
Woah, Woah, Woah Let Me Explain!

[===== One Week Later =====]

     After leaving that demonstration, Yusuke hadn't received any more missions or any further instructions, so he just carried on with his training as usual. Today, however, Sozen Sensei had stopped by to escort him to the Uzushiokage's office.

     Although he was disappointed by the way the Uzushiokage had interfered with his match and didn't even seem interested in his other abilities, once he had seen everything he wanted from his Fuinjutsu, he was quite vocal about that disappointment and was allowed to demonstrate each of his abilities individually. 

     Despite being the only member of his team that didn't actually get to demonstrate his full potential in combat, everyone present had been quite impressed that he was so competent in so many jutsus. They seemed to have assumed that his proficiency in Fuinjutsu was an indicator that he wasn't talented in any other area.

     While the Grand Masters and Uzushiokage both were impressed by his display of ability, they all quickly moved past that and refocused on the amazing new Fuinjutsu that he had created. It seemed as if some of these Uzumakis had one track minds and simply couldn't be bothered with anything else once the subject of Fuinjutsu was broached.

     As he entered the Uzushiokage's office, Yusuke noticed that all of the same Elders from his demonstration were in attendance. This, of course, confirmed his suspicions about why he was here.

     "Good morning, Yusuke! I'm sure you remember the little demonstration you did last month. Well, the Grandmasters here would like to speak with you concerning your Original Fuinjutsu."

     One of the Grand Masters with a white mustache and bald head spoke up, "Yes, the Fuinjutsu you've created is quite remarkable and, as much as we hate to admit it, we haven't been able to figure out how you made it. If it really is made using only knowledge of B-Rank Fuinjutsu, then we shouldn't have any problem recreating the seal after seeing its effects.

     "That being said, the best we've been able to come up with is an inferior version that can't be divided, can only seal or enclose as a whole, and take considerable chakra and skill in order to manipulate effectively.

     "So, as much as it brings us shame to do so, we are requesting that you give us some explanation as to how you created that Fuinjutsu." The Grandmaster informed him.

     "Hmmm...I suppose I could tell you about the Kanjis I used but, even if I were to give you the formula for the entire seal, it's unlikely that you'd be able to perform it unless you have the same abilities as me.

     "You see, this Fuinjutsu was made not only using chakra infused ink but also chakra infused blood mixed in with it. Therefore, it can only be performed by the person whose blood and chakra is mixed within. Also, It requires the ability to perform nearly six different seals simultaneously.

     "I've been practicing at using chakra threads for a while now and, while it requires precise chakra control to make them, it also requires one to be able to focus on accomplishing multiple tasks at the same time. You have to be able to control all of the external Fuinjutsus and combine them into the primary Fuinjutsu.

     "I know you guys probably have chakra control that's even better than mine but, because it requires one to focus on multiple task at the same time, it's a bit more complicated than just chakra control.

     "Because of the blood, chakra, and ink mixture, it can only be performed by the user. No one can help you get it right. Because of the multiple seals that are being converged into a single blob of usable ink, that user must have complete control over every matrix throughout the entire ritual. Even a single slip up could cause the ritual to end in a deadly failure.

     "Honestly, it's the hardest Fuinjutsu that I've performed, to date. Even the more complex A-Rank Seals have been easier." Yusuke explained.

     The Grandmasters seemed to be visibly shocked by this information. It wasn't unheard of, especially in the Uzumaki clan, for some Grandmasters to be able to perform multiple Fuinjutsus at the same time. But six! That was something else entirely.

     Although, they were all certain that, if they wanted to, they could easily make a chakra thread, even though they had never done so. It was merely a matter of chakra control and shape manipulation. They would never have become Grandmasters, if they couldn't accomplish such a thing.

     However, there was something to Yusuke's words. Being able to focus on multiple tasks simultaneously wasn't as simple as creating a chakra thread. It was a skill that, they knew, would require more time and effort to acquire and advance than even the most complex Fuinjutsu.

     The most amazing part of this revelation, however, was his other skills. They had all been suitably impressed, after Yusuke demonstrated that he had a variety of Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu abilities, on top of his impressive Fuinjutsu accomplishments. Now, they were simply blown away by this young shinobi's talents. 

     'If he was only a puppet master shinobi and had simply practiced all his life to be able to create simultaneous chakra threads, he would already be an impressive and rarely seen genius. But this?! All of this!? Isn't it too much?! How can he have mastered so many other justsus and still be so competent in both chakra threads and Fuinjutsu?' The elder, who had addressed Yusuke, thought.

