
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Cómic
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22 Chs

04. Nightmare

In the quiet of the night, Arthur's eyes snapped open, his chest heaving with the remnants of a haunting nightmare. His bedroom was bathed in the gentle glow of the moon, and the familiar surroundings gradually pulled him from the depths of his dream.

Arthur whispered to himself, "Not again... These dreams are relentless."

The nightmare that had haunted him since his rebirth in this new world was vivid and unrelenting. In it, he witnessed the kingdom he had once ruled, with its majestic castles and bustling cities, consumed by fire and shadow.

Filled with anguish, Arthur muttered, "My kingdom, reduced to ashes... How could I have allowed this?"

But the worst part of the dream was the knowledge that he, King Arthur Pendragon, had been the one responsible for this devastation. He had watched, powerless, as his rage and power had torn apart the very realm he had sworn to protect.

Accusing himself, he said, "I was the one who destroyed it all. I failed as a king."

As he sat there in the darkness, the remnants of the nightmare still clinging to his thoughts, Arthur couldn't help but reflect on his previous life as a king. It had been a life of valor and honor, where he had led the Knights of the Round Table and fought for justice, unity, and the greater good of his kingdom.

Contemplatively, he murmured, "The Round Table, the knights, the code of chivalry... We stood for something noble."

But the complexities of that life were not lost on him. He had carried with him a heavy burden – the tumultuous relationship he had with his sister, Morgan. She was his only remaining family, and their bond had been a mix of love and resentment. Morgan was a practitioner of dark magic, a path that had set her at odds with the kingdom's values.

Reflectively, he said, "Morgan, my sister... I loved her, even when her choices tore us apart."

The dream always led him to the moment when Lancelot, his loyal knight, had been forced to make a heart-wrenching choice. Morgan's dark practices had posed a threat to the kingdom, and Lancelot, with a heavy heart, had taken it upon himself to end her life.

In the dream, filled with regret, Lancelot muttered, "I'm so sorry, my king. It's the only way."

In the dream, filled with helplessness, Arthur whispered, "No... Morgan, I'm sorry."

The memory of that moment was etched deep in his soul. He had loved his sister, despite her choices and the darkness that had consumed her. But he had also been a king, bound by a duty to protect his realm and uphold justice. The internal conflict ultimately led to the kingdom's downfall.

In the dream, a pain in a whisper, he said, "I couldn't save her. And in trying to save her, I lost everything."

As Arthur contemplated these memories, he couldn't escape the weight of his past actions and the choices he had made. He questioned whether he had truly been a wise and just king, or if his internal struggles had been the catalyst for the kingdom's destruction.


In the morning, while Arthur stared blankly out of the window in his room, thinking of the dream, the maid of his family, Lilia, approached with a tray carrying a steaming cup of tea. She set the tray on a small table beside Arthur and gently poured the tea.

Lilia noticed the distant look in Arthur's eyes and spoke softly, "Is everything alright, young master?"

Arthur took a deep breath and shifted his gaze from the window to Lilia. He gave her a warm but somewhat distant smile, "Yes, Lilia, everything's fine. Just lost in thought for a moment."

Lilia nodded concern in her eyes. "If there's ever anything on your mind, don't hesitate to talk to me. I'm here to take care of you."

"Thank you, Lilia," Arthur replied, appreciating her kind words.

As Lilia quietly left the room, Arthur continued to ponder the vivid dream that had haunted him. His past as a king and the tragic fate of his sister, Morgan, remained a closely guarded secret. In this new life, he was determined to keep it hidden, even from those who cared for him.

Feeling the need to clear his mind, Arthur decided to go outside for some fresh air. The sun was already casting a warm glow across the estate, and the gardens beckoned with their vibrant colors and fragrant blooms. As he stepped out, he inhaled deeply, letting the crisp morning air fill his lungs.

The beauty of the estate's surroundings never failed to amaze him. The lush greenery, the chirping of birds, and the gentle rustling of leaves were a stark contrast to the darkness of his past life. Here, he could find solace and peace.

He strolled through the well-maintained pathways, occasionally stopping to admire a particularly striking flower or watch a butterfly dance through the air. The tranquility of the garden allowed him to momentarily set aside the haunting memories of his dream.

As he walked, he couldn't help but wonder about his purpose in this new life. He had been given a second chance, a fresh start in a world filled with magic and adventure. The memories of his previous life as Arthur Pendragon weighed on him, but he was determined to make the most of this opportunity.

With each step, he resolved to become a better version of himself, leaving the mistakes and tragedies of his past behind. The possibilities of this world were vast, and he intended to explore them all, starting with the training he had received from his father, Paul.

For now, in the serene beauty of the estate's gardens, Arthur found a moment of respite, a chance to embrace the present and look forward to the adventures that awaited him.

In the garden, Arthur stood in silence, gazing at the colorful flowers swaying in the breeze. He took a deep breath and said resolutely, "The past is unchangeable, but I have the power to shape my future."

The birds chirped in the background and the gentle rustling of the leaves added to the peaceful ambiance of the garden. Arthur knew that he couldn't undo his past mistakes, but he was determined to create a better future for himself. He would take the lessons he learned and use them to guide his decisions.

With a newfound sense of purpose, he declared, "The mysteries of my reincarnation, the potential of my future adventures... I will face them with newfound wisdom and purpose." As he stood in the midst of the serene garden, he felt a sense of calm and clarity wash over him, and he knew that he was ready to take on whatever life had in store for him.

"As the author, I want to provide you with a deep understanding of Arthur's complex emotional journey. In the previous chapter, I portrayed Arthur's fear of his sister's potential reincarnation, emphasizing that it isn't driven by hate, but rather a strong desire to avoid confronting the past. There's a subtle undercurrent of resentment, yet beneath it all, Arthur's enduring love for his sister adds depth and richness to his character, making his story all the more captivating and relatable for you, the reader."

Lucius_arcadiacreators' thoughts