
God is a woman (Remastered)

I died. Simple as that. Very tragically by the way. I dropped dead in the middle of the street. I suffered from no illnesses, and I exercised almost every day. I was perfectly healthy, and some would call me fit. But I still died. I was a fairly normal girl, and wasn't anything special in particular.

I was just floating around. I was now a ghost, floating around the world. I could walk through walls, and go anywhere. I could even teleport. But I was very confused. I tried to interact with things. It didn't work, go figure, but some ghost in stories could move things. I tried to find other ghosts, but i couldn't find any. So I roamed for about 2 months, doing everything from watching movies while floating above the crowd of people in the theater, to simple sleeping.

One day, while waling, or rather floating along, a figure appeared.

"There you are!" It was a woman. She was quite young, and was extremely beautiful. At first I walked past her, thinking she was talking to someone else. I'd grown accustomed to not being able to interact with people, so I thought she couldn't see me. Then she snapped her fingers, and I was frozen in place.

"Don't walk away from me!" she yelled.

"Wait, you can see me?" I asked.

"Of course, I am god after all." she replied dismissive.

"So god is a woman?" I said surprised.

"Why is that surprising?" she said.

"Did you wan't me to be a guy? Well too bad." she said with her chin in the air.

"No, I always thought you would be gender-less or something." I said honestly.

"Well whatever, I am here to tell you your going to be reincarnated. Due to me messing up, you were a ghost for a while. So you are going to be reincarnated in a different world." she said.

"If your god, how did you mess up? Isn't god perfect, and is never wrong?" I asked.

"Well, I am better than any human that has ever lived, but I make mistakes once in a while. I'm not omnipotent after all. But enough chit-chat you are going to be reincarnated as an Abyssal