

"So, did you finally remember you and I had an encounter the other day?" Cathay says to Eric. 

"You mean that we fucked?" Eric says being extremely blunt. 

"...Yes…" Cathay says with a lot of hesitation in her voice. 

"What about it?" Eric says, as I'm hoping he is playing dumb here. Alex, Maya, and I all share a look hoping the same thing. 

"Uhm… Well, as you know it is not forbidden for staff and students to… have relationships, but as long as it is disclosed to the school. Though I'd rather avoid that, as I have a reputation to maintain, plus being a woman it would make me look bad in everyone's eyes," Cathay says as the three of us share a look. 

"Ok, ok… Though what do I get in return?" Eric says immediately bringing up a bribe. Maya grumbles something that I can't hear, but looks disappointed her brother is bribing someone. 

"Figures, what do you want?" Cathay says with a sigh having expected this it appears. 

"Two things!... First, I want you to leave my brother Gabe alone! That means no more flirting with him!... Secondly… I'd like to keep hooking up, well discreetly," Eric says with a forced assertive voice and from what I can imagine standing up, to appear more intimidating. 

"Really?... That's all?" Cathay says with a hint of surprise in her voice, having seemed to expect this to go another way. 

"Uhm–" Eric begins taken back and probably thinking about other things he could ask for. 

"Agreed," Cathay says cutting him off before Eric can say anything else. 

"Though as for the second part, you must not tell anyone… I mean anyone, not even Gabe, sister, or other family. Plus we will meet on my terms and be discreet as possible. I don't want what happened between us to leave this room," Cathay says laying her terms down, with a very serious-sounding voice. 

'Well this got more awkward,' I think about how that promise has already been broken. 

"Ok, uhm, but… let's say I already told Gabe. Then what?" Eric says admitting he told me. 

"Oh my God… Ok, guess I should have figured you did… Fine, but you must not tell anyone else and make sure he doesn't say anything either!" Cathay says as Maya and Alex give me looks of uncertainty. 

"Easy, he has my back no matter what. Plus we already agreed to not tell anyone… So about hooking up, want to now?" Eric says and I feel happy that he trusts me completely, and I never plan on betraying him. 

"Fine, but if I go down. I'll bring you both with me… Follow me, we will head back to my place. Though keep a decent distance, I don't want to look suspicious," Cathay says as she ushers Eric out of her room. 

"Well, that is our cue to get the hell out of here," I say hanging up the phone and we all quickly leave the area. 

"I didn't think Eric would really blackmail her," Maya says with a defeated sigh once we get out of the area. 

"I asked him too, plus sometimes you need to do 'bad' things in order to do 'good' things," I say to Maya trying to break her out of her thoughts about blackmailing being completely bad. 

"Still blackmailing, is extremely wrong. Plus he used it to continue to sleep with her!" Maya says very upset by this. 

"Maya–" I start to say wanting to make her see the real world for what it is. Though Alex grabs my hand, squeezes it, and gives me a look to drop it. 

"Maya, your brother did what he thought was best at that moment… Sure he may have used it to get more… sex, but Cathay doesn't seem the type to give in that easily. Plus you heard her, she thought it'd be worse and easily agreed to the deal. Meaning she probably wants to keep seeing your brother too," Alex says to Maya who just sighs and not says anything else. 

"I'm gonna head back to my dorm now," Maya says walking away after a few moments of silence from what Alex just said. 

"Sometimes, I feel like Maya can be very… innocent… or more ignorant I guess really," I say seeing her walk away. 

"Yeah, though maybe she is just in denial. Maya is very smart, there is no way she can't see the things happening around her," Alex says referring to her father. 

"Ignorance is bliss as they say," I say to Alex as we make our way home, hand in hand. 

"So, what exactly did Eric and Cathay do in the video," Alex says breaking the comfortable silence of our way home. 

"I can never look at the two of them the same… I saw Eric's ass being whipped by her, then stepped on… on his balls… there was so much BDSM," I say with a look of horror recalling the very long video that I sat through, for some reason watching it all. Maybe for the sick fascination or the fact I couldn't say anything since we were in class. 

"Holy shit! Cathay is a Dominatrix!" Alex says almost screaming it, thankfully there appeared to be no one nearby. 

"Yeah," I say nodding my head with a look of distant thought in my eyes, recalling the video still in horror. 

"You don't want me to whip you or step on you?" Alex says with a teasing voice making me snap my head to her with a deadpan look. 

"Maybe in a few years, when what we normally do gets stale. Though I doubt it, you are too amazing," I say to her and change the subject at the end making her blush at the compliment. 

