
Reincarnation of the Blood Emperor

“The gods took everything from me.Now I’ll take everything from them and screw all of them up, this I swear” Asdek is now on a life long mission to annihilate all the gods from existence as a form of revenge for his people who were slaughtered by the gods. He had committed suicide as a result of intense guilt and pain. “This isn’t how death should feel like”Asdek said to himself as he realized he wasn’t dead completely. He had been transported to a region between life and death he met s primordial (the first god).It just so happens that their ideology coincided. The being gave Asdek power,power that gives him a chance to fuck up the gods as he so desperately wants to.

Asdek08 · Derivados de obras
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20 Chs

Gender of fate.

Asdek now floated with bloodlust pouring out of him as a new sense of determination and conviction in his eyes.

"Now let us continue with the impacting of your blessings and Devine abilities" the being said as a bright golden light shot out of the eyes of Trojen the primordial of fate crushing into Asdek. This beam of light sent Asdek about a light year back.

Asdek barely stabilized himself, his body was still radiating with this golden light. In the next second, the golden light started moving and around his body for a few moments and then it started to coagulate at the center of his chest. It then begun to draw an intricate rune pattern on his chest. It had etchings on it. These etchings were written in a language that has been lost in time, it was the first language of the universe and in extension the whole reality. It's name had been lost through time and looking at how domineering and majestic each word was Asdek suddenly realized that no one could learn this and probably the only beings that could learn this was the primordial and the will of this reality….. if it could be seen as a being or even an existence.

The rune on his chest was now complete and Asdek had a beautiful runic symbol on his chest. It emitted a faint golden glow and then it faded and became almost nonexistent as if it wasn't there in the first place.

"Now to impact my actual blessing upon you."Trojen said in a domineering tone.

"Then what is that you just placed on me ?"Asdek asked in a cautious tone.

"Oh it's just a little helper I decided to add to help you in your journey to slay the gods"Trojen said in a mischievous voice.

Asdek was now baffled as to what this 'helper' Trojen was talking about was.

"No need to be baffled human, it a guide I etched onto your soul to guide you through your journey."Trojen said in a voice with a slight tinge of proudness in his voice.

Suddenly Trojen's eyes emitted a blinding ray of golden light Asdek couldn't help but shield his eyes and close it shut tightly in order not to get blinded by this divine light. His efforts proved futile as he could still see this light through his eyelids.

"What the!?" Asdek muttered out as he was now totally shocked at this sudden turn of events.

A moment later he could hear the voice of Trojen though this time it was absolutely serious,majestic and domineering Asdek still recognized it vividly.

It seemed as if Trojen was talking in a foreign language his voice would boom in the vicinity for a while and then stop as if waiting for an answer and after a short while his voice will continue. This went on for around thirty minutes all this time Asdek had been shielding his eyes from the ray of golden light. Then the light began to recede.


Asdek heard a sigh as his vision came back to normal. Asdek then composed himself and said in a revering voice.

"What was that?"

" Oh I was trying to persuade fate to take a liking to you" Asdek then realized that the language Trojen was speaking was not the first language of the universe but the language of fate. He had witnessed with his eyes…..no his ears, an unprecedented event where a primordial spoke to fate itself. The weaver that had been influencing the happenings of the multiverse …..to some extent. Asdek knew it wasn't his place to pry into things that much and asked a simple question

"What did ...fate say?" Asdek said in a hoarse voice as he frantically tried to find his voice as this realization dawned on him.

"It said ok"Trojen said

"….." speechless Asdek was just speechless. If their conversation was as simple as that then it wouldn't have taken that long.Asdek figured that Trojen didn't want to go into details so he decided to let sleeping dogs lie.

" I also asked of the divine abilities that will give you the highest chance of success and she gave a vague answer as she always does". Trojen said in a defeated sigh.

'She…..fate is a she?" Asdek was now even more confused. He didn't know what to expect he didn't even know fate had a gender in the first place. This was the main reason for his shock.

"Anyway he did give me a lead though" now Asdek felt as if blood would just gush out of his nose... if he had a physical body that is.

'Is it just me or he just said 'he' also.No, maybe I heard wrong. Let me just ask' Asdek said inwardly as he asked

"Before we begin with the Devine abilities case I'm quite curious about something" Asdek asked.

'This human….any other being will not wait to jump at the chance of getting just one divine but he's getting five since fate says I should add an extra two and he's not even showing excitement even if he doesn't know I'll give him two more Devine abilities he should still be overjoyed by the idea of getting three.But lol at him still curious about something else'. It was now Trojen's turn to become dumbfounded by this progression of things.

" Ask away" Trojen pulled himself together and replied.

"If you wouldn't mind,may I know the gender of fate?"Asdek said in a cautious tone.

Trojen now had a look of contemplation on his face as he said

"Well fate doesn't have a gender. He's not governed by the laws of this universe. I use both male and female titles to call her because of that"

" oh okay. But that's very confusing"

" Hahahahahhaha" Trojen began laughing

"Yes …..yes I know"he added and then burst into another round of laughter.

" Now if you don't have any more questions let's continue shall we". Trojen said while snickering between his words.

Sparks of golden colored light appeared out of no where and gathered in front of Asdek's eyes. Slowly the light began to condense and formed ten different books in front of him. Asdek's eyes widened in shock as he looked at the names of the abilities written on the cover of books.

" How do you expect me to choose only three of these. I want them all" Asdek said as his eyes were literally releasing beams of light.

Please if any mistakes are spotted don’t hesitate to draw my attention. let’s make a legacy together

Asdek08creators' thoughts