
Chapter 12: Caught by Him?

Looking at the flashes of trees and cars alike. I have woken up from the memories of the past again...

"Ms. Luna, we have arrived." Leon, my driver and chauffeur, reminded me.

So, it seems...

I sighed, walking out of the limo...

Walking towards the entrance of the gate...

The bell rang.

'So, now I'm late...' I thought.

But, it doesn't matter...

You know, why?

Well... you can think of it as a privilege of a student representative.




*Panting* hmmm... I just realized, the school gates and the classroom, seems really far after all, huh...


Stops, for a breather...

*Pants* This is... the real disadvantage of a patient huh... Hopefully, no one notice my little difference.

Luna was walking, it was just a walk, but... She was already pale, panting, and sweating.

She realized it and stop for a moment, then went a side trip towards the restroom.

Looking at the mirror, she saw a sickly pale girl, dull eyes, pale chapped lips, complete with that abnormally pale white face which was adorned by sweats.

She, cleaned her face again to wash the sweats. Applied some light lip balm or perhaps a lipstick? Can't tell, but she used it to cover her chapped pale lips.

Looking at her reflection one last time, she then went out, and head for the classroom.

Standing in front of the classroom, Luna let out a sigh.


Open the door and entered...

When she entered, the chattering and talking somehow ceased, they all looked towards Luna.

Luna on the other hand, didn't care. Her thought.

'Thank goodness, Sir Demeter isn't her yet.'

She took a step and head to her seat when...

"Luna!! You're finally here!!" Dahlia exclaimed, her voice was seemed in a slight of relief.

"Are you okay? What happened?" She continued asking, slightly frowning.

Behind Dahlia, Ivy, Camille, and even the Heroine Belle was there. All had the same concerned and worried look.

Luna looked at Dahlia, in the inside she was really touched by their show of care towards her, but on the outside she was still emotionless as ever.

She glanced at them for a moment, and then retracted her gaze. She went pass them, and sat on her designated sit , as if it was the normal thing to do.

The Villainess and the Heroine on the other hand, wasn't able to move for a second, surprised, and stunned to that moment, Luna just... ignored them.

Dahlia, was still in shock, so does Belle. But, Ivy and Camille looked at Luna sadly.

Tears already forming in Ivy's eyes. She was anxious, and weakly whispered called out...


Luna, trembled a little, almost wavered, but reasoned herself.

'It's for the best... Yes, yes, it's for their own good too... Yes... You're right, it's for their own good... For their happy end. For them... yes, for them...'

She secretly breathed out, and resumed her unwavering cold and aloof look.

She thought no one saw...

But, Camille who was intently looking at her, saw it... And, also our heterochroma guy saw it too.

Especially when from the moment Luna entered, Luna was already in this guy's eyes.

Towards Ivy, Camille, Dahlia, and Belle who I have no choice but to hurt feelings...

... I am sorry....

Dahlia, who have awoken from her stupor stunned moment, immediately turned to look at Luna with inexplicable emotions laid on her face, and was about to say something when.

"Sir Demeter is here!!" No one knows who said that, but everyone immediately then peeled their gossiping eyes away from our Main Characters.

Dahlia was still reluctant to back down, but Belle held her shoulder, and whispered something.

Dahlia then, looked at Luna again, sighed and reluctantly went back to her seat.

Belle followed, and Ivy who was almost... really almost, in tears was ushered by Camille to their seats too.

Luna, who was silently and secretly observing them, then let out an unnoticeable sigh of relief.

Then the class starts, "Rise!"

During the class the other students keep noticing Dahlia, Ivy and Camille and Belle stealing glances to our sacrificial Main Villainess, Luna.

While they also, noticed that the Capture Targets, which was Jacob, Damon, Liam and Spade was also stealing glances. But, it wasn't on the same person, which is Luna, but instead to those girl who was stealing glances.

Which was Dahlia, Ivy, Camille and Belle.

Meanwhile, Alistair, our heterochroma guy was also looking towards our Luna... Yes, looking...

He, wasn't stealing glances to Luna unlike everyone else. But, instead he was straightforwardly looking straight to where Luna is... Unwaveringly looking at her.

Luna certainly knew that Dahlia, Ivy, Camille and Belle was stealing glances. But, she knew that she shouldn't do anything that'll destroy her plan for them.

Especially, she already noticed, the changes of the Capture Targets towards their each destined partner.

She let out an audible sigh.

Which earned an another worried glance from the girls.

Luna didn't know whether to cry or to laugh. She scolded them in her mind.

'You girls! You should not have me in your eyes... *Sigh* This wasn't supposed to be like this... Look! The Capture Targets are starting to notice all of you, look! Didn't they? So, whyyyy??? Why are you ignoring them!!?' Luna ranted inside.

Feeling someone's gaze. She unknowingly turned her head to that certain area, and poof! She was now in a face to face with that person.

Alistair didn't expected that Luna, would suddenly turn. So, he wasn't able to prepare himself, when Luna suddenly turned around and end up face to face with him.