The rest of the way home we kept teasing one another, then after we arrived it quickly turned heated. As we lost ourselves to the love and lust we feel for one another. The next morning we made our way to class like normal. Meeting up with the twins in the first class. However, since it was the second to last week of school it was really just making sure everyone was ready for the finals. 

"Bro… I don't think I can focus on the practice tests today," Eric says with a very tired face. 

"Didn't sleep much?" I say to him with a smirk, as neither did Alex or I. However, it appears Eric had a more, demanding night than us. 

"Not at all bro… she abused the shit out of me, it was awesome," Eric says making me laugh and causing some people to look over at us. Unfortunately, it seems Cathay knew we were talking about her, as she gave us both a very annoyed look. 

"Quiet in the back! Focus on the practice test, unless you have questions for me," Cathay says making me try my hardest to say something very bad right now.

"Yes, Ma'am!" Eric says making Cathay give him an even more annoyed glare. 

"Oh, fuck," I say trying my best to not break out in laughter. 

The second to last week of school flew by, which was filled with nothing by practice exams. Then the final week came, after a very long weekend of Alex cramming everything. On the day of our finals, we walked to class. Though Alex looked like Hermione Granger, as her hair was a mess and she forgot her contacts while wearing her glasses. 

"Damn, Alex what the hell happened to you?" Eric says seeing Alex's state. 

"Fuck off Eric," Alex says with a very grumpy face and goes back to the last second studying before the class starts. 

I just shake my head at Eric who nods his head in understanding. While Maya doesn't look all that better, however, Maya at least looks like her normal self. Finally, the day started, with our professors handing out the exams for every class we attended in our spring semester. 

Like normal I flew through the exams, being the first to finish and getting perfect grades. The professors already knew about me being a prodigy, in academics so thought nothing of it. However, a lot of my classmates gave me annoyed and dirty looks for being done so fast for each class. 

"So, feel better now?" I ask Alex once the day finally ends and we finish the finals. 

"No! Not until I know how I did! Why can't we know by tomorrow come on?!" Alex says knowing we won't know how we did until a few days after the semester ends. 

"Yeah, I think I did pretty well actually," Eric says nodding his head, happy with how he did today.

"I feel like I did good, but I agree with Alex. I just wish I knew how I really did already," Maya says making Alex gesture to her in a way that makes it seem Maya proved her point. 

"Though I'm sure you got perfect scores again, with that fucking cheat you have," Eric says to me as I shrug. 

"Don't forget we have the graduation after-party to attend for our senior club members," I remind the group changing the topic to the party tomorrow night. 

"Yeah, though it is really a graduation party since they'll be gone after they graduate," Eric says as I roll my eyes nodding my head. 

"Same difference," I say and drag Alex home as she needs to relax. 

"We'll just relax at home. Alex needs her mental break," I say as I'm dragging her home and the twins wave us goodbye. 

The next day, we relaxed in the morning, or as best we could with Alex still worrying about the test results. Thankfully later that night we attended the club party with both the Bee and Porcellian Club in attendance. It was hosted at the Porcellian Club, and only club members were invited as it was to celebrate the graduation of our senior club members. 

We arrived with almost everyone else already there. The beginning was a bunch of speeches to congratulate the graduating members, along with funny stories from other club members who knew them longer. I made a speech too about my appreciation toward Jacob for taking me in and sponsoring me to join the club. 

After all the speeches, everyone started doing shots and other drinking games were all around. Alex finally relaxed once she got a few drinks in her and began to enjoy the night along with everyone else. I didn't get blackout drunk, but I did get a nice buzz going and kept in that area as best I could. 

Eventually, the night ended with mostly everyone crashing at the Porcellian Club's house. Though some people, like myself and Alex managed to not pass out and make our way back to our own place. The next few days quickly went by, as we all received our grades for the finals and we attended the graduation ceremony for our club members. 

Eric managed to pass his classes, almost barely, with Maya and Alex making it to the top ten of our class. While I was in the number one spot with the perfect grades still. Then once everything was handled, Alex and I packed our things, leaving only a few things behind for when we came back after summer. 

"Ready for the summer back home?" I asked Alex as we waved goodbye to the twins at the airport who were going home too. 

"I guess, though I hope there is nothing too crazy we will be walking into," Alex says as we wait to board our plane. 

"It's our families, there is going to be nothing but drama," I say with a laugh as Alex sighs knowing that is the truth. 

"Gonna be a long summer… isn't it?" Alex says as we board the plane and find our seats. 

"Probably," I say as we get comfortable in the seats. 

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