
Reincarnated With Mount & Blade Universal System

A 23 year old guy is reincarnated with his memories of his life intact. Remembering his death made him sad but stopped once he heard a deep voice Knowing he had a system of the game he cherished with his life made him cheer up on the only thing he cared about. His whole life was a sad story that one wished to change but now that he died and has a way to change his fate from being the same to a new one. The multiverse shall know his name as he rises to the top without stop, with his army conquering everything in his way and shall become the true ruler of the multiverse. In his path there will lay pain, death, and suffering but it shall make him stronger and better than he ever was. This is the story of a man who will change the world in it's entirety and build an Empire that shall stand tall for the years to come. A/N: This system will have both the First Mount & Blade System and Bannerlord II System but the Bannerlord II System will come later on the story. The story itself will be realistic with mentions of rape, cursing, gore so be warned. P.S: Cover art is not mine so if author doesn't want it Ill take it down A/N: To make the mods that will be added realistic, I will be adding more lore for them or make new types of units. [WARNING] A/N: As this is realistic, there will be dark tones such as rape, torture, and mass bloodshed due to the innate nature of some races and basic need

Joaquin_Bonilla_2031 · Cómic
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17 Chs

The Regressed Grand Archmage, and The Reincarnated Battle Junkie

Unknown POV

???: "Liam Wake up!!!

Huh? Who is calling my name this early? Can't they see I'm trying to sleep here in my comfortable and beloved be-

???: "The King permitted the Academy to use Avondale Forest as a training grounds for it's students!"

Liam: "Whaat!? Wasn't that place off-limits due to dark magic leaking through and corrupting the forest?"

???: "Huh? Is that why it was off-limits?"

Liam: "Ahem, I did hear it from one of the Teachers discussions"

???: Oh, anyway, are you excited to finally train our magic spells with the beasts of the forest!"

Thank God Aaron isn't like the Class president otherwise I would be questioned endlessly. But I do wonder why the forest is opened at this time with dark magic corrupting the Forest Core.

Aaron: "Liam, get the hell up man otherwise we will be late and wait in line!"

As I thought about it more, Aaron looked at me with an annoyed look making me flabbergasted but before I could ask anything someone kicked open the door harshly almost breaking it off it's hinges.


Liam: "Oh for the love of-, Why'd you have to break the door off it's hinges Amelia!?

Stepping through was Amelia, a new friend I made in the beginning of the year, she was known throughout the school as the battle junkie who dueled everyone even the seniors and only lost to the 5th years.

She had auburn hair with a ponytail and freckles on both her cheeks as she had a smile from almost breaking the poor door who got kicked for blocking her way.

Surprisingly enough, I never remembered there being such a person in Pandora. She either must have died early on or... this timeline isn't the one I remembered living in and changes happened due to my return.

I grimaced somewhat before looking at the grinning Amelia and Aaron, whatever the case, both of them have become my friends and we helped one another.

Liam: "Alright I'm getting up, let me change quickly before you continue tapping about. Amelia turn around or exit the room please!"

Amelia: "Alright, hurry up otherwise we will be late to hunt down monsters!"

Seeing a nerve pop up on Aaron's face I quickly started changing and seeing other students gathering outside through the window I changed and put my robes on and raced downstairs with the two of them in tow.

Amelia: "We got no time to waste, Aaron!, Use wind magic to make us go faster!"

Aaron: "Yes Ma'am!"

Liam: "You st-"

Aaron: "Shush, I'm not talking about it Liam! It was just a bet alright!"

Aaron had snapped his fingers before a strong wind propelled us forwards at an exaggerated speeds that of a 3rd-Circle Mage and not that of a late 2nd-Circle Mage.

I must say I am disappointed in myself for never meeting these two earlier in my years and befriended them. Especially Aaron who is a genius in Wind spells and his unique way of casting magic spells.

We suddenly heard the shoutings of the girls we flew by shouting in embarrassment and I sighed knowing we would be punished once again.

But who gives a damn when you have magic to live your life to the fullest!!! Who's with me!? What am I doing cheering in my mind since the Headmistress will punish us later huh?


Aaron: "You alright Liam?"

Liam: "Don't worry I am fine!"

As we arrived at the carriages that had students within already, Aaron stopped his propulsion with the wind as all three of us landed and walked towards our designated carriages that had the numbers 7 of 34 and sat down inside waiting for our class to board the carriages.

30 Minutes Later

Once everyone got on the Carriages, we heard the Headmistress Zelefar's voice within our mind as she slowly started speaking.

Zelefar: "Attention all students! This will be my warning for those foolish enough to venture deep into the forest! Stick close to the perimeters that has been set by the King to keep you safe!"

Zelefar: "Any who decide to break this rule shall be punished with cleaning chores and extra training with me for three weeks!"




Liam: "The hell, why are you gulping Amelia? Don't tell me the invincible Amelia is scared of Ms. Zelefar?"