But, he wasn't embarrassed of being caught... And instead of retrieving his eyes that was looking at Luna.

He, instead decided to looked at her more, especially since it was a rare opportunity to look at her face to face, after all.

Luna, did not expected that in the time she'll turn her head, she will unknowingly face this guy. Which in return she wasn't fast enough to hide her sudden change in expression...

From the emotionless, cold, aloof to her sudden look of surprise and somehow blushing face. Luckily, she was still able to somehow ceased it in time... So in return, that surprise blush expression of hers was only a mere half of a second.

But, she never expected, that this guy, wasn't even embarrassed in being caught but instead, he even stared at her more intently now, than what he did just clearly a moment ago...

Both didn't back down, not willing to back down first... Well, I guess this is what you called a two stubborn person.

Both of them didn't know how much time that had already gone, but still they maintained both of their cold and aloof expression and still staring unwaveringly towards each other.

But, in truth their innermost self was already in chaos.


Sir Demeter finally made a sound and it was telling everyone that...

"Class dismiss."

Which earned both of them a reason to end their stubbornly staring contest.

Luna, made a sigh of relief... Again.

Then stood up and immediately went out to escape, but, not fast enough.

The Villainesses and the Heroine stood in front of her, with pleading eyes.

"Luna please..." They pitifully uttered.

Luna didn't know what to do. She didn't want to hurt them, but she also needed to do this, so at least... She can have a purpose in this game...

In this life...

She inhaled slowly and exhaled... Look at them and smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry girls, I need to do something first... So, really sorry... Bye." She reasoned and immediately went past them.

The Villainesses and the Heroine knew it was just a fake reason, and Luna only said that to escape and evade them.

They weren't surprise to Luna doing this to them, especially thinking about what happened that time... They knew, that Luna was really hurt.

Because of this, their feelings towards the Capture Targets, went a sudden turn again.

The Capture Targets who was just about to come towards them, was suddenly stopped by the girl's pointed glares.

The girls then immediately went out. The poor Capture Targets who was left was at loss, to think what they did, that made the girls that, angry at them.


We tried to stop Miss Luna from escaping after the class, but it didn't work out. She only made a reason, and ran away again.

We were helpless... Especially since we already expected this.

That time... When Miss Luna was misunderstood, spited and threatened by young master and his friends. I was hurt. It wasn't only Miss Luna who was hurt that time...

We all did.

Miss Dahlia, Miss Camille, Miss Belle, and even me.

When we were brushed aside by them, it's true I was hurt, but... I was already used to it. Since the last life time, young master always do those kinda thing to me, unknowingly or not, he still did...


I was already...

Numbed to it.

But, it was weird. When Miss Luna was the one being bullied by them, and threatened. My heart suddenly ached.

When she turned her back and went inside her limo... It scared me out of my wits. My heart panicked so much at that time.

It was yelling to me, that I shouldn't let her go... Again?.

Because if I do...

I'll regret it.

I didn't know why I felt this way...

Since, when I was in my first life, I already meet Miss Luna too... But, I never actually felt this way that time...

But, this time... Why is it so different?

Thinking about it... Even the other girls is also clearly different from their past self.

It wasn't only Miss Luna, also Miss Dahlia, Miss Camille, and even the one young master loved in the last life... Miss Belle.

The first time I felt this change was in the opening ceremony...

It was when I opened my eyes... I found out that I was back to that certain day of the past. Which was absurd... But it really did happen.

"Ivy... Are you alright?" Miss Belle held my shoulder and asked worriedly. I looked at her for a moment. Thinking...

'Ahhh... this was the girl, who was loved by the person I loved...'

She was the girl, but... At the same time she was not... It's confusing, but somehow, I know... That she isn't the same girl of the past.

I slowly nod and answered her... "Hmm... I'm fine..."

She made a sigh of relief but still asked "Are you sure?" So, I nod again.

Miss Camille then said.

"Luna, Luna just need some time right now... " She started and then looked at us. Then determining-ly continued. "But, we will still need to talk to her."

Miss Dahlia then immediately agreed and said. "Of course!!" Yet. you can see that she was really anxious and worried.

Miss Dahlia is a proud lady, that is true... But, being with her for the past day I realized that this is only her facade, to hide the real her.

The her who was desperately looking for someone who'll love her... The real her who was desperately needing someone's love.

This is the real her, while Miss Camille on the other hand... in the last life I only saw her as an innocent girl... And, also a bit childish. But, in this life I actually found myself seeing an another her...

A mature one at that... She was the one who can easily read someone's mood and feelings.

Thinking about this, everyone seems so familiar yet at the same time unfamiliar. Seems like I know them, and seems like... I don't.




The Villainesses and the Heroine ends up in the cafeteria. On the table, where they once have been together.

The only difference now was, Luna wasn't there...

Luna on the other hand was in the open garden on the rooftop. Only a few of the chosen students, who aced the overall entrance exam have a privilege to enter here.

Which, as far as she knows... She was the only one who was qualified in the entire school.

Well, that...

proved her wrong.

