
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Cómic
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22 Chs

07. Destruction class magic

The days of research and practice in the realm of ancient languages and their mystical connection to magic were enlightening, to say the least. With each passing day, their understanding of this uncharted territory deepened. Ruby and Roxy, having started with limited magical abilities, discovered that their newfound knowledge opened doors to a world of endless possibilities.

Their quest to harness the power of ancient languages and runes became a voyage into the heart of magic itself. The ancient tomes and scrolls they had collected revealed secrets that were nothing short of extraordinary.

As they delved into the intricate symbols and inscriptions, Ruby and Roxy began to decipher their meanings. Every symbol had a story, a purpose, and its role in the manipulation of mana. It was a puzzle they were determined to solve, and the pieces were falling into place.

What fascinated them most was the link between ancient languages and the raw manipulation of mana. By speaking these age-old words with the correct intent and pronunciation, they could unlock the true potential of magic.

Arthur, whose own magic was bolstered by his inheritance of the dragon language from his past life, was an integral part of their research. He understood the significance of ancient languages and their potential to enhance their magical prowess.

With a shared sense of purpose, they experimented with their newly acquired knowledge. The ancient incantations they spoke seemed to carry the weight of centuries, infusing their spells with unparalleled strength. Their magic became an extension of their very beings, guided by the resonance of ancient words.

Their initial attempts were marked by unpredictability. A simple fire spell, spoken with ancient words, could unleash a raging inferno, the likes of which they had never seen. It was both exhilarating and perilous, forcing them to refine their understanding and pronunciation to control this newfound power.

Roxy, in particular, discovered a natural affinity for these incantations. Her magic, which had been limited to Saint-ranked spells, expanded exponentially as she harnessed the potential of ancient languages. The ability to manipulate mana grew with each attempt, allowing her to cast spells of astounding magnitude. Her magical repertoire flourished, and she found herself casting spells that had once been well beyond her grasp.

Ruby, too, felt the transformation within her. The ancient incantations bridged the gap between her limited magical capabilities and her companions' advanced skills. Her spells became more refined and controlled, carrying the precision and power of a seasoned mage.

However, this newfound knowledge came with challenges. The potency of ancient incantations was a double-edged sword. It demanded not only a deep understanding of the incantations but also a disciplined will to control the unleashed power. Unintended consequences were a constant threat, and their experimentation often led to unpredictable results.

But amidst the chaos and excitement, Arthur observed the changes in his friends with a sense of pride. They had transcended their limitations, becoming formidable magic users in their own right. The journey had transformed them into pioneers of a new magical age, and their potential was far from fully realized.

Arthur, inspired by the astounding progress they had made in their magical endeavors, saw an opportunity to take their exploration of magic to even greater heights. During one of their research sessions, he proposed a radical idea that left Ruby, Roxy, and himself brimming with anticipation.

"What if we took everything we've learned so far and merged it into a single, formidable magic spell?" Arthur suggested. "We could combine the ancient language incantations, the manipulation of mana with mana sight, the intricate magic circle with draconic runes, and top it all off with a powerful chant in the dragon language. The result could be nothing short of a complete destruction-class magic spell."

The sheer audacity of the idea left his companions in awe. Such a spell, if they could create it, would be an unprecedented marvel in the world of magic. Ruby's eyes sparkled with excitement, and Roxy couldn't hide her anticipation.

"Are you suggesting we merge all these magical elements into one cohesive spell?" Ruby asked, eager to hear more.

Arthur nodded. "Exactly. Each component we've been researching has its strengths and potential, but by combining them, we can create a spell that transcends anything we've seen before. It would be the embodiment of our knowledge and the culmination of our efforts."

Roxy, known for her pragmatic approach, pondered the idea for a moment before expressing her thoughts. "It's an ambitious plan, but it's not without its challenges. Coordinating all these elements seamlessly and ensuring they work in harmony will be a monumental task."

