"Because... it's warm to sleep in your arms."

That statement easily led one's thoughts to even warmer scenarios.

However, Bo Xiyun continued seriously with the latter half of his sentence.

"But I'm afraid that you'll get used to not being comfortable... with me."

There's a slight movement in Yi Zhongshen's chest as he lowers his head to place a gentle kiss on the young man's forehead.

"It won't be uncomfortable," he(BXY) reassures.

He knows he can't and wouldn't do anything extra to a slightly intoxicated boy.

At this point, the young man seems to feel a bit more at ease, and he gives him a reminder.

"If you're uncomfortable, you have to tell me."

Yi Zhongshen has seen how the tired state of the boy often makes him worry about things even in this condition.

He chuckles upon hearing that and tries to respond, but he(BXY) softly says,

"You have to learn to... rely on me."

Yi Zhongshen's posture falters slightly, his smile not quite reaching his eyes, which are already somewhat teary.

He has been striving so hard without ever asking for it.

The best outcome he could have hoped for wasn't even to avoid being despised.

But the young man wholeheartedly reciprocated his feelings.

He provided such a clear answer.

Yi Zhongshen asks softly, his voice deep and magnetic,

"And you?"

The young man's voice is still gentle, but his sincerity remains strong.

"I'm here, I'll learn slowly," the young man replies.(BXY)

He also apologizes sincerely, saying, "I'm sorry for making you wait so long..."

The rest of his apology melts into a light kiss.

"It's okay," Yi Zhongshen responds as well.

"We have plenty of time ahead of us."

Despite the late hour and the heavy dew outside, it's still the cold winter that hasn't warmed up.

Yet, within the warm embrace, all cold winds and rains are shielded away.

Allowing the young man to rest on his heart, he falls asleep peacefully.


Early the next morning, Yi Zhongshen thought that Bo Xiyun would sleep for a long time, but he wakes up while it's still dark outside.

As soon as the boy opens his eyes, he quickly moves away from Yi Zhongshen's embrace, creating a bit of distance between them.

Before Yi Zhongshen could react, the young man covers his forehead and eyes, seeming a bit dizzy.

It's like the reaction one has upon waking up after a night of drinking.

Yi Zhongshen felt that something was off last night, and while he didn't press Bo Xiyun for answers, it doesn't mean he won't ask someone else about it.

The young man refused to lie back down, so Yi Zhongshen draped a soft cover over him. Bo Xiyun didn't lift his head, keeping his face buried in his hands.

Yi Zhongshen picked up his phone from the bedside table and immediately called the hotel manager.

"What happened with last night's dinner?"

This wasn't a trivial matter, and Yi Zhongshen didn't intentionally avoid mentioning it in front of Bo Xiyun. He spoke in a cold tone.

"How could the hotel allow a minor to consume alcohol?"

The manager, woken up early in the morning, seemed a bit confused. "Drink what... he didn't drink alcohol?"

Yi Zhongshen frowned. How could he smell alcohol?

He paused for a moment and continued, "What about dessert? Liquor-filled chocolates?"

Yi Zhongshen personally chose the table last night, and the manager remembered it well.

"No, there were no alcoholic ingredients in yesterday's meal, not even in the chocolates."

Yi Zhongshen's brow furrowed even tighter.

Just then, the manager suddenly seemed to realize something. "Oh, did you smell alcohol on his clothes?"

He hurriedly explained, "Yesterday, the bottle of red wine on the neighboring table spilled a bit, and it seemed to have splashed onto the young gentleman's clothes. I asked him if he wanted to change, but he said it was fine and continued chatting with his friends."

Yi Zhongshen suddenly froze.

After a few words with the manager, Yi Zhongshen ended the call and looked at the quietly nestled Bo Xiyun beside him, whose demeanor had taken on an unusual characteristic.

The young man still had his face buried in his hands, and the exposed parts like his earlobes and the nape of his neck had turned red, even extending to his partially exposed, slender chest.

He clearly didn't dare to lift his head.

So, as Bo Xiyun had said himself, he indeed hadn't touched any alcohol last night, and he wasn't even remotely drunk.

And everything else he had said, including his confession of liking Yi Zhongshen and wanting to sleep together...

Every word, without exception, was completely true.