
Reincarnation of a forgotten king

Follow the journey of the forsaken king of Britain Arthur pendragon (alter prototype) in a world completely foreign to him wil he finds his reason to live a fullfilling (I don't own anything related to the original story the only thing i own is my oc characters and story)

Lucius_arcadia · Cómic
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22 Chs

02: Magic

Chapter: Awakening of Magic

Arthur Greyrat had grown considerably since his arrival in the world of Mushoku Tensei. Now, at the age of three, he was beginning to grasp the intricacies of this new life. While his past as Arthur Pendragon was still etched in his memories, he had come to accept his existence as Arthur Greyrat.

As he played in the garden one sunny afternoon, his thoughts turned to his reincarnation. The memories of his previous life as a king and his dealings with the Primordial Deity of Destruction still lingered in his mind. He often wondered why he had been given a second chance at life and how it was connected to his current world.

Sitting on a grassy knoll, he watched the clouds drift by and contemplated the strange circumstances of his reincarnation. He had chosen to embrace this new life, but the mysteries surrounding it continued to gnaw at him. Why had he been given this opportunity, and what was his ultimate purpose in this world?

Just as Arthur was lost in thought, a sudden loud noise echoed through the air, snapping him back to reality. It was a burst of magic, a sound he had come to recognize. But this time, it was different. The magical energy felt more potent and controlled.

Curiosity piqued, Arthur hurried back to the house, following the source of the commotion. He burst into the room to find his twin sister, Ruby, standing in the center, a determined look on her face. She had just completed a successful casting of an intermediate-level magic spell.

Ruby's eyes widened as she saw her brother enter, and she greeted him with a beaming smile. "Arthur, did you see that? I cast an intermediate-level spell!" Her voice trembled with excitement and pride.

Arthur was taken aback, both by the sudden display of magic and the magnitude of the spell Ruby had just performed. "Ruby, that was amazing!" he exclaimed. "I've never seen you cast magic like that before."

Paul and Zenith, who had rushed into the room upon hearing the noise, were equally astonished. They exchanged glances, their expressions a mixture of surprise and excitement.

Paul couldn't contain his enthusiasm. "Ruby, that was incredible! You're becoming a remarkable mage!"

Zenith chimed in, "We should call a tutor for Ruby. With this kind of progress, she has the potential to become one of the greatest mages in the realm."

Ruby blushed at the praise from her parents. "Thank you, Mom, Dad," she said, humbly acknowledging their support.

With their decision made, Paul and Zenith began searching for a tutor who could help Ruby further develop her magical abilities.

Chapter3.2: The Arrival of Magic Tutor Roxy Migurdia

The Greyrat household was abuzz with excitement as they eagerly awaited the arrival of a renowned magic tutor, Roxy Migurdia. News of Ruby's exceptional magical progress had quickly reached the skilled mage's ears, piquing her interest.

The day arrived when Roxy was scheduled to visit. The Greyrat family, along with Arthur and Ruby, gathered in the living room, feeling a mixture of anticipation and nerves. They were thrilled by the prospect of having such an experienced tutor guide Ruby in her magical journey.

The doorbell rang, and the family warmly welcomed Roxy into their home. She was a petite yet confident woman, her bright blue eyes sparkling with curiosity. Her gentle demeanor immediately put everyone at ease.

After introductions and pleasantries, Roxy turned her attention to Ruby. "So, you're the young mage who's been making waves with your magical talent," Roxy said with a warm smile.

Ruby nodded, her enthusiasm evident. "Yes, I'm Ruby Greyrat. I've been practicing magic since I was very young."

Roxy's eyes gleamed with interest. "I've heard remarkable things about you. Would you be willing to demonstrate your magical skills for me?"

Ruby eagerly agreed and stepped into the open space in the room. With a graceful gesture and a few incantations, she summoned an exquisite display of intermediate-level magic, filling the room with radiant light.

Roxy observed with a discerning eye, her surprise evident. "That's truly extraordinary," Roxy commented. "To wield magic with such precision at your age is incredibly rare. Most children your age are content playing in the mud."

Ruby, somewhat taken aback by Roxy's reaction, asked, "Is it really that unusual, Miss Roxy?"

Roxy nodded with a warm smile. "It's highly unusual. You have a gift, Ruby, and with proper guidance, you can achieve greatness."

Paul and Zenith exchanged relieved glances, knowing their daughter's talents were in capable hands. They readily accepted Roxy's offer to mentor Ruby.

With Ruby now having a dedicated mentor in Roxy Migurdia, her magical journey was poised to reach new heights. As the lessons began, Arthur watched with pride and curiosity. The mysteries of their past and the possibilities of their future continued to unfold,

3.3: Acquainting with Roxy Migurdia

As Ruby's magical lessons with Roxy Migurdia commenced, Arthur found himself becoming more acquainted with the experienced mage. He was curious about the world of magic and keen to observe how his sister's abilities would evolve under Roxy's guidance.

One day, as Roxy was taking a break from her tutoring session with Ruby, she noticed Arthur sitting nearby, observing with keen interest. She offered a warm smile and motioned for him to approach.

"Hello there, young man," Roxy greeted Arthur.

Arthur, not wanting to be impolite, stood up and approached Roxy with a respectful bow. "Good day, Miss Roxy. I hope you are finding Ruby's progress satisfactory."

Roxy was pleasantly surprised by Arthur's polite demeanor. "Indeed, I am, Arthur. Your sister is a very talented student, and she's dedicated to her studies. It's clear that you and your family have provided her with a supportive environment for her growth."

Arthur nodded, appreciating the compliment. "We believe in nurturing her talents and helping her reach her full potential. We're grateful for your guidance in this matter."

Roxy smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "You're a very polite young man, Arthur. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Arthur's demeanor mirrored the respect he had for Roxy. "The pleasure is mine, Miss Roxy. We look forward to Ruby's continued progress under your tutelage."

Roxy's appreciation for Arthur's manners grew as she continued to interact with the Greyrat family. She could see that the household was a unique and nurturing environment for the siblings' growth, and she was determined to help Ruby flourish in her magical abilities.

As the days passed, the Greyrat household brimmed with warmth, respect, and the promise of extraordinary adventures in the world of Mushoku Tensei. The mysteries of their past and the possibilities of their future continued to unfold, guided by the presence of Roxy Migurdia and the exceptional talents of Ruby and Arthur Greyrat.