
Chapter 5

When I woke up, both my mother and father were huddled around my bed with worried looks on their faces, and red puffy eyes. When I looked at them and started talking, they both shot their heads up and screamed.

"You're finally up."

"Oh thank the gods. We had thought that you had suffered greatly, but by the looks of it you were just practicing on your own, and ran out of mana."

"Yeah, I'm ok. I'm guessing that what you say did happen mother, and I just ran out of mana, because I feel just fine."

A week passed without any training after I had woken up, so that I could recuperate. After that I went back to my training, but for some reason it seemed like something was different. Then it hit me, they had both increased the intensity of my training.

Soon after my training had increased in intensity, I was able to perform basic parring moves to block oncoming attacks. When I learned that, I heard the voice once again, but this time it did not scare me like it did last time.

"You have received [basic sword fighting lvl 2]."

As I was taking a break before I went to my magic training, I had decided to start practicing early. Practicing early was a huge mistake, because after my mother had started the training she had decided to start making me learn a new, and more advanced technique. The technique that I was being required to learn costed more energy to do, but attracted more of the elemental particles.

"All you need to do is imagine what the water particles around your body will look like flowing into you after sensing all of them. Unlike the other one, this one will attract more since you are manually absorbing them."

After our training session instead of going to the study like normal, I had decided to ask my parents what it was like to become adventurers. Although they told me stories, I want to know what my life will be, if I manage to become one.

They told me that in the beginning it is hard because you don't have any money at first, but after a while if you are good enough to climb the ranks then you would get more money, but more dangerous missions.

Because of how dangerous it is my parents had decided that instead of trying to stop me and me becoming one later on in life without any proper training, that they were going to send me to an academy in the capital named The Royal Magic and Sword Fighting Academy, when I become of age, and that age is 12 so it will be a while.

Later that day I decided that the academy had the longest name in history.

like my book then read "Solo Diving"

Tyler_Longbonscreators' thoughts