Amelia: "Hmph, you wouldn't understand the great horrors I've experienced whilst accidentally being caught by Ms. Zelefar the Devil"

Liam: "Say what now? You got caught by her?"

???: "I didn't expect that miss Amelia, to have survived her punishment and still have the same attitude in class means you survived"

Amelia: "Indeed, it was a regular Sunday Afternoon scavenging for the remaining magic herbs when we had our own herbs stolen by the Hefrec Brothers"

Aaron: "The Horror!"

Amelia: "Yes, I issued a duel towards both of them whom accepted after giving back our herbs with Miss Gabrielle's help, ah wonderful teacher I must say, and so I dueled them both"

Aaron: "Let me continue, as Amelia dueled them within Academy grounds and not in an official match we got in trouble"

Amelia: "If only we were caught by the Academy Knight's instead of the Headmistress herself we wouldn't have been tired the past two weeks"

Aaron: "Truly one of the most horrific events in our Lives. Could you believe I almost joined them just for watching a duel!?"

???: "Oh the mystery young one..."

Amelia: "You could have suffered together with your friend you traitor! Even though it was truly an horrifying experience I did manage to control my fire magic better and my physical strength had increased as well!"

Liam: "That's good, which I guess I should break the rules and be taught by her personally even if it means living live in the edge with her cruel training"

???: "Good luck on surviving her training kid!"

Now that I think about it, who is this guy? Doesn't this guy seem similar to someone I know? Chestnut colored hair with a wide smile and carrying a medium-sized book case strapped to his waist and a Sixth-Circle Sigil on his robe?

Hold up! Isn't he that man who destroyed two Kingdoms due to their connections with his brother being tortured by that Black Cross Organization!?!?

He directly destroyed it's powerful Tenth-Circle Mage Leader, inspiring true fear into the hearts of those who messed with his family!!!

And if I remember correctly, he has a strange Legacy left behind by his mother who taught him Thaumaturgy...? Whatever it is, one can only hope to never make an enemy of him with terrifying magic unknown to even me, a once Ninth-Circle Mage.

Liam: "Excuse me for asking, but who are you? I don't believe I have seen you in our class before"

???: "Oh me? I am the substitute teacher Itaz for your class and your teachers older brother!"




Aaron: "Whaat!? Your Professor Izin's brother!?

Liam: "No wonder you look familiar, and thinking about it. Why does your name sound familiar to the Grandmaster Knight?"

I saw the man stop for a second and look troubled at my question as he sighed softly before smiling.

Itaz: "Well, as you can see us two brothers with mage professions and Izett being a grandmaster Knight we have history"

Itaz: "Izzet was born with no affinity with magic which made her be a dark spot in our family's history full of talented mages"

Liam: "Then I guess your family hated her for not having an affinity for magic and ruining their prestige as Mages?"

Itaz: "Yes and No young Liam, although not all, it was mostly our older family members but since we were brothers we three sticked together"

Itaz: "For whatever reason Izzet found at the time to influence her. She picked up the sword and started training with it and would later become a prodigy of the sword"

Amelia: "But wasn't there an incident back three months ago that garnered the attention of most mage Families?"

Itaz: "Ah, that incident with our family where we had a public Fallout with Izzet and the Gresham family elders.."

Liam: "I apologize in Amelia's stead for reminding you of past events!"

Amelia: "Hey!"

Aaron: "He's got a point Amelia, such things can happen indoors, but in public it will be a big humiliation to their family"

Amelia: "Sorry professor Itaz for talking about it!"

Itaz: "It's fine, it's mostly known throughout the Capital nowadays"

Aaron: "Hmm, then do you mind telling us more on the fallout of your family if you don't mind?"

Liam: "Don't be rude Aaron!"

Itaz: "It's fine, I've been needing someone to talk to about my problems even if you three forget about it later"

All: "We won't!"

I heard Itaz awkwardly smile before he took a deep breath and sighed as he began telling his story with a gentle smile on his face.

Itaz POV

With my stoically cold brother and stubborn yet protective sister we were the black sheep of our family yet we grew strong enough to challenge the main branch with our power.

Even if the main Branch were worried of us rebelling we didn't give a damm since they had prejudice towards us but ultimately I knew, as their Older brother that we still needed a backer so we joined the main branch.

Of course they didn't love a Knight Prodigy being born in a family full of mages so there was even more prejudice against her rather than us.

We were accepted since we had a high proficiency in magic but we had a bad name due to our mother being a knight and our father being a member of the main branch.

Amelia: "Then wasn't your mother a strong knight to have such a powerful daughter?"

Itaz: "Although I don't know much about our mothers background. She is a strong woman who taught Izzet a lot about the way of the sword and various techniques that made her who she is today"

Liam: "Oh? Then she truly is a strong Knight to teach Grandmaster Izett"

Itaz: "Indeed, with the bastard of our father ran away from his responsibility, she took care of us by herself and taught us many things that grew our strength"

Amelia: "She is a strong woman to take care all of you and train you individually!"

