
Rejecting the Big Shot

Bo Xiyun had been transmigrating into one world after another. He just wanted to recuperate quietly but kept having weird interactions with a big shot. For example, the note he passed to the God of Studies offhandedly resulted in weird expressions from fellow classmates who told him, “You are still infatuated with him? You have no chance.” Bo Xiyun: “…I am secretly infatuated with him?” Holding the note, the God of Studies who had been quiet the entire time suddenly spoke up, “That’s not true.” Bo Xiyun sighed in relief. He just didn’t know how to act in a love drama. The God of Studies continued low and cold, “It was you who rejected me.” Bo Xiyun: “……” The consequence of rejecting the God of Studies was finally realizing what the true meaning of being passionate was. There’s nothing wrong with being passionate, just that it was tough on the waist. In the next world, Bo Xiyun became bankrupt, and when faced with a contract, thoroughly rejected him by saying— “I don’t want to be a kept man, I prefer love on an equal footing.” Such a cold-faced big shot who was used to his status as the top of the food chain will definitely not be willing to be in an equal relationship. Bo Xiyun just wanted him to get angry and leave. He looked into this pair of eyes, so similar to the God of Studies, and felt lingering trauma. His waist hurt. The other party stared at him silently, his voice calm, “You had agreed previously to be my provider for three years and didn’t want to be in a relationship.” Bo Xiyun, “……” The consequence of rejecting the big shot was, one thousand nine hundred and fifteen nights, one night less and it wasn’t three years. Even after paying off this world’s debt, there was still the next world on the list. In the end, Bo Xiyun finally realized. He may be cold and distant but when he falls, his passion has no end, like the sea. (Synopsis from NovelUpdates) (It is not an official translation, just a fan translation. Thank you for your support.)

Maya_3D · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
84 Chs

Refuse to Confess (26)

In Bai Xiu's words, he is very open and sincere.

Although Yi Zhongshen rarely shows it in his daily behavior, his family background is indeed prominent and hard to ignore.

Bai Xiu's words seemed to deeply affect Bo Xiyun, and he clearly contemplated for a moment before speaking.

"There's one thing that needs to be clarified — his health condition is not so severe. He has some mild allergies and a touch of cleanliness obsession. Once he takes some 'medicine' and rests well, he'll be fine. There's no need to find someone to accompany him specially."

Bai Xiu frowned, seemingly not entirely agreeing, but Bo Xiyun continued to explain with sound reasoning.

"Besides, the Yi family is wealthy and powerful. Couldn't they afford the best doctors and medical experts? There's no reason they would deliberately choose me."

"Furthermore," Bo Xiyun reiterated the matter, "I still don't believe that he likes me."

Just like he told Xu Xinyi before.

If Yi Zhongshen really liked him, he would have made a move already and pursued a romantic relationship.

And in some aspects, what Bai Xiu said was not entirely wrong —

If Yi Zhongshen really wanted to do something, Bo Xiyun wouldn't be able to stop him.

The vast difference in their social status is right in front of them.

But Yi Zhongshen never did anything forceful.

He never made any aggressive moves.

"If we were to really be in a relationship, it would be necessary to be clear-headed and avoid excessive control," Bo Xiyun said, crossing his hands and clasping his thumbs together.

"I don't think such considerations are needed between him and me."

Bai Xiu hesitated to respond to his words several times.

But Bo Xiyun remained calm in his demeanor and voice, as if he were analyzing a sensitive topic that had already threatened their relationship, without letting personal emotions interfere.

Bai Xiu sighed softly, as if he didn't want to say anything that would upset Bo Xiyun further.

He said, "If there's ever anything that Brother needs help with, feel free to ask me."

Saying this, Bai Xiu thought for a moment and took out his phone, asking, "If it's convenient, may I add you on WeChat?"

He asked politely, without any insistence, and added in a soft voice, "You took care of me so much when we were younger... I also want to do something for you."

Bo Xiyun didn't really need someone's help, but in the end, he still added Bai Xiu on WeChat.