     Of course, none of them thought that he could perform twenty five Fuinjutsus simultaneously. Performing a Fuinjutsu and creating chakra threads were on completely different levels but, even so, they knew that neither of these accomplishments could be considered small.

     The same Elder spoke up again, "So, you're saying that this Fuinjutsu of yours requires a user specific ritual, six different seals to be integrated into it, and all six seals need to be activated at the same time? That is quite a high bar! 

     "I wouldn't say you're the only one who could do such a thing but you're certainly one of the few who could potentially do it and, of those others, they would need to train for years on end in order to replicate what you've done. By the way, do you happen to have a name for this new Fuinjutsu?"

     "Yep, that's about the gist of it and I call this Fuinjutsu Nij."

     "Nij? Hmmm...that's an unusual name! Although, you are the one who created it, so we won't think to impose our aesthetics on you. So, are you willing to share the Kanjis you utilized in its creation? It would seem that we've already confirmed 'Store' and 'Enclose.'"

     "Ahhh, sure, I guess it wouldn't hurt to let you in on just the Kanjis. The other four Kanjis are Solidify, Liquefy, Stabilize, and Unify. I can even tell you that the Stabilize and Unify are both central Kanji for the primary matrix."

     The elders were once again stunned. They, of course, all knew that the complexity and difficulty of any Fuinjutsu would increase drastically, if more than one central Kanji were used. Given that this Fuinjutsu utilized multiple secondary Fuinjutsus around a primary, if the primary Fuinjutsu used two central Kanjis, that would increase the complexity of not only the primary Fuinjutsu but also the ones surrounding it.

     The creation of Yusuke's Nij just became even more impressive in their minds. At first, they had thought that they might train a few of the Grandmasters to use Chakra Threads and perhaps with some ingenuity and some advanced Fuinjutsu Calculus Equations they might be able to work around some of the requirements.

     Now, they were certain that nothing short of a miracle would allow any of them to replicate this Fuinjutsu. The requirements were simply too high and they still couldn't figure out how on Earth Yusuke had even managed to reach such a level in such a short time frame. 

     There was still one possibility that they could replicate this Fuinjutsu but it would take years of effort and resources. The only way they could come up with was to train another child from a young age to have all of the necessary abilities and eventually reach Yusuke's level.

     This method, of course, required exactly the miracle that they were fussing over earlier. They would have to waste resources on countless children until one of them showed nearly the same level of talent as Yusuke. Yusuke was already a once in a generation genius! What were the odds of a second one showing up anytime during their lives?

     Yusuke knew that they would probably think he was much less talented, if they knew about his Shadow Clone Training but he wasn't about to tell them about that. He still hadn't even dropped his 'plans' to 'develop' the Rasengan.

     "I must say, Yusuke, that you've certainly given us much to think about. I'd like to thank you for sharing with us and I'll see to it that you receive a reward for doing so. I'll send someone to your house before the day's out."

     With those words, he turned and walked out of the Uzushiokage's office, dragging the other Grandmasters along with him.

     Seeing the elders leaving,  Yusuke addressed the Uzushiokage, "Was that all you needed from me, Uzushiokage?"

     The Uzushiokage, who was also quite stunned by the revelations he had just heard, took a moment to respond. "Hmmm...ah, yes it was. Have a wonderful rest of your day, Yusuke! Also, don't forget to be ready tomorrow morning. I'll give you your team's first C-Rank mission."

      Yusuke's eyes brightened at these words. He had actually been planning on asking for a C-Rank mission in the coming weeks but now one had been dropped into his lap. He smiled quite enthusiastically as he walked out of the Uzushiokage's office. He couldn't be happier with this development.

     The problem with D-Rank missions is that they only occurred in and around the village. He still had his pal Orochi, in Konohagakure, who he hadn't seen in years. C-Rank missions gave him the most likely probability of being able to travel to Konohagakure.

     Arriving back at his house, Yusuke entered the underground base that he had created over the past month. Now that he was revealing most of his abilities and the fact that he had been hiding his true talent, he needed to make sure his experiments and other training was as secure as possible. Thus, simply setting aside a separate room wasn't enough. 

     Walking along the dimly torch lit hallway, Yusuke turned right into a room with the Kanji for 'Lab 7' painted on a placard above the doorway.