Itaz: "She did her best, and so it is the main reason that Izzet had a fallout with that stupid family of ours"

Liam: "I am sorry for your misfortune of having to deal with such a family. I hope you three siblings continue to be with one another"

I looked at the kid in front of me and felt like he truly meant what he said. He had a melancholy tone in his voice and deep within his eyes was a trace of fondness as he secretly looked at his companions.

I simply chuckled and nodded at him before recalling his words that made my spirit feel relief from just his words.

Itaz: "Looks like you have something similar too huh, kid?"

The boy named Liam simply nodded and went back to his mind making me feel nostalgic before continuing my story.

Itaz: "With one of the Main Branch Elders belittling our dear and wonderful mother, Izzet got angry and argued with the damn old sly fox who pissed her off more until she snapped"

Itaz: "Hmm, I believe you haven't heard this part yet, but since it was a public ball for many noble families to attend to. There were a lot of Knight's nearby to protect the guests so once my sister started beating up the old man she fought the Knight's"

Aaron: "Is that why there were explosions within The marquis ball room and many knights rushing in?"

Itaz: "Indeed, it also became the main reason why she had the title of Grandmaster. It seemed other Knight Chapter Captains attended and tried to stop her"

Liam: "Oh? Aren't the Knight Captains incredibly strong to be able to battle B- Class Beasts and mastery of Sword Aura?"

Itaz: "Indeed, but my sister is a prodigy and fought waves of knights and captains until the Royal Knight's Intervened"

Liam: "So she's that strong she garnered the attention of the Royal Knight's?"

Itaz: "It still surprises me but she keeps on growing stronger with every fight or duel against any of her opponents"

Amelia: "How cool! I want to be like Grandmaster Izzet and show everyone how strong I am!"

Aaron: "Then stop fooling around by fighting and study for the upcoming Magic Beasts Exams and be number one!"

Amelia: "Oh Goddess! Not another word about me studying for Exams Aaron!"

Liam: "C'mon you two, don't fight Infront of the Professor!"

As I saw all three of the young students my younger brother teaches I smiled yet grimaced remembering that fateful day I saw my younger sisters true might even as the story was half truth half lie.


(Itaz POV)

I greeted my fellow colleagues within the massive ballroom as we talked about the possible new research Teacher Marell had acquired during his stay in one of the Forbidden Forests of the Evena Continent.

As we were talking I caught a glimpse of my family members entering the Ballroom whilst putting on airs of the renowned Grasham Mage Family.

I groaned in annoyance of the coming argument between them and my younger sister making my colleagues chuckle as I excused myself and walked past various nobles or invited guests and before I could move towards them I was stopped.

???: "Is that you Itaz...? Oh my, it truly is you Itaz!"

I suddenly looked at the young Lady incredulously and looked at her face trying to remember her name and awkwardly smiled as I greeted her.

Itaz: "Ah! Young Lady Zevelle, It is nice to meet you once again after our short meeting in Lord Archmage Melphir's Magic Tower"

Lady Zevelle: "I'm glad you remembered my name Sir Itaz! If you don't mind, I would like to ask you if you could teach me mo-"

Before I could politely refuse we were both interrupted by an all familiar voice which I nonchalantly looked at.

???: "Lady Zevelle there you are! My lady please step back from this cheating mage Bastard!"

Lady Zevelle: "Excuse me, but do I know you?

???: "Wh- My lady, I am Greth, an admirer of yours and the son of a known Mage Grethe-"

Lady Zevelle: "Oh, the Unfilial son who likes chasing women's skirts and sleeping with female mages with his father's name? Indeed I know whom you are "Skirt Chaser Greth."

Lady Zevelle: "And with a few rumors going around with the women you slept with had said you couldn't even satisfy them so they faked it"

I chuckled and seeing the shocked and dumbfounded look on his face made me straight up laugh out loud.

Greth: "You bi-"

Before the self-proclaimed skirt chaser could finish speaking, I moved my index finger slightly down as a long strand of thin wire tugged at the young man's neck stopping him entirely.

I innocently smiled at him and talked in the nicest tone possible as I slowly moved my fingers as more wires tightened around his wrist and limbs making him groan in pain.

Itaz: "Excuse my language Lady Zevelle, but Ganel, is it worth getting mad over the fact that you couldn't satisfy the women you slept with and your admiration for Lady Zevelle being refused?"

Ganel: "You lowly son of a-"

Before he could speak he suddenly froze as I only looked at him indifferently as my eye color changed from Black to Blood Red and my pupil turned into that of a snakes slit.

The atmosphere around me had changed to a chilling silence as I stared down at the man who was about to call my mother something quite impolite that my fingers moved a bit.


Ganel: "St-"

Before he could talk, the magic steel string around his neck tightened as blood could be seen dripping down his neck as he placed both hands on the wire tugging it harshly.

Even his face was turning purple from having no oxygen pass up to his brain. Seeing Lady Zevelle's surprised face, I loosened my wires from his neck as Ganel fell to the floor gasping as he coughed up saliva.