Arthur acknowledged the difficulties. "You're right, Roxy. It won't be easy. But I believe that with our dedication and the knowledge we've gained, we can overcome these challenges. It's an opportunity to pioneer a new class of magic, one that could redefine what is possible in our world."

With unanimous agreement, they decided to embark on this ambitious venture. Each member would contribute their unique expertise: Arthur with his dragon language inheritance, Ruby with her ancient language skills, Roxy with her profound understanding of mana, and all of them with their mastery of runes and mana sight.

Their research and experimentation intensified as they attempted to bring this audacious concept to life. The magical components were like pieces of a complex puzzle, and it took weeks of diligent effort to align them in perfect harmony.

As they worked tirelessly, they couldn't help but feel the weight of the moment. This spell was not just an expression of their magic, but a testament to their friendship, their shared ambition, and the echoes of their past lives that had led them to this juncture.

The day finally arrived when they felt they had achieved the desired level of synergy among the components. The magic circle, intricately scribed with draconic runes, hummed with latent energy. The incantations in ancient and dragon languages resonated in harmony, and the intent to manipulate mana was as sharp as a razor.

Ruby looked at her friends, her heart filled with hope and anticipation. "Are we ready for this? It's an unprecedented spell, and it's in our hands to shape the future of magic."

Roxy nodded, her eyes reflecting the same determination. "We've come this far, and there's no turning back now. Let's do this."

Arthur, his eyes glowing with the intensity of a dragon, took a deep breath. "Together, we'll create a legacy in magic that will echo through the ages. On the count of three, we unleash our creation. One, two, three..."

"Draconis furor, ignis et vim,

In unum corpus, magicae finem.

Flamma et fulgur, draconis imperium,

In hoc momento, quod advehturium."

This chant combines the power of fire and lightning, representing the essence of a dragon's fury and might, all focused into a singular spell of destruction.

As one, they chanted the powerful dragon-language incantation while manipulating mana through their mana sight. The magic circle with its draconic runes came to life, and their intent to control mana was like a conductor guiding a symphony.

The culmination of their efforts manifested as a radiant and destructive force, a testament to their collective will and newfound understanding of magic. It was a spell unlike any other, one that defied the boundaries of conventional magic and ushered in a new era of limitless possibilities.

The huge destructive force of the spell launched in the air causing a huge display of a dragon ascending to heaven.

The world stood in awe as the destructive-class magic spell unleashed its power, altering the very fabric of magic itself. The echoes of their past lives had led them to this moment, where they had become pioneers of a new age of magic, with the potential to reshape the world and its future in unimaginable ways.

As the radiant and destructive force surged from their collective efforts, Ruby, in a moment of inspiration, named the awe-inspiring spell "Dragon's Rage." The name captured the essence of their creation – a powerful and unbridled force that could reshape the world of magic.

The name resonated with her friends, and as they witnessed the incredible results of their work, they couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. "Dragon's Rage" would be remembered as a testament to their friendship, their shared ambition, and the echoes of their past lives that had brought them to this groundbreaking moment.

The world now knew of a spell that defied convention and heralded a new era of limitless magical possibilities, all encapsulated in the name "Dragon's Rage."

The resounding success of "Dragon's Rage" sent shockwaves through their surroundings, and the commotion they had created couldn't be ignored. The ground trembled beneath their feet, and a brilliant display of magical power illuminated the area.

Paul, who had been sparring with Arthur, halted mid-action, his sword frozen in the air as he turned to gaze upon the incredible display of magic. His eyes widened in disbelief, a mixture of astonishment and amazement in his expression.

Zenith, who had been observing the training, rushed over to the scene, her usually composed demeanor replaced by wide-eyed wonder. She had seen magic in many forms, but what she witnessed now defied conventional understanding.

Lilia, the Greyrats' faithful maid, was equally astounded. She had come to deliver refreshments, but the spectacle before her left her with the tray of drinks forgotten in her hands.