After all, Bo Xiyun lost his memory and forgot about the other person.

They had been chatting for a while, and Bo Xiyun looked up towards the direction of the stairwell, wondering if senior had finished his work.

Seeing this, Bai Xiu didn't want to disturb further and prepared to leave.

Before leaving, Bai Xiu noticed Bo Xiyun looking down at the hot beverage in his hand and asked, "Do you like this flavor?"

It was the best-selling one from the Naixi store, with plenty of cheese and fruit pulp added.

"I drink whatever," Bo Xiyun replied, glancing at the hot beverage, "but if I finish this, I might not feel like having lunch."

Bai Xiu didn't want to make things difficult for him and took the hot drink back.

"Then, next time. I'll treat you to something lighter."

"By the way, what's your favorite drink?" Bai Xiu asked.

Bo Xiyun thought for a moment and said, "Milk."

Bai Xiu nodded with a smile, "Alright."

After Bai Xiu left, Bo Xiyun prepared to get up and find senior. Just as he picked up his phone, he noticed that senior had sent two new messages.

The messages were brief, as if he had managed to find a moment in his busy schedule to send them.

[Sorry for keeping you waiting.]

[Five more minutes.]

Bo Xiyun replied with a "good" and found another chair facing the direction of the stairwell, continuing to wait for You Zhongshen.

Bo Xiyun always felt that senior was very similar to him, a person who plans things carefully. However, senior was busier than him.

But even with a busy schedule or sudden matters, Yi Zhongshen would always inform Bo Xiyun in advance and not let him wait for too long without reason.

Being with someone like senior made Bo Xiyun feel very comfortable.

Sure enough, in just a few minutes, the familiar tall figure emerged from the stairwell.

Bo Xiyun greeted him, and Yi Zhongshen apologized once again, "Sorry for keeping you waiting."

"It's alright," Bo Xiyun patted his backpack, "Shall we go?"


Yi Zhongshen looked at him and suddenly asked, "Did you chat with someone just now?"


Bao Xiyun was momentarily caught off guard.

How did senior know?

Yi Zhongshen lowered his gaze, his eyes landing on Bo Xiyun's pale and soft lips.

"Your lips seem a bit dry," he said and then took out a thermos from his leather bag.

The light blue metal thermos looked smooth and loving, not at all matching Yi Zhongshen's usual style.

"?" Bo Xiyun blinked. "Isn't this my cup?"

"Yes," Yi Zhongshen replied, "I saw it on the table at home before we left. I thought you might get thirsty."

He reminded, "Moisturize your lips."

Bo Xiyun obediently followed the advice and took small sips from the cup filled with water.

The water was still hot, emitting a faint white steam that tinged the tip of his nose with a hint of pink.

After moisturizing his pale lips, they became shiny and more supple, appearing even softer and more luscious.

Having learned from the previous incident with the milk, Bo Xiyun wiped the slight wetness off the corner of his lips after drinking.

Yi Zhongshen observed for a moment before averting his gaze and asking, "Did you meet someone you know?"

"Oh," Bo Xiyun finally remembered to answer, "I just ran into Bai Xiu."

They walked downstairs together. The elevators in the hospital were always crowded, so they opted to take the escalator instead of waiting for one.

As they walked, Bo Xiyun continued, "Bai Xiu seemed enthusiastic towards me. He mentioned that we used to play together at the Liu family's place when we were kids, but I don't remember him much."

He gave a general explanation, leaving out Bai Xiu's speculations and inquiries.

Yi Zhongshen remained expressionless.

Bo Xiyun looked at him and asked, "Do you not like him very much?"

Bo Xiyun still remembered that Yi Zhongshen didn't like the scent of medicine that was on Bai Xiu.

Yi Zhongshen replied, "He's Bai Gelei's son."

Bo Xiyun understood it as a warning and nodded, saying, "I'll be careful."

As they descended another floor and were about to find the next escalator, Yi Zhongshen suddenly paused and led Bo Xiyun in a different direction.

However, Bo Xiyun had already seen it.