While walking inside, she then decided to lay down beneath the shade of the big cherry blossom tree for a moment.

At first after lying down, she then went into daze, then in the next moment she sighed... Then dazed again, and again... Sighed. Same cycle, she did.

Not knowing that a certain someone was observing her.

Up the tree, Alistair were.

"Argghhhh! This isn't fair!" Luna made an aggrieved and irritated sound.

"I really hate you!! Really, really hate you fate!!! *Whimpers*"

"You're so mean! Why do it need to be me!!!??? Even just looking at them already made me feel so guilty!!"

"I know, I need to do this, for their happy end to happen... But, still..."

"I don't want to be alone..."


"Hmph!! You are really hateful!! I hate you!! Truly!!! I---"

*Hate to be fated mp3. Playing*

She kept ranting when her phone suddenly rang.

She picked it and stares at it for a moment.

She take a breath for a moment then she smiled.

"Hi, mom~~ what's up?"

"Ohhh... Yes, *giggles* yeah... It's fine~ Did you and dad have fun??? Realy~~? Then that's great!! Well~~ I'm hoping for a baby brother soon okay~~? *Chuckle* all right~~ the class is starting need to go now, yes... Love you. Hmm... All right..."


She then hang up the call, at the moment she ended the call. Her slightly smiling face immediately turned to her cold aloof look. Sighing she whispered.

"I'll miss you both..."

"'I'll miss you'? Shouldn't it be 'I' miss you?"

Surprised. Luna immediately looked above her, there, in the branch of the cherry blossom tree she was lying on. A guy who she named as 'heterochroma guy', was silently watching her.

Alistair, was laying front on the branch lazily squinting his eyes, and once again question.


Luna who was surprised just a moment ago... Immediately reacted, pointing her finger towards the heterochroma guy, Alistair. She accused.

"You!!! You, you, you... Why are you here!?? "

Lazily looking at the girl who was clearly acting cold and proud as if she wasn't the one who was surprised and blushed awhile ago, Alistair replied.

"Why can't I be here?" He lazily questioned back, he was really acting like a cold, arrogant, proud kinda guy. Well, that is if you ignore the corner of his lips which was slightly raised, and his eyes who was full of teasing laughter.

"..." Luna was speechless for a moment there, then thought for a moment and immediately made a comeback.

"You're not allowed here!" Raising her head slightly to act more... proud? She continued. "Only privilege students which is considered VIP can."

"Ohh?~" Alistair then jumped off the branch walking towards Luna, he stood in front of her, Luna stubbornly didn't back down and also looked at him head on.

Alistair leaned towards Luna, slightly smiling. Luna was stubborn even she was already embarrassed and slightly blushing, she didn't faltered and raise her head more. Daring to provoke the guy.

"Yes." She started. "Only privilege students can enter."

Seeing the guy didn't reply, but only continued staring at her with a slight smile. Luna was more than embarrassed now, and stutteringly argued.

"So, you... You... " Looking at this guy's eyes which was full of... teasing? Luna wasn't able to help herself, but evade his teasing eyes.

'Ahhhh!! An ikemen!! Huhuhuhu~~ I'm now more than sure, that this guy!!, This heterochroma guy! Isn't just a mob... Obviously he Isn't simple!! I'll bet my lifetime wealth to that!!! Ahhh!! My eyes~~ Don't look at me like that!!! I might melt!!!"

Pretty much embarrassed and didn't know what to do anymore. Luna's carefully taken care, Villainess's Image was now thrown away by her.

She cautiously stepped back maintaining her slowly twitching-ly breaking cold aloof image. And paired with her pale face which was now stained with her blushes.

She slowly turned around...




Yes, run... Fast like a lightning she ran away, as if here life was depending on it.

Alistair, was stunned for a moment. Then laughed, laughed so much that, In any moment now... It won't even be a surprise if he ends up rolling on the floor.

Wiping his eyes which was full of tears, happy tears at that. He let out a breath, and a full bloom smile appeared from his handsome, cold, and aloof face. Thinking...

'Luna... Luna, Luna. You're really are, something...

And, it makes me want to get to know you...


Alistair smiled, slowly he raised his hands towards his heart, and he could feel the abnormal beating of it, and in the end he let out a satisfied sigh.

Luna on the other hand...

*Lub dub*

*lub dub*

*lub dub*

Raising her hands towards her heart, panting.

"Woah!! *Pants* My heart's beating *pants* so fast... *Pants*"

She was really out of breath from running, and became more pale.

With a conflicted expression she looked back to the place that she just ran away from, then just realized that she really did ran so far.

Thinking about something for a moment, then feeling her abnormally beating heart.

She wore a troubled expression, then as if realizing something, her eyes then unconsciously slowly drooped... Thinking about, that guy, Alistair...


The [Main Villainess]...




"This can't be..."

•Chapter 12 Ends•


Alistair: 'I'll miss you'? Shouldn't it be 'I' miss you?

Luna: I miss you?

Alistair: I miss you too.

Luna: .......






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