Ganel: "*Gasp*...You..."

I looked towards Lady Zevelle and remembered that I owed her another studying lesson due to our bet from a week ago.

Itaz: "That reminds me, I will of course give you another session of the 3th-5th Magic Spells as you asked last time"

Lady Zevelle: "Ah? Thank you for helping me just now Itaz! I will come to the session on the day of my Graduation as a 3rd Class mage!"

Itaz: "Well, It seems you are impatient as ever. I shall visit your Noble House soon and teach you the other spells as requested previously"

Seeing her nodding aggressively to the point I wonder if her neck will break. I remembered quickly about Izzet and the Elders making me sigh and excuse myself as I release the wires around Ganel's upper & lower limbs before walking away.

As I was looking around hurriedly I heard the loud voice of Izzet and shouting of a rough voice, and looking at where the voice came from I grimaced seeing a group of knights heading over to stop the commotion.

I walked over hurriedly through the growing crowd of nobles and important guests. Unfortunately for me, I witnessed first-hand the terrifying strength of my monster of a sister as she grabbed a chair from a nearby table.

Izzet: "You still dare to talk shit to me Ceneva!!!

Ceneval: "Of course I will! If it wasn't for that Vixen making the Clan Heads Son Fall in love with her we would be one of the 10 Families!!!"

Izzet: "Fuck you!"

???: "Such foul language!"

Ceneval: "Fuck you t-!"

???: "Put the chair down Izz-...!"

Izzet had suddenly shouted before reinforcing the chair with pure magic and slammed the chair into the Elders chest that sent him flying across the room breaking tables and disrupting the talking people.

The Knight's quickly unsheathed their blades and surrounded Izett and the Captain of the Knight's stepped up with shaking legs as he warned Izzet.

HKC: "Grandmaster Izzet! You are a valued guest of the Valechia Family, so I advise you to have some control and follow us out of the Valechia Estate!"

Izzet: "Why should I? *Hic* He hasn't apologized to me yet!?"

Hearing such words the elder Ceneval who had his body sprawled on the ground slowly raised his arms before lifting his index fingers pissing Izzet off.

Izzet: "You old fucker!"

Izzet charged forwards at the nearest knight who quickly slashed his sword at Izzet instinctively only for his strike to miss and be hit on the side of the head with the foot of the chair and sent flying to a table crashing through it with foam coming out his mouth.

???: "Watch out!"

???: "Wha-!"

???: "Who dares ruin my fucking food!?!?!?"

Seeing the knight crash into the table of a group of eating people I looked at the tattooed muscular man who had stood up and shouted angrily and felt that he was as strong as I was when I was 10, surprising me somewhat due to my blood.

The muscular man looked at the Knight before looking back at Izzet who was now sending knights flying across the massive Ballroom and crashing into tables with foam on their mouth.


???: "Stop you criminal sc- GAH!!!"



???: GAH! An armored knight got thrown!?"



???: "What is happening!?!?"



???: "KYAHH!!!"



???: "She is too strong! Call in Sir Maximus and Sir Mage Blackfield!


Izzet: "Don't run away from me!?"

I sighed and steeled myself to take care of this but before I could take a step forward, two people came out the crowd with distinctive armor and a golden badge with engraved sigils.

???: "Izzet, I know you are drunk and pissed off but don't hurt the Knight's protecting the guests.."

Before he could step forward to talk my sister out of her drunken state the man drew his sword from it's sheath and infused it with mana and sword Aura as he slashed his swords.


Izzet: "Don't get in my way Francis, if you join him Javienne I will beat you up together!!!"

The female armored woman sighed helplessly before she had drew her rapier as she coated her rapier with sword Aura. And arcs of lightning formed around her body as her kind blue eyes turned into cold calculative looking at Izzet.

Javienne: "I'm sorry Izzet, but we can't let you harm other nobles and important guests invited by the Marquis"

As I was about to step forwards to stop my younger sister, the tattooed muscular charged forwards at Izzet and the two Renowned Grandmaster Knights whom Izzet talks about charged forwards.

Itaz: "Hmm, sometimes I wonder if I am Izzet's guardian angel rather than her brother..."

I waved my right hand as a wave of magisteel wires shot out from within the sleeves of my robe and came together to form a lance that sent the Tattooed man flying out the window.

???: "Watch out!"

???: Wha- OOF!?!?"

???: "Tooh'ka!!!"

???: "Who can send out a member of the Kroo'sha Tribe, flying with one blow!?!?"

As everyone had an amazed yet shocked look on their face seeing Tooh'ka, A known Barbarian adventurer, flying out the window from the third floor, his companions looked at me as I walked out the crowd with silent yet loud steps that could be heard throughout the Massive Ballroom.

???: "Who is that...?"

???: "Look brat, that's how you get everyone's attention on you! Learn from him otherwise you'll never get fame"

???: "Shut up Old man! Stop nagging me!"

???: "Hmm, Isn't that Itaz, the renowned genius of the Grasham Family?"