     He had, of course, managed to learn the seals that were placed on his house and replicated them for his underground base. 

     He had focused on three different goals, during this past month. Aside from building his underground base, he also had finally developed a seal for his Shadow Clones that would allow them to not only take far more damage before being destroyed but it would also allow them to persist even if he was unconscious.

     The third thing he had focused on was obtaining the chakra of his two teammates. Although, being born an Uzumaki, he already had substantial levels of chakra, still he didn't see any reason to settle for the limits he was born with, if he didn't have to. He wasn't certain whether what he was going to try would work or not, because the method he was going to use, to increase his chakra reserves, was an idea that came from the Fanon and not the Canon.

     He had read about a Fanon character named Birusu Uchiha, who had both the Sharingan and Byakugan since birth due to his unique parentage. That, however, wasn't the most interesting thing about Birusu. Far more interesting, to Yusuke, was the fact that Birusu had managed to acquire astonishing levels of chakra, greater even than the Nine Tails.

     The way he managed such a feat was actually mostly due to the experiments conducted on him by Kumo. The experiments they conducted involved injecting foreign chakra into his tanketsus and chakra system and circulating it throughout. This eventually led to his chakra pathways not only expanding so that they could handle a larger burden but also allowed his chakra to adapt to and eventually assimilate foreign chakra.

     Of course, he had no idea whether such a thing were possible in this world but then again what were experiments for, if not discovering the unknown?

     Later tonight would be the night that he would make his first attempt at discovering how feasible this method was but, right now, he was inside Lab 7 with several dogs lying unconscious on their own operating tables. The dogs all had various Fuinjutsu markings on their bodies and on the paper sheets that were placed over them.

     There were two types of animals in the Naruto Universe. The ones with a chakra system and those without. The ones with, included beings like the various summoning animals and others. The ones without, included things like deer, rabbits, and ordinary wolves. This little experiment he was currently running would allow him to determine if it was possible to create a chakra network system into an animal that didn't already possess one.

     The results of this experiment and the one he was starting tonight would determine whether or not he would, in the future, be able to create his own summoning animal.

     He had failed in every single attempt to get an artificial chakra system into an ordinary animal except for the promising candidates in this room. The last failed attempt actually managed to survive the integration of the artificial system but failed to stabilize afterwards. However, that had been the first one to actually survive and so the matrices used on the dogs in front of him were all derived from his latest failure.

     He wore a slight smile as he examined the state of his test subjects. Grabbing the clipboard from the the attendant Shadow Clone, he read over the findings so far. 

     "Good, good! This is coming along quite nicely! If things continue as they are now this particular project should eventually lead to a successful prototype! Although, I can only hope that tonight's experiment will be as fruitful."

     Handing the clipboard back to the Shadow Clone, he walked out of the lab and began preparing for tonight's big event.

     A few hours later, Yusuke stood in the same cleared out room that he had performed his Nij ritual in. He was surrounded by a dozen different Shadow Clones and was kneeling before the first test clone, with two sealing scrolls unrolled before him.

     The test clone was also kneeling and Yusuke placed his palms on one of the sealing scrolls and set the seals functions into motion. His chakra quickly formed a cap over the opening seal and blocked the chakra he had stolen from Emiko from simply dispersing into the surroundings.

     As her chakra was released, he allowed the chakra cap to slowly expand and stretch out like a chakra worm. Guiding the movement of the chakra worm, that had Emiko's chakra running through its center, he maneuvered its head towards the first test clone's exposed stomach.

     While making sure to keep all of the chakra being released from the seal securely inside his worm, he connected with the area where the test clone's diantian was and began the first of many tests.

*****Copy Paste of Update Information*****

     It seems like Webnovel is glitching for whatever reason and won't put up my chapter release timers. So, until it starts working properly, I'll be releasing Update Chapters to the relevant novel to inform people of when I've posted to my Patreon and when it will be released on Webnovel.

     I'd also like to update you all on the fact that, after thinking over my current situation and what I actually want to achieve with all of this, I've decided to put my Original work on hold, until I've finished most of my Fanfics. I feel like most of my desire to move on to my original is just me trying to rush things and, ultimately, I don't think I should be rushing through what is supposed to be my practice for the real deal. Thus, I still plan to release a dozen or so more chapters for my witcher fic but after that I'm going to refocus on Destiny, then Witcher, then Elder Scrolls, then Naruto, and then Pokemon.

     Keep in mind that all of my fics will remain as creative release status, during this time. 

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