They were on a higher floor, and he had just caught a glimpse of the tall middle-aged man on the floor below.

It was Bai Gelei.

Bai Gelei had just come out of a department nearby, seemingly heading downstairs. There was another doctor beside him talking to him.

He didn't raise his head, and he didn't notice Bo Xiyun and Yi Zhongshen upstairs.

Bo Xiyun followed Yi Zhongshen in the other direction, and as they left, he glanced at the signboard of the ward where Bai Gelei came out from, feeling somewhat puzzled.

Why was Bai Gelei coming out of there?


Yi Zhongshen's follow-up examination at the hospital went smoothly. The doctor said that as long as he rested well afterwards, there wouldn't be any problems. However, Yi Zhongshen remained busy these days, seemingly waking up earlier and earlier each day. Bo Xiyun hoped that senior would finish his work early so that he could have a good rest during the Chinese New Year.

As the Spring Festival approached, Gu Sheng was also preparing to leave.

Before leaving, he went to Yi Zhongshen's place to copy a data analysis software. When he opened the door, Yi Zhongshen was on the phone.

The phone was placed on the table, and there were unfinished reports on the computer screen. Yi Zhongshen was busy multitasking and apparently too lazy to use earphones, so he put the call on speaker.

The background noise on the other end of the phone was quite lively, seemingly with a lot of people around.

A soft and tender child's voice came through.

"Big brother, auntie said you're in love~"

The child was young, and he paused a few times while speaking, but he tried his best and sounded adorable.

"My dad and the others asked me to ask you, when are you bringing the pretty sister back?"

There was a burst of good-natured laughter on the other end of the phone, accompanied by a gentle and smiling female voice.

"Bringing a handsome brother is fine too."

Gu Sheng immediately recognized that it was a call from Yi Zhongshen's mother. The child who spoke earlier was Yi Zhongshen's youngest cousin.

However, he didn't understand the last part of Aunt Su's words.

Bring a girlfriend back, that's understandable, but who else do they want him to bring?

Gu Sheng couldn't help but ask, "Bring a brother back? Who is it, me?"

Yi Zhongshen's mother laughed and said, "Little Sheng is there too?"

Without even looking at the still puzzled Gu Sheng, Yi Zhongshen directly picked up the phone.

"I haven't been in a relationship, don't say things like that."

He turned off the speakerphone, and Gu Sheng couldn't hear the other side's words clearly. It seemed like they were still laughing and joking, perhaps telling Yi Zhongshen not to be too serious.

"I haven't," Yi Zhongshen frowned, his tone becoming serious, "Stop saying that, it's not good for others."

Gu Sheng was left with question marks.

Not good for others? What did he mean?

Could it be that the big boss already has someone in mind?

After a few more words with his family, Yi Zhongshen hung up the phone. He looked up and saw Gu Sheng already half-sitting, half-slumping on the sofa, looking somewhat helpless.

"Those darn data almost killed me..."

Both participating in the numerical modeling competition, Gu Sheng looked at how effortlessly his friend managed everything, even finding time for other projects, while he struggled.

Gu Sheng sighed, "Big boss, your future girlfriend will be very lucky."

Yi Zhongshen had already plugged in his USB drive, "Why do you say that?"

"Aunt Su and Uncle Yi treat the younger generation so well," Gu Sheng sighed, "With a good family background, excellent academic performance, and a big boss like you, how can she not be happy?"

Yi Zhongshen's finger paused for a moment on the touchpad before continuing his actions.

He said calmly, "His happiness doesn't come from these things. He's already amazing on his own."

(Note: in Chinese both the genders have same pronouns)

Gu Sheng raised his head from the sofa, "Huh?"

He looked over and saw the profile of the man sitting at the table, cold and stern, with a composed expression.

"His aura doesn't come from being someone's lover, it comes from himself," Yi Zhongshen said.

Gu Sheng was momentarily stunned, then patted the back of the sofa, "Impressive, Yi-ge, I've learned something."

He considered whether he should jot down this remark.

