
Chapter 1

It's been around 18 years since I've come to this earth. Time really does fly by. From living in the mountains to owning a multitude of corporations all around the world.

From being a malnourished child to the strongest human. It feels so unbelievable yet realistic. Well, the past doesn't matter. All I need to focus on is the present and future.

Sigh and that future entails me going to a normal high school in a third rate city. Tho I wasn't looking down on the city for being on the lower standards I just couldn't understand why I had to go to school in the first place.

Sadly my adoptive mother wanted me to actually live a normal life. And not one from the shadows.

Well, what can I do but obey her only wish she ever asked of me. Wouldn't I be a bad son if I said no to the woman who gave me unconditional love for the past 15 years? Even tho I wasn't her child by blood.


Near 6 o'clock a commercial flight landed in City F. While all the passengers were getting off there was one person who had not gotten up until the last person was of.

???' I'm finally here huh. Let's see what this city has to offer for entertainment. But before that, I should get Fen before he scares the crap out of airport staff. Don't want another accident were animal control have to come.'

When he got off the plane he checked his phone and saw that he got a text message from his mother.

Mum' Do your best, my baby boy. Try to do good in school. And if you find a girl you like bring her back home. I will not let you come back home until you graduate high school and college or loss your virginity. Love mum.'

???' Aaaaaand mum is as crazy as always. Sigh might as well get going then.'


In a common patient room of the Central Hospital, there were four beds, but only the right one against the wall was occupied.

On the patient, bed was a girl, who was 17 or 18 years old. Her head was wrapped in gauze bandages. She was a pretty girl with beautiful features, but wore a solemn face, fixing her eyes at the news being played on the TV.

The news was saying a female body had been found in the sea of City B last afternoon. The Body was around 25 years old. And according to the investigation, the dead body was exactly the industrial espionage and killer that the police was chasing after today.

While watching the news, the teenage girl still seemed serious.

Nobody knew the teenage girl's soul had already been coincidentally replaced by the soul of the female body on the news.

The assassin tang Aining was now a schoolgirl named Gu ning. And now she was alive again she would take revenge on the ones who had killed her.


As Isaiah was waiting for his bike to be pulled up. He noticed a middle-aged woman walking up and down.

She kept talking to herself while looking up every minute to see if the bus came, which it didn't.

While everyone at the bus stop couldn't understand why the woman was acting so strangely, Isaiah understood. Apparently, her daughter was in the hospital after a car crash, so she left work early to go see her.

But It's already been over 40 minutes since she's arrived and there's been no sign of the buss.


It was around an hour ago when I got the call that my baby girl was in the hospital. When I got the call from my cousin I was horrified. I thought I would never see my baby girl again.

So I asked for leave from the factory I worked in and headed to the bus stop, as it would take too long if I walked.

Sadly to my dismay even after 40 minutes, the bus hadn't shown up. I wanted to take a taxi but I didn't have enough money on my person. Just as I was despairing a hand touched my shoulder. As I was already panicky, when the unknown stranger touched me I jumped.

Looking behind me I see a tall muscular defined body with lose black joggers, jumper and a mask that covered his face.

From the outfit to my anxiety being so high up at that moment, I thought I was going to be robbed. I looked at the people at the bus stop, but as the man looked like a gangster they ignored her plight.

Gu man' What should I do, what should I do.'


Isaiah" Excuse me, mam, sorry for the scare, I couldn't help but overhear that you needed to go to the hospital. If you don't mind I can give you a lift. I don't think the bus will be coming anytime soon." He said politely in fluent Chinese.

Gu man' Eh, was I wrong, did he only come up to me to help me. Why. I mean who would help a poor person like me. My clothes are poor and are even dirty.'

Isaiah" Miss."

Gu man looked at the man even tho she didn't know why he was offering to help her if he can get her to her daughter than she will definitely pay this debt back.

Gu Man" Please help me. And thank you. My name is Gu man."

Isaiah" The names Isaiah. It's nice to meet you. Follow me my ride is parked just 2 minutes from here."

While Gu Man followed Isaiah he asked her which hospital and she told him the address. Exactly after 2 minutes of walking, they made it to his ride. It would be an understatement to say Gu man was shocked.

In an empty parking lot stood an MTT Turbine Streetfighter. Tho Gu Man didn't no much or anything about motorbikes, She remembered seeing a picture of the exact bike going for 175,000 dollars.

If there are any spelling mistakes please point them out so I can fix at a later date. Thanks for reading.

Please give me opinions on which novels or charachters I should include.

Etiger789creators' thoughts
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