Hearing such words, many of the curious onlookers remembered the incident a few years ago where a Beast Tide formed and attacked the Heike City only to be stopped by a young Mage who single-handedly annihilated a wave of 500 Rampaging Beasts.

Another incident would be the quick progression to the rank of a Sixth-Circle Mage, creating quite the waves in the magical community as he is perhaps one of the youngest or the youngest to have reach such a stage in just 23 years.

Many Old Souls sighed at his achievement and could blame themselves for not being talented enough and fooling around in their youth.

???: "Oh? So that's the famous "Golden-eyed Mage" many speak of? ...Interesting..."

???: "Oh my? Such a handsome young man!"

???: "Oh for the love of Seclysa, why say such things mother...?"

???: "What? I can't admire others when both yourself and your father ogle at others?"

???: "Okay! Okay! I get it!"

Ignoring such... compliments..? I continued forward and moved to the right as I dodged an arrow shot passed me and moved my left hand to the left as I backhanded a dark robed figure with purple tipped daggers as he flew backwards.



Before he could fly away I wrapped five wires around his/her legs and pulled them back to me before punching them in their gut and redirecting their flight, I punched towards the elven Archer who didn't expect their own companion to crash into them.



Seeing them crash I waved both my arms as the steel wires had wrapped around them and slowly let them down. I turned around and saw the figures of my sister and her friends fighting as the sounds of lightning and shockwaves reverberated around the large Ballroom and everyone had moved away to not get injured.

Of course seeing such a spectacle, everyone kept a distance to see such a fight with Grandmasters and others who seem to join in for fun.

I was surprised but smiled as I tilted my head to side avoiding a quick lightning bolt thrown from behind me. I wordlessly chanted a spell of the 3rd Level in response to their attack as a green mist came out the exquisitely decorated tiles and trapped the attacker and In the blink of an eye I teleported behind the Slim yet armored figure.

Itaz: 'Paralysis....Blank State...'

I placed my hands over their eyes and their body was shaking for a second struggling before their body slumped onto my chest. I slowly let them down before I heard the shouting of a madman.

???: "You bastard!!! What did you do to Elena!?!?"

Before I could explain that she is just asleep, the man rushed at me with surprisingly fast speed but I sighed and looked at his raging expression as he slowly ran towards me.

I raised my hand and a transparent white energy was sent at the man who didn't have enough time to dodge as he was sent flying only to be caught by my strings that slowly wrapped around him, completely immobilizing him.

I looked back at my sister only to tilt my head to the side as a piece of lightning whizzed by as the female Grandmaster named Lazule charged at me.

I furrowed my brows and instead of using magic or my strings, I decided that this should not escalate higher than it already is so I blinked and appeared behind Lazule and seeing her Swiftly turn around with her rapier already thrusting towards my neck made me smile before I moved forward as the rapier hit my neck.

Instead of the blood and decapitation from her blow I simply closed in and simply placed my right hand near her ears and snapped as a small shockwave spread to her ears as she fell down with a surprised expression on her face.

???: "Shit! Javienne?!? Are you Ok!?"

As the Male Grandmaster rushed at me with his Sword Aura increasing his danger level by another level I took a deep breath before I pivoted my leg and as Francis neared with his sword Aura growing blue I extended my leg as it clashed with his Sword Aura and instead of it being cut aloud clank could be heard.

Seeing the shocked look on his face I swiftly kicked to the left and hit his head & sword simultaneously as my foot hooked around his neck I kicked downward and he hit the hard cold floor as a spider web-like cracks spread from his head hitting the floor.

Itaz: "So everyone else?"

Seeing no one respond I nodded and walked towards my glaring sister who looked at me in a pissed off expression. I chuckled at her expression and with us both walking towards the middle of the Ballroom slowly it garnered everyone's attention.

All the attention was on both of us and silence filled the Grand Ballroom and it seems my sister has sobered up now.

Itaz: "Izzet, how did you get drunk quickly? More importantly, why did you knock everyone unconscious"

Izzet: "That Old bastard flipped me off!!! He started it, not me!"

I sighed but looking at Izzet's Aura increasing along with her list for battle I hummed before accepting her duel by taking off my black robe and threw it to the side new my colleagues but I didn't expect for it to be grabbed by Lady Zevelle.

Even if it went unnoticed by me due to being focused, everyone could see my half-plate armor and potions hanging on the belt of my waist with a few purple tipped daggers.

As Izzet looked at me I looked back at her seeing she still brought her Purple Gem pendant and in an instant, Izzet seemed to use the void to summon both her Greatsword and Armor which in turn, I materialized two black gloves on both my hands and smiled.

In a blink of an eye we both disappeared from our previous position and in the middle of the hall as Izzet swung down her Enchanted Greatsword I pulled back my right fist before punching her Greatsword as it closed in on my head.



Once Izzet's Greatsword clashed against my Right fist a loud shockwave of air send the nearby tables & chairs flying and a few people flying off and hitting the walls or nearby people.

