
Reincarnated InTo Another World In Borderlands

Janar had awoken in the center of what seemed like an abandoned city and when she did an unknown entity was standing in front of her and had asked her a question will you be a player or citizen in where you in this world?

Elijah_Salmon · Ciencia y ficción
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32 Chs

Our Refuge Aceso [Edit]

(Karube,Arisu, Saory,and Chota)

Chota and the others come running over to us, asking what happened we heard a scream.

Karube looks to the ground, and sees Takuma with is eyes closed and hands clasped together.

He says no not Takuma too, what happened?

I raise my eyebrows and say not him too, as I look at the others not seeing Takashi.

Saory sees Janar looking around, and she says yea Takashi died too.

I say we lost really good friends, we can't let their death...we won't let them be meaning less.

Let's head back to the mall, and talk about this new card.

NPC 2 says wait Janar can we talk? and possibly can I come with you.

I say that's right you had, something you wanted to tell me.

I say guys you go ahead, we'll meet you at the entrance.

With that they go ahead, leaving me and NPC 2 She says I haven't introduced myself my name is Hygieia and we played 2 games together if you include this one.

When I met you at the tag game, and you saved us by calling out and by telling us to work together.

By having each other tell what floor the tagger was on.

And how you have been, with this game has only deepened how I feel.

I...I like you, will you go out with me I know that you're dating Usagi but I hope you will accept me too.

As she's looking at me with hope, but also fear of me rejecting her feelings.

I say Usagi what do you think, are you ok with it surprising Hygieia she looks where the foot steps are coming from.

Usagi comes out of hiding, and says how did you know I was here.

I say I knew from the beginning that you wouldn't leave me alone with another woman, and that you also knew how she felt.

She sighs and says I can't get anything past you, but I don't mind her being that she went to such lengths to save you.

I look back to Hygieia, as I pull her in towards me to kiss her.

When our lips meet, I slide my tongue in and intertwine it with her's.

After I break away, I ask does that answer your question.

She looked dazed from the surprise kiss, as if she wanted it to last longer.

Hygieia snaps out and says yes, as she wraps around Janar's arm as Usagi joins and grabs the other one.

I say Usagi no need to be jealous, I'll give you both the attention you need.

Usagi blushes and says you better, after all I was the one you fell in love with first.

When we reach the others, we head back to the bus.

I sat in the driver seat, after making sure the bus had enough gas as I started the bus to drive us back to the mall.

(2 hours later)

I say guys where here, as I open the bus door they all wake up from their nap and we head into the mall.

After we got back to the department, store we sat at the table and discussed what happened today.

I start by saying, now we know that there's one extra card out there and it's the Joker card.

Being that we didn't get the joker card, this time means that it was an introduction game for the card.

And that it's a mixer of the other suites, this time it was a club,spades,hearts so going based off that it will continue mixing the other suits with it.

So we now have an idea, of what hearts are like besides being told that only leaves diamonds.

Hygieia says I have played diamonds, and it is based on luck and intuition the game usually has 1 winner but I heard some are teamed based too.

I say so by adding that into the mix, we really do have to make sure that the games we are going to play are suited for us.

Plus we need to make a place, where everyone can feel a relative ease in this world, as we stay in this world.

Usagi asks what do you mean Janar, by a place where people can feel a relative ease.

I say we need to create a place, where we can feel safe and reassured to sorten point as we try to work out our way through this world.

Hygieia says that would be a good idea, people right know need a place where they can have hope and dreams.

I say right so I want us to find a place near some facilities, somewhere that has a hospital and a super market but a place big enough to have 600 hundred people or more.

Hygieia says I know a place, and since we have the bus we can get there with ease.

I say ok let's get some rest, and go there in the morning.

With that we all go off to bed to get ready for the trip tomorrow morning.

(morning time)

After we eat I grab my things, and we go to the bus once we get to the bus.

I say Hygieia do mind sitting up front with me.

So you can guide us to the place you know,<Hygieia says sure let me put my things on the seat first>.

I pull down a makeshift seat for her, as she puts her things down and comes sits in the makeshift seat.

As Usagi sits in the row behind us, an the other get settled down as I start the bus.

I start the bus and pull, the handle to close the bus doors and drive off.

I ask how long until we get there, and where is the place she's taking us too.

Hygieia says it's a hospital next to a super market, and there's a beach a few miles away and past the beach there are hotels near by but there a few hours away from where we'll be at.

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