
Reincarnation With The Boys

6 best friends (all of them are boys) form a group called The Boys. They pull all kinds of crazy stunts. Due to a mishap with something thats definitely not dangerous... they all die. Thats the end... YOU WISH!!! They are reincarnated into a new world of swords, magic and wome... (cough) (cough) I mean magical monsters. The story involves the 6 boys and their journey to rise to the very top to defeat the jackass god of that world. Rest assured this is no BL but it is filled with BS. A new action,comedy and fantasy series that you would like to get a piece of. Let's Go, Full Throttle!!!!!!

Fleeting_Dream · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter : 3 The Council Meeting

Hi I am Christopher Dux. As previously said you can call me G*s I mean Chris. Today in this isekai world I'm turning 3. I know this kinda sounds nerdy but I have been digging around to get more info after mastering the Sybilla language when I turned 2 (I knew them but saying them was..... a nightmare). So from what I found out is that, it was forbidden for magic and sword arts as concentrated mana (Things that make up magic) is dangerous for children under the age of 2 so thats why I rarely went outside and didn't really know about all the fantasy stuff.

So today I'm finally 3 and noticed that my mental state also changed in this 3 year old body. Not trying to brag but I'm told to be hella cute 'aight? I got dark black hair and cool ass red eyes! THAT'S SOOO BADASS YA'KNOW! Ok I'll quit bragging and pass it on to the old narrator.

It is 17th July Imperial Year 203. Chris had turned 3 and was currently enjoying looking into the distance while enjoying his cake.

"Oh mom! Wewen't we expwecting gueshts today?" (Child speech plus he's eating. duh)Chris suddenly realised that he was supposed to be meeting the rumoured 5 other children that were born at the exact time as him.

"Yes honey. You can play with them togather in the field when the sun is a little lighter" Elizabeth said with her smile still intact.

"There is a chance that Rory, Sam and and the others will be there too but it's better to keep my expectations low." Chris thought to himself.

3:00 pm, in the afternoon.

"Chris! Hey get ready to meet your new friends darling." Chris's mom called for Chris to get ready.

"Cominggg." Chris yelled from the second floor.




"Chris, don't run honey you'll get yourself injured." Elizabeth scolded Chris for running in the house.

"Don't worry about it. C'mon mom let's goo." Chris enthusiasticly calmed his mother and they headed outside.

Step Step Step Blow


In the windy weather Chris had finally seen his world for real. An absolutely breathtaking view was waiting for Chris as he layed his eyes looking at the golden beautiful crops, thick forestry on the outskirts followed by giant hills that look like they are piercing the sky. He finally actually realised that he had actually switched worlds

"My, my what a terrific expression. It's It's quite windy today isn't it honey?"(The my my is ara ara so just imagine that🤫) Elizabeth gazed upon Chris's wide expression and giggled.

While slowly walking to a nearby field with his mother Chris was enjoying and looking upon the view with aww, and after arriving Chris noticed 5 figures near a tree and 5 other mil..(cough) (cough) I mean mature women. Now back to Chris because I will be needing some..... lotion (Forget what he said)

.... Ok moving on. After getting closer my worst fear came true. They looked absolutely nothing alike. Like for real our team was made up of loners and ugly guys except Rory who got bitches but thought modern feministic girls were just not his thing.

"HEY ELLIE! BEEN A WHILE HAVEN'T IT?" An overly enthusiastic women first spoke up. She had light brown hair and bright orange eyes with some 'knockers'

"Ahh Mrs.Mettlesome! How have you been. Is that your son? Hello little guy."

It turned out that the woman's name was Lila Mettlesome. Obviously Chris reacted because thats what you do when you hear something known. Then to confirm Chris walked up to the other boys and said.

"Attendance call 1 Chris"

A kid blazing red hair and fierce yellow eyes said

"2 Kim."

Again a kid with deep purple hair and matt black eyes next up said

"3 Ivan"

Next was a concieted timid guy with silver hair and purple eyes softly said

"4 Sam"

Then a big guy with similar features as the before mentioned women said

"5 WILL"

Lastly a blond boy with enchanting green eyes calmly said

"6 Rory. Call end. I can't believe you guys got here too!"

One single tear drop fell from Chris's Right eye as he reunited with The Boys.

"(Sob) (sniff) What are we going to discuss in today's council meeting" Chris blirted that out while still crying and sobbing and started a group hug rejoicing their actual arrival to a new world.

Everyone started introducing themselves to the other moms. After a while all of the boys started to hear a painful static noise inside their head followed by a woman's voice.

[Hello and welcome everyone to my world of beauty and mystery. I am Astera (I dunno what this means it just sounds majestic) the God of this world. This world is getting ruined internally because of enimity between races and the aggressive advances of the Demon Race. So I have called upon you heroes to bring this world to peace and stability.... Thats all for the formal stuff. Now then let's start actually fuckers.]

"Ayo wtf " Chris said in a very confused way

[Christopher Dux you motherfucker. who do you think you are judging my anime. Fucking bastard go die purgatory. All of you are fucked because you can't return anyways. Dux, if you're that confident in your own capabilities, then why don't you write a better story WITH YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE. Let's see you city boys dying just trying to hunt a goblin.]

"So you're the one who destroyed our peace and killed us huh. I kinda want to thank you for bringing us here but...(heh) from now on kicking your sweet Godly ass is my.. no our target." Chris spoke up against the so called god.

[I'd like to see you try.All of you are loooser, Vergiiins... (Cuts off)]

"Now you've really done it. Boys lets show her who's Daddy. You know the motto don't you?"

"Of course we do."

Now all the boys gathered together flared up their fists and shouted


Now it's really begun. Tune in to the next chapter, I wouldn't miss that one if I were you. Chris bussy slayer clocking out....