I moved forward and silently casted a wind spell that wrapped itself around Izzet's body and held her in place and instantaneously conjured a wall of thorns Infront of me before I lowered my upper body and kicked backwards.



I dodged Izzet's horizontal sword strike and had kicked her gut sending her flying but she flipped and landed as she slid backwards stopping where Javienne was.

Izzet: "Tch, fight me head on Itaz!"

We both sprinted towards one another as I enchanted my gloves with mana and added a bit of the Dark element as my gloves now had mist coming off of them.

Itaz: '....Conjure Volley, ...Thunder Lance..."

As we neared one another once again I conjured a volley of ten Thunder like lances that formed from thin air and shot out towards the unsuspecting Izzet who activated her Sword Aura quickly to make two Greatsword that shined in a red glint.

She sent out her two spiritual swords that slashed at the Lightning lances destroying five of them and Izzet's arms bulked up as she slashed at the remaining ones but I was already near her and tried grabbing her forearm only to stop mid-way and clench my fist as I punch the edge of her Greatsword as it bounces up.

As I was about to grip her neck and use the darkness in my gloves to get her to blackout I stopped and turned my head slightly and saw the Black and Gold ornamental Armor worn by the Royal Guards along with the Red-haired Grand Duke of Phelenxia, Zephyr Bloodmane.

Seeing them I narrowed my eyes and mouthed to Izzet to stop fighting only for her to slash her sword at me. As I dodged to the side, a purple crescent shaped projectile shot out of her sword and flew past me and headed towards the Grand Duke and Royal Guards.

And looking thoroughly at the Royal Guard's I saw five figures who could potentially pose a problem and seeing the black haired man with purple eyes, I groaned internally.

Narrator POV

Seeing the Large and enhanced Crescent-shaped projectile coming at them the Grand Duke grinned and as the purple-eyed man was about to step forwards, the Grand Duke raised his hand and walked forwards calmly before raising his left hand and grabbed the blue projectile with his bare hands.

???: "What!? How'd he manage to catch it with his hands!?!?"

???: "Tsk, that boy still likes showing off, maybe I need to send him off to the Western Border again..."

???: "Hah? Why are you calling the esteemed Grand Duke a boy!? More importantly you dare give orders

???: "Oh? Why? Well isn't that because I am his Grandfather, can't a Grandfather call his Grandson nicknames..."

???: "Wait, Grandfather? Grandson? Hah!?!?!?"

???: "If he calls himself Grandfather of the Grand Duke, then he must be...!"

???: "The Old Hero of the Northern Border...It is Sir

Osmund Bloodmane! It's said he fought against an Invading army of 60,000 with his 10,000 and came out victoriously with few casualties whilst capturing the Enemy General of the Olevna Kingdom!"

???: "He became renowned when he single-handedly fought against an Elder Dragon that was attacking the Town of future Phelenxia and cut it's head off at the cost of his right arm!"

???: "Even if his right arm was torn off, he still trained and defended Phelenxia from attackers and is a man of valor that demands respect!"

The one who had previously spoke before wanting to educate the Old man, was stun locked hearing the praises the others were talking about the old man and their looks of admiration.

???: "Uh..., I-i am sorry My Lord!"

Osmund: "Oh it's fine, I myself haven't shown myself for a couple of years so no worries. The only thing I have to say is the fact that you berate others with a smug grin on your face"

???: "I am terribly sorr-"

Zephyr: "Not quick enough"

Before he could have finished speaking a burst of Red flames came from the Grand Duke of the Bloodmane Family and quickly surged forwards as it tried to devour Izzet's attack.

But as expected of the Sword Prodigy, the projectile resisted the devouring blood flames and lit up in a black light as it disappeared from its previous position to behind the Duke who smiled as his left eye glowed red and a spatial rift opened up behind him and a large knights gauntlet crowned in Dark-Red grabbed the projectile with it's hand and clenched it's fist as it exploded into mist.


Itaz POV

Sensing the power in the Red gauntlet along with the location of it's main body I thought about immobilizing it or using mass teleportation to not destroy the Bloodmane Estate.

And as how all things go, I bowed as a greatswords slashed horizontally knowing it was Izzet and I swiftly turned my body around and kicked Izzet backwards whilst simultaneously wrapping my hands in magisteel wires grabbing the two swords that swung at me from above with both hands.

???: "Dammit!"

???': "What a quick reaction time...."

As I looked at the middle-aged man who was composed I simply used transmutation to change their weapons blade into heavy rocks. I let go of their weapons as they fell downwards and stepped to the side as a few bolts of lightning came my way.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

I looked at the female knight with pink hair who had her hand raised with a blue magic circle pointed at me and I waved my strings at her direction and added something extra on the strings that will give a sting.


As she tried to dodge the strings, they split apart and when it was about to hit her the Knight Captain drew his sword and cut the strings but his sword started having smoke coming off of it.


???: "Why did you add acid on the wires Sir Itaz? Do you wish to commit treason or simply stop your sister?"