The group of onlookers stood in awe, mesmerized by the incredible magic unfolding before their eyes. Ruby, Arthur, and Roxy exchanged triumphant glances, their hard work and innovation bearing fruit beyond their wildest expectations.

Paul, unable to contain his excitement, broke the silence. "That... That was amazing! I've never seen anything like it!"

Zenith approached the trio, her voice tinged with admiration. "You've truly achieved something remarkable. The limits of magic has taken on a new dimension."

Lilia, still holding the tray of drinks, could only manage a gasp of amazement. The once-quiet courtyard now buzzed with conversation and excitement.

Arthur, always the modest one, nodded in agreement. "We've only scratched the surface of what's possible with this kind of magic. There's so much more we can explore."

Roxy, with a twinkle in her eye, added, "And imagine what other spells we can create with the methods we've developed!"

Ruby, feeling a sense of accomplishment, addressed her friends, "We've not only redefined magic but also opened the door to new horizons of possibility."

However, the villagers who had gathered nearby, drawn by the spectacle, did not share the same sense of awe and wonder that Paul, Zenith, and the others did. Instead, fear and uncertainty rippled through the crowd.

The ignorant villagers didn't understand the difference between the powerful "Dragon's Rage" and regular magic. To them, it was an unprecedented display of magic that they had never witnessed before, and the destructive potential left them terrified.

Paul and Zenith, realizing the villagers' fear, stepped forward to reassure them. Paul raised his voice, trying to quell their concerns. "Everyone, please, there's no need to be alarmed. What you witnessed was not a threat. It was the work of our resident Saint-class mage, Roxy, who was simply practicing her magic."

Zenith added her voice to the reassurance, her tone soothing. "Indeed, there's no danger here. This is a controlled and safe demonstration of Roxy's abilities. We apologize for any alarm this may have caused."

The villagers, still uneasy but somewhat reassured by Paul and Zenith's words, began to disperse, whispering among themselves. They might not fully comprehend the distinctions between different classes of magic, but the assurance from the Greyrats' respected figures eased their fears.

The once-quiet courtyard now buzzed with conversation, as the villagers exchanged their thoughts and experiences. Roxy, Arthur, and the others exchanged triumphant glances, relieved that the situation had been defused.

The commotion they had created had not only startled the villagers but also left an indelible mark on the future of magic and swordsmanship. The path they had forged was one of endless potential, and they were determined to explore it to the fullest.

After the villagers had dispersed, Paul, Zenith, and Lilia remained in the courtyard, eager to understand the nature of the magical spectacle they had witnessed. Paul looked at Arthur, Roxy, and Ruby, curiosity evident in his eyes.

"Can someone please explain what just happened here?" Paul asked, a mix of intrigue and bewilderment in his voice.

Arthur continued to explain, "What you saw, Paul, was a demonstration of our recent discoveries in magic. We've developed a new form of magic that combines advanced techniques, including the use of a magic circle, programming, visualization, and intent, all combined with a powerful chant."

Roxy chimed in, "The key to its success lies in the chant, which is performed using ancient languages like the Dragon language, adding immense potency to the spell."

Ruby added, "And we've named this magic 'Dragon's Rage' due to its incredible destructive power."

Paul and Zenith exchanged glances, absorbing the information. They were astounded by the innovation and progress their children had made in the field of magic.

Zenith, always supportive of their endeavors, smiled warmly. "It's incredible what you've achieved, but I hope you'll use this power responsibly."

Paul nodded in agreement. "Indeed, such power should be wielded with great care and wisdom. I'm proud of all of you for your dedication to honing your skills and pushing the boundaries of magic."

The three friends beamed with pride, knowing they had earned the approval and support of their family. They understood the weight of the responsibility that came with their newfound powers and were determined to use them for the greater good.

As the day continued, they shared more about their magical endeavors, the challenges they faced, and their aspirations for the future. The courtyard was filled with the warmth of family and the promise of even greater discoveries in the world of magic.