He never expected that the big boss, being such a straightforward guy, would come up with such profound words.

However, with the things Yi Zhongshen said and his attitude during the call with his family, Gu Sheng could discern a deeper meaning.

"Zhongshen, are you trying to avoid too much interference from your family regarding your love life?" Gu Sheng asked, although he had no idea why the topic of love came up during Yi Zhongshen's family call.

After all, the big boss didn't seem like someone who would be in a romantic relationship.

Could anyone handle his cold demeanor?

But then again, it was the peak season for matchmaking during the Chinese New Year, and Gu Sheng didn't dwell on it too much.

His words eventually elicited a response from Yi Zhongshen.


"Don't worry too much," Gu Sheng finally managed to sit up, crossing his hands behind his head. "Uncle and Auntie are pretty open-minded."

Although the Yi family was wealthy, they didn't have overly strict expectations for the younger generation, especially when it came to matters of the heart.

Besides, it was the modern era, and there were no more cheesy dramas where parents would say, "I'll give you five billion to leave my son."

Even in so-called wealthy and powerful families, the older generation tends to hold on to more traditional values. However, the younger generation is generally more liberal and independent. Even someone like Xu Xinyi had directly rejected the idea of attending classes with Bai Xiu.

With Yi Zhongshen's personality, he wouldn't tolerate others interfering in his affairs.

As they were chatting, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Who is it?" Gu Sheng got up to answer the door but couldn't see the person at first, only a stack of clothes blocking the view.

"Hey, Xiyun?"

The person walking in with a big pile of clothes was indeed Bo Xiyun. Gu Sheng quickly helped him take most of the clothes from his arms.

"What's going on here?" he asked.

Yi Zhongshen also approached and took the clothes to put them away.

Bo Xiyun took a breath before explaining, "I just got back from school and coincidentally ran into the dry-cleaning service in the elevator. They had just delivered the clothes to the third floor, so I brought them all back."

He had picked up clothes for three people, which explained why there were so many.

Bo Xiyun then looked at Gu Sheng and asked, "senior Gu, are you leaving today? Do you need the clothes urgently?"

Gu Sheng finally realized that his junior brother had brought the clothes up for his convenience.

"Thank you, thank you. It's alright, I'm not in a rush. I'll be leaving tomorrow morning," Gu Sheng replied, looking at Bo Xiyun and couldn't help but sigh.

The young boy was really considerate.

As Bo Xiyun went to get some water, Gu Sheng started picking out his clothes from the bags. He was about to put the rest of the clothes into Yi Zhongshen's wardrobe when Bo Xiyun called out to him.

"Just wait a moment, I'll take my clothes out."

Gu Sheng was curious, "You still want to take them out? Don't they belong in this closet?"

Bo Xiyun nodded, "I'll take them back to my room."

"Take them back? You and Zhongshen both sleep in this room, right?" Gu Sheng asked.

Bo Xiyun smiled, "Yes, but it's more convenient to have them back in my room for the next few days."

Hearing this, Yi Zhongshen, who had been sitting at the computer replying to messages, paused for a moment.

Gu Sheng continued talking to Bo Xiyun, "You and Zhongshen sleep well together, why do you want to go back to your room?"

Bo Xiyun nodded, "It's not good to disturb him all the time. I'll go back to my room once he's had enough rest."

As he said this, he turned his head and asked Yi Zhongshen, "Did you rest early today?"

Yi Zhongshen finished replying to the messages on his computer before turning his head to answer.

"I have plans tonight," Yi Zhongshen said.

Bo Xiyun couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed. "Will you be back late again?"

Today was the last day of the winter camp, so he had come back early from school. He thought that with the approaching new year, Yi Zhongshen might have some free time, but it seemed like he was still as busy as ever.

"Yeah, it will be quite late," Yi Zhongshen replied. Then he suddenly said, "Tonight, you should go back to your room and sleep."

Bo Xiyun was taken aback.

Gu Sheng was also surprised. "Can you sleep well like that?"

Yi Zhongshen didn't say anything.