Itaz: "My apology but it seems you people attacked first after my sister attacked you as I was stopping her from blowing up"

Osmund: "Hmm, then let us stop this farce and if you will sir Itaz, ask your sister to stop ruining our estate as much as we like fighting there are guests here"

???: "Wh-what? he attacked William"

???: "Hmm, it almost got to the good part to test my flames against a good opponent! Damn you Old man"

Looking at the tall and buff old man I nodded and looked back at my sister who kept throwing away the knights that tried to stop her. I whistled and another figure jumped down from above the second floor guests.


Looking at his golden pupils I smiled awkwardly at him as he simply looked at me and shouted out "IT'S MOM!" And all of a sudden Izzet snapped back to reality and her craziness stopped as she slowly turned to look our way.

???: "Sister, remember that mom will torture you if she finds out you got drunk and fought in the prestigious Lord Osmund's Estate!"

She had suddenly nodded and robotically walked toward us before she grabbed our younger brother and with a gentle smile opposite of her crazed one shown earlier.

Izzet: "Is that so brother? Maybe don't tell her and you will gain some extra treats from Marielle's Shop"

???: "Granted, I don't even know what happened here at all"

As they talked I remembered I threw my robe at my colleagues but from the looks of it they don't have it. But first, I need to apologize to Sir Osmund for causing trouble at his Estate and fought the current Duke.

I walked up to the Old man who is a known Hero and when I was about to kneel he had stopped me and told me to stand.

Osmund: "It takes a lot to have the gall to fight here within my Home and even balls of steel to confidently fight against my Grandsons Golem and the Kings Royal Guard's"

Itaz: "When it comes to family, you need to protect them. And I do apologize for my sister's behavior from earlier and I will pay for the damages she has cost you"

I looked at the Old man's Red eyes as his smile turned into a grin before he started laughing loudly and so did I much to the confusion of everyone.

???: "What? They just started laughing all of a sudden"

???: "I feel the intensity of Lord Osmund Aura increasing so I advise everyone to back away..."

William: "Aura, but I don't feel anyth-"

In a split of a second, we both had reeled back our fist and I felt oppression coming from his body making me grin. I suddenly started to compress my muscles and my right arm buffed in size and I added my own power as it shone purple with gold sparks.

We both punched forward and as our punches were about to be in contact, the Royal Guard's Vice-Captain had erected a dome of shadows around us as it closed when ohr punches met.


A large explosion could have been heard almost deafening everyone until the dome had closed as the explosion halved in noise and the dome expanded into a balloon about to pop.

After a good five seconds, the dome uncovered the inside and all one could see was both Itaz and Lord Osmund with their fists connected in the middle with their upper body bare for everyone to see.

Lord Osmund had a dragons tattoo on his upper left torso and several claw scars all over his body and Izzet had his body full of sword slashes and large scars made from explosions much to the surprise and embarrassment of many Noble ladies.

(A/N: Old man still has it)

???: "Oh my~ I didn't know Lord Osmund still had a good physique"

???: "I've never seen a mage have a wonderful body rather than a frail one before"

Lady Zevelle: 'Why did the goddess grace me with such luck! I didn't think Sir Itaz had a buff body under his clothes..hehe'

Zephyr: "Well then Old man, will you stop being overdramatic and let us continue with the Ballroom since fighting is off limits?"

Osmund: "Let this old man have fun! Kids these days don't know when to have some fun, I swear back in my day-"

Zephyr: "Bah! Who cares! If we can't fight I will just enjoy the ball then and speak to the others!"

Osmund: "Still, to think you three are her Children, send her my regards and I hope she is doing well in her endeavors as an old friend"

Itaz: "I will do so sir Osmund..."

I smile and nod and we both move our hands to shake on it but it seems like my arm took more damage than expected since it is trembling and Lord Osmund chuckles apologetically.

Osmund: "Sorry I went too harsh on you kid. If we have any other time I hope you can come visit with your mother so we can continue fighting like old times"

I simply smiled and looked at both my siblings who still have a serious look on their faces but I told them I'm fine.

Osmund: "Hmm, *sigh* It would have been better if you were to become my granddaughters Fiance rather than that frail boy, but since she has found her own I won't persuade her"

I chuckled awkwardly and seeing Izzet move her eyebrows while pointing at the other side of the ballroom where I saw Lady Zevelle blushing with my robe in her hands as she looked at me with a glint in her eyes making me feel weird.

I simply sigh and blink towards Lady Zevelle as I appear next to her and politely ask if I could have my robe back since I am without clothing for my upper body.

Lady Zevelle: "A-ah! Yes! You surely will be there for our next study session right?"

Itaz: "Yes? I still have to be there and reach a young learner about the theories of magic and it's spells"

She smiled warmly and gave me back my robe and I smiled at her before I put on my robe and bade farewell and I swore I heard a few sigh sadly making cough and quickly leave.

