
Reincarnation of a worthless man: I, an automaton

Japanese : 価値のない男の生まれ変わり:私、オートマトン Romaji : Kachinonai otoko no umarekawari: Watashi, ōtomaton ****** This story weren't copyrighted nor changed, it is original novel publication from the author. ****** "It is only in the extremes, on the margins of existence, where life is worth living, where we can learn what's possible for ourselves and for the rest of humanity. The middle of the road leads nowhere , it reveals nothing about man other than ambivalence and fear." - Rosenbaum Thane *******

Bezel_Kairos · Ciudad
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8 Chs



There's a mistake in the previous chapter about the "birdman" thing!

I'm at fault writing out Osiris not Rah in there...(I didn't double checked...)