
Reincarnation of the Blood Emperor

“The gods took everything from me.Now I’ll take everything from them and screw all of them up, this I swear” Asdek is now on a life long mission to annihilate all the gods from existence as a form of revenge for his people who were slaughtered by the gods. He had committed suicide as a result of intense guilt and pain. “This isn’t how death should feel like”Asdek said to himself as he realized he wasn’t dead completely. He had been transported to a region between life and death he met s primordial (the first god).It just so happens that their ideology coincided. The being gave Asdek power,power that gives him a chance to fuck up the gods as he so desperately wants to.

Asdek08 · Derivados de obras
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20 Chs

Three Divine Abilities and two Quasi-Divine abilities

Asdek proceeded to name the three he had chosen

"As I previously said I want the space time manipulation then I pick Absorbtion and transformation divine ability." Asdek said as the two books begun to float toward him. Now he had a conflicted expression on his face.

It was clear he was having a heated argument inwardly on what ability to choose next. Asdek breathed in long and hard and with an expression of great inner conflict he said in a slightly shaky voice

"The last I choose life impactation." Asdek said in a voice that depicted his unwillingness and helplessness.Trojen smiled at his answer and said

"wise choice of abilities human. Now for the etching of the divine abilities onto your soul"

As Trojen finished saying these words the rest of the books disappeared out of existence leaving the three abilities Asdek had chosen.

The first ability book, the one of the space time manipulation slowly turned into a streak of light shooting right at athe the chest of Asdek as it formed an intricate rune pattern this one exuded a ghostly auta it also looked as if space and time itself was used to make this rune. Afterwards a surge of energy passed through the body of Asdek as he was getting stronger by the second. After half a minute of this session it was over. Just after that the second book , the book of absorbtion turned into a streak of light as it also embedded itself as a different rune on the opposite side of where the space-time rune as a similar scene occurred. This time the rune made was exuding a presence of insatiable hunger for energy and ever transforming state of such energy. It was kind of weird and hard to explain but the feeling was very nice and would be addicting if one could have the privilege of feeling like this often.After that the last book also turned into a streak of light as it also followed its predecessors, shooting and turning into the third rune. It positioned itself right under the previous two runes as it also produced an aura of great vitality and life. It was equally separated by an equal distance from each other. Each rune etchings had now formed a triangle on his chest. After a few seconds the golden rune that Trojen adorned onto him first started to make its presence known as it shone with resplendent golden light even more beautiful and majestic than it was when Trojen placed it on his chest. It was now shining brightly as it clearly wanted to assert dominance over the three new runes. While this spectacle was going on, Trojen's eyes glowed golden. Asdek couldn't help but show a wry smile.

He had seen the eight eyes of this being glow for the umpteenth time now. And always if not getting blown away, Trojen would do something mind boggling. To Asdek's surprise the eyes of Trojen suddenly stopped glowing as he showed a pained expression on his face.

'Damn it' Trojen cussed for athe first time in a long time.

'Let me try again' Asdek was waiting for what the recent glow of Trojen's eyes entailed as Trojen's eyes begun to glow again.This time it lasted a little longer than the previous one. Then the glow stopped abruptly again. But unlike the previous one Trojen still had a satisfied expression on his face.

"Didn't have to be so stingy you know " Trojen's said.

Slowly small threads…..golden threads begun to form in front of the the eyes of Asdekit was contless times taller that of the height of Asdek and Asdek was no short guy he was 6'1 inches but these threads that were about 150 feet long seemed very small and minuscule in the face of Trojen. A moment later the strings started to shrink down as it became small.

Slowly two more golden strings as the previous one made their entrances and hit shrunk down to the length of the initial one. Trojen then made them approach the chest of Asdek.

It then begun to work away, it started to interlink each rune as it carefully formed a beautiful and majestic pattern on Asdek's chest. The pattern these threads wove were so complicated and fluid that it almost looked as if it was formed by only one thread. Suddenly the dominance the first rune, the golden one, was trying to assert on the new ones suddenly stopped as all four runes with the introduction of these threads, the runes begun to coexist in harmony.

" And now for some adjustments to your helper". Trojen said as he stretched his hand for the first time and a dark and crimson light shot out of Trojen's star sized index finger as it hit Asdek he was able to absorb it and for the first time a beam of light from Trojen didn't send him flying back a couple light years.

"I wanted to give you two more divine abilities but the three has already caused a strain on your soul, so I decided to give you the strongest quasi-divine abilities and you were able to take it that easily. Well looking at your past those two abilities do compliment you well." Trojen said in a mischievous tone.

Quasi-divine abilities are abilities that can rival even divine abilities in terms of capabilities.But because these abilities were not created by any god it is termed as quasi-divine. Which means 'divine but not divine yet'. And Asdek had been granted these abilities just like that.

" Aren't you making me too powerful, I mean with this load of abilities I feel as if it's overkill" Asdek said in a contemplative tone.

"Overkill?!" Trojen said in an incredulous tone. You know who made the divine abilities you have? It's the same gods you are going to be facing. Though all the divine abilities you chose have been altered by reality herself to help you, it is still an irrefutable fact that the bases of these abilities were payed by the gods or their predecessors they slew. Hahahaha…. You are going to fight gods with the power they created themselves and you are saying having only three is overkill?!Hahahaha. I might meet my end from laughter human." Trojen said with laughter in between his sentences. Now Asdek knew how stupid his question sounded just now.

"I didn't think of it that way." Asdek said in a depicting how shameful he was feeling.

"We're done. But before I send you back to living world, I'll like to tell you to be weary of the apostles of the gods. Though they can't have champions they can bestow blessings upon a person and ask them to do their bidding. These apostles are not to be underestimated and kill them off if you can when you encounter one of them or if you wouldn't want senseless slaughter you can ask them to relinquish their position as apostles. This will help you a lot. Now let me tell you her that you are going to be reborn and in a different time.Roughly 2000 years from your original time."

"That long….well l don't really care. All I want is to fuck up the gods. I don't care about the time. I'll do it.But by then won't there be a new set of gods or you mean there will be no ragnarok battles" Asdek asked.

"The gods destroyed the realm used for the ragnarok battles. That's one of the reasons why this reality wants to reboot ,to be able to create a new realm for ragnarok battles.Since if it reboots and the gods are still alive they won't be affected and will continue their wicked endeavors." Asdek nodded as Trojen begun to prepare to send Asdek into the living world.

please if any mistakes are identified don’t hesitate to inform me.Help motivate an inexperienced writer with gifts and votes❤️❤️❤️

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