He could feel it.

The boundaries were getting closer.

Yi Zhongshen had set boundaries for himself long ago, some lines he would not cross.

In fact, he had already crossed many of those lines step by step.

From hugging, holding hands, to sharing the same bed, something he had never even dared to imagine.

And with each step, he was taking more risks, walking on thin ice.

In these days of sharing a bed, Yi Zhongshen had been waking up earlier with each passing day.

He couldn't hope for the boundary to retreat anymore.

He didn't want to reach the point of no return.

"It's already fine," Yi Zhongshen said calmly.

Bo Xiyun still hesitated.

However, during the follow-up examination, there was indeed no problem. These days, Bo Xiyun has stayed here because he was worried about Yi Zhongshen not getting enough rest. Seeing that Yi Zhongshen insisted, he didn't say anything more and just replied, "Alright."


As there were no classes in the afternoon, Bo Xiyun went to the library's study room. When he returned, it was already evening.

He realized that during the day, he had brought back the dry-cleaned clothes from Yi Zhongshen's room, but had forgotten to bring back his pillow and pajamas. They were still in Yi Zhongshen's room.

At this time, Yi Zhongshen hadn't come back yet.

Although Yi Zhongshen had given him a spare room card, Bo Xiyun didn't immediately go to get it.

Bo Xiyun waited patiently, not in a hurry to retrieve his belongings. He wanted to see Yi Zhongshen's state when he returned, and he also didn't want to intrude into the room while Yi Zhongshen was away.

He waited until late at night, finishing three sets of practice problems, before he heard the sound of a black and white Maybach pulling into the parking lot downstairs.

Bo Xiyun waited for another two minutes before the elevator arrived. As he opened the door to go find Yi Zhongshen, he was surprised to see the tall figure of Yi Zhongshen just stepping out of the elevator.

However, at this moment, Yi Zhongshen seemed different from usual.

Bo Xiyun hesitated and called out, "…Zhongshen?"

The person at the other end of the corridor looked over. The night was cold, and the wind blew outside. The chilling cold air seeped in through the slightly open window and the gap near the rooftop door. But the icy chill in Yi Zhongshen's eyes seemed to be even colder than the biting wind.

Bo Xiyun could sense that Yi Zhongshen looked… angry?

Yi Zhongshen had a blank expression and didn't respond as softly as he usually did. He approached Bo Xiyun and stopped right in front of him.

The man, who towered over Bo Xiyun, looked down at him with an almost intimidating sense of pressure. Bo Xiyun noticed that besides his usual cold aura, there was also a faint smell of rice wine on Yi Zhongshen's sleeves.

Bo Xiyun was surprised and asked, "Did you drink, Zhongshen?"

The bodyguard, who was a few steps behind Yi Zhongshen, responded, "Master Yi didn't drink."

Was he drunk?

Bo Xiyun looked back at Yi Zhongshen, but there was no sign of drunkenness on his face. His eyes were cold and unwavering, locked onto Bo Xiyun.

After drinking the cold wine, Yi Zhongshen's complexion seemed even colder, and his brows appeared more menacing. Bo Xiyun noticed a red mark on Yi Zhongshen's wrist.

His heart skipped a beat. Could it be another stress reaction?

He examined Yi Zhongshen more closely but found that the mark was different from his usual stress symptoms. He paused for a moment before asking the bodyguard, "Is Zhongshen allergic to alcohol?"

The bodyguard shook his head.

Bo Xiyun pointed to Yi Zhongshen's wrist, and the bodyguard also hesitated for a moment upon seeing it. He said, "Master Yi has never had any reactions before. A few days ago, he attended a party and there was nothing unusual."

Bo Xiyun carefully examined the mark and noticed that it wasn't swollen and didn't show any signs of scratching. It didn't seem serious.

Feeling a bit relieved, he was about to ask the bodyguard a few more questions when suddenly Yi Zhongshen grabbed his hand.