Next I went to the Royal Guards and apologized towards them about what occured today and avoided listening to the comments of the newly recruited guards that had pissed looks on their faces.

Hmm, still don't have great manners for a fine gentleman of their current status instead of angry rambunctious children. Even the Vice-Captain and female Knight have better manners than them.

???: "Since the Grand Duke and Patriarch haven't issued an arrest for you both. It won't be followed until further notice but remember not to attack a direct guard of the King otherwise you will face charges of treason..."

I nodded and left the two ornamental gold knights to their own and walked towards my siblings who had many talking about them. Especially the Grand Duke who wishes to challenge Izzet to another duel at a later time and like always she agrees.

I did start using the strings to put back the chairs and tables that were tossed around the ballroom and the knights of the Bloodmane Estate.

I smiled and looked at my trembling arm before my eyes gained a purple glint and walked outside for the balcony and looked at the starry night sky in all it's glory. I Hope you became stronger future Me...







Flashback End


Itaz POV (Present)

I looked at the smiling children who had surprised looks on their faces and told them we would be close to the forest by now.

Liam: "That's amazing, you fought against the patriarch?"

Itaz: "Indeed, left my arm trembling for a good while.

Aaron: "Sounds like the Duke is a lot different than portrayed"

Amelia: "How did Lord Osmund and your mother met? It seems they have met before and he was cordial when speaking about her?"

Itaz: "That's a story for another time kid"

Aaron: "What about the woman th-"

Itaz: "Ahem, moving on..."

???: "Alright everyone, we have arrived at the entrance of the Forest!

Hearing the voice of one of the Dean's I told the kids to hurry up if they don't want to be late and to see the spectacle of Dean Oresha's Golemancy of our Basecamp here.

Seeing the three kids leave out the carriage, I closed my eyes and felt the presence of our wonderful Headmistress Zelefar appear beside me but I simply took a deep breath.

Zelefar: "It seems you had already noticed my presence beforehand and I just have a question to ask of you Sir Itaz, if you don't mind?"

I opened my eyes and looked at the blonde woman clad in black and looked at her awkwardly since I knew what she was going to ask and so she did whilst making an offer.


Zelefar: "Do you know where your brother Professor Izin is? He was suppose to be with us but he hasn't arrived due to some circumstances"

Itaz: "Aha..., about that...he got lost in the way of food delicacy that he completely forgot about this event..."

The Headmistress looked at me incredulously before she chuckled and straight into my eyes with what I know will be interesting.

Zelefar: "If he is lost in his way of Delicacy, maybe you can temporarily take over his spot as a Professor about Advanced magic no?"

Itaz: "Hmm, although I would like to join even as a temporary professor, but I have classes to teach on the Southern Mage Tower and as a private tutor for some Noble Families"

Zelefar: "If I remember correctly, you announced you were on break for two weeks no?"

Itaz: "God dammit! Alright, what do you want me to teach the students in Advanced Magic Classes miss Zelefar..."

Zelefar: "No need to get mad now sir Itaz, but I do appreciate taking professor Izin's place until he comes back at the end of your break"

Itaz: "Hmm, if I am joining now can you tell me why Pandora was able to come to the forest with the Kings permission that is never open to anyone?"

Headmistress Zelefar looked at me with a smile and asked me if I knew about the current situation on the border.

Zelefar: "If you haven't heard, one of the Monster Kings has risen once more and is gathering an army to overthrow the Barsil Kingdom and the Phelkia Kingdom altogether and make it into their territory"

I grimaced at that and remembered that there were less Senior mages and Mages spotted in the Tower making me want to investigate rather than be in my underground Lab....

Itaz: "Then what would be our losses as of now and is it the reason for us to be able to be here in the forest?"

Zelefar: "We have lost five castles, 13 Villages, and soon to be 2 Towns being Amera Town & Treheva Town to both bandits and Goblins who have joined forces surprisingly"

I see her materialize a tray with a full tea cup set with steaming hot tea inside as one floats my way and I sip on some tea with grace and so did Lady Zelefar with elegance.

Zelefar: "One thing that I can confirm is that a random army by the name of Tetsujin Army, has appeared and helped the villages and a few castles whilst making their way to Amera Town to help from the looks of it"




Itaz: "Hmm, since it is the goblins attacking alongside bandits, it's safe to say any help will be welcomed"

Zelefar: "Indeed, well I believe this was a wonderful conversation and am glad for you to join our staff"

I sighed and nodded with a smile before she disappeared alongside the tea set and the tea cup in my hand I finished just now.

Well, looks like this would be an interestingly two good weeks of my life. I should find out more about the Tetsujin army and see how many forces will be sent out by the King....

I exited the Carriage and looked at the newly built huge castle and the bald man in the sky with his arms raised with green light emanating from his hands.

I hummed and looked at the trio who had looks of amazement in their eyes as I smiled and decided to work here and see how far the three kids will go for one another in Avondale Forest that holds numerous Demonic beasts.

Oh how will you three do in dangerous situations that threaten your life and your friends....?








To be continued