Bo Xiyun was taken aback. Before he could react, Yi Zhongshen, without saying a word, held his wrist firmly and pulled him back into the room. With a loud "bang," the door was closed forcefully, leaving the bodyguard outside.

Now, only the two of them were inside the room.

Bo Xiyun was about to speak, but his arm was pulled even closer.

Yi Zhongshen held his wrist with one hand, raising it to eye level, and examined it expressionlessly.

After looking at the front side, he turned Bo Xiyun's hand over and examined it again with the same scrutinizing gaze.

It took Bo Xiyun a while to realize what Yi Zhongshen was doing.

Yi Zhongshen was checking to see if he had left any red marks on Bo Xiyun's wrist.

Although Yi Zhongshen had pulled Bo Xiyun into the room, his grip wasn't too tight, and Bo Xiyun didn't feel any pain.

Due to Bo Xiyun's delicate skin, even so, a faint mark of Yi Zhongshen's fingers appeared on his slender wrist.

Seeing those marks, Yi Zhongshen fell silent.

He lowered his head and had already relaxed his grip. He lightly rubbed the faint red marks with his slightly calloused fingertips.

Bo Xiyun didn't feel any pain; instead, it tickled a bit, making him smile.

"It's okay," he said, finding it somewhat intriguing. Earlier, when he saw Yi Zhongshen's cold expression, he thought he might be aggressive when drunk. However, even now, Yi Zhongshen seemed to be careful not to hurt him.

Bo Xiyun chuckled, and Yi Zhongshen continued to gaze at his face for a while before withdrawing his gaze and focusing back on his wrist.

Taking the opportunity, Bo Xiyun reached out and examined Yi Zhongshen's wrist, confirming that there didn't seem to be any serious issues. Yi Zhongshen didn't react to the red marks.

It was probably just the dilation of blood vessels due to alcohol, making the skin appear reddish.

Bo Xiyun felt relieved, "You should rest early."

He still remembered the purpose of coming here.

"I'll take the pillow and go back to sleep."

This time he would go back to his own room.

The pressure of Yi Zhongshen's fingers around Bo Xiyun's wrist wasn't heavy. However, when Bo Xiyun pulled his hand back, Yi Zhongshen's fingers tightened slightly for a moment but didn't forcefully hold onto him.

Unaware of this, as Bo Xiyun turned around to get the pillow, he didn't see the crease forming on Yi Zhongshen's forehead.

Just as Bo Xiyun picked up the pillow, it suddenly disappeared from his arms. He didn't even hear Yi Zhongshen's footsteps. When he turned around, he realized that Yi Zhongshen had already taken the pillow.

Bo Xiyun was surprised, "What's wrong?"

Without saying a word, Yi Zhongshen took Bo Xiyun's pillow and walked to the door.

A soft click.

The door was locked.

Bao Xiyun was taken aback and tentatively asked, "Don't you want me to leave? Do you want me to sleep here?"

Yi Zhongshen didn't speak, but his attitude was clear.

Bo Xiyun shrugged and said, "Then I'll sleep here."

He didn't mind staying; in fact, it was Yi Zhongshen who suggested him to stay in the first place. Bo Xiyun thought that Yi Zhongshen might not feel well after drinking and decided to take care of him for the night.

Yi Zhongshen squinted slightly, scrutinizing him.

Bo Xiyun raised one hand as if giving an assurance, "I'll sleep here, no problem."

He wanted to laugh a little but restrained himself, maintaining a serious and sincere expression.

After observing him for a while and confirming that Bo Xiyun really didn't want to leave, Yi Zhongshen wordlessly put the pillow back on the bed, turned around, and went to the bathroom.

Even when he was drunk, Yi Zhongshen still had a mild case of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

When Yi Zhongshen came out of the bathroom, Bo Xiyun noticed that there was no more smell of alcohol on him, just a faint hint of soap fragrance mixed with Yi Zhongshen's natural icy aura.

As it was getting late, Bo Xiyun supervised Yi Zhongshen as he got into bed.

With the bedside lamp on Yi Zhongshen's side, Bo Xiyun turned off the light and lay down, facing him with a smile.


However, Yi Zhongshen leaned over and stared at Bo Xiyun's face, as if seriously confirming something, almost as if he was making sure it was really him.

Though Yi Zhongshen's expression remained cold and distant, giving an intimidating impression to others, Bo Xiyun couldn't help but feel an unexpected sense of...


Suppressing his smile, Bo Xiyun watched Yi Zhongshen finish his inspection before reaching out to turn off the light.

The room fell into a quiet darkness.

Although Bo Xiyun had intended to sleep, he couldn't help but worry about the red mark on Yi Zhongshen's wrist, the same side that had been subjected to stress before.

Softly, he asked, "Does your hand still hurt?"

As Bo Xiyun reached out to touch Yi Zhongshen's arm and check for any signs of fever, he was surprised when Yi Zhongshen immediately held onto his hand and didn't let go.

Bo Xiyun thought that Yi Zhongshen was fine and tried to retrieve his hand, but Yi Zhongshen continued to hold onto it tightly, not allowing him to move.

Later in the middle of the night, Bo Xiyun was awakened by an unusual heat. He realized that Yi Zhongshen's hand was scorching hot.

"Zhongshen?" Bo Xiyun immediately sensed something was wrong.

It seemed that Yi Zhongshen really was allergic to alcohol, as his whole body was burning up.

Bo Xiyun tried to get up to check on him, but Yi Zhongshen's grip on his hand tightened, preventing him from leaving.

Bo Xiyun tried to persuade him gently, "You have a fever, we should go to the hospital."

But Yi Zhongshen, who was already feverish, seemed unresponsive. He reached out to press Bao Xiyun back down, as if indicating that he wanted to continue sleeping together.

Frowning, Bo Xiyun said, "Do you want me to go get the bodyguard outside the door?"

However, Yi Zhongshen, who was already burning up, didn't seem to react. He just continued to hold Bo Xiyun's hand, as if he wanted to stay close to him.

Bo Xiyun felt concerned and said, "If you don't want to move, I'll go get the bodyguard to help us."

Bo Xiyun tried to struggle and sit up, but Yi Zhongshen pressed him back down with even greater force. Suddenly, something scorching hot was pressed against his lips.

In the darkness, a familiar cold fragrance filled the air. Bo Xiyun recognized it as Yi Zhongshen's chilling aura invading his lips.

Yi Zhongshen's high fever had completely overwhelmed him, and even Bo Xiyun's touch on his hand had awakened him due to the intense heat. But now, with his tender lips, Bo Xiyun was bearing a scorching heat that seemed a hundred times more intense.

It no longer felt like the feverish heat emitted by a body; it was pure burning, as if there were fierce flames of ice and fire colliding and raging within him. The person who usually seemed the coldest and most indifferent now had the power to incinerate everything.

Like a deep blue flame, far more intense than ordinary red flames.

Between their lips and teeth, Bo Xiyun could feel Yi Zhongshen's breath, and when he realized that something was wrong, he tried to push him away. However, one of his hands was still held by Yi Zhongshen's grip, and his feverish body completely pressed down on him.

Just as Bo Xiyun attempted to move, Yi Zhongshen used his other hand to grip both of Bo Xiyun's wrists, imprisoning them, making any movement impossible.

Until Bo Xiyun was almost suffocating from the overwhelming and scorching heat, Yi Zhongshen finally released him, allowing him to catch his breath.

The scorching heat still lingered on his lips, not moving away too far, so even though the fresh and slightly cool air made Bo Xiyun cough, he managed to speak in a hoarse, low voice.

"Xiao Yun."

Yi Zhongshen, who was both feverish and drunk, called out to him.

His voice was something Bo Xiyun had never heard before, filled with a mysterious bitterness.

"Don't go."

It sounded as if Yi Zhongshen was pleading with utmost sincerity.

Facing a fleeting wisp of a cloud, he desperately tried to hold on, even though the hope of success seemed so distant.


Tn: They kissed....

and I don't know how to feel about that.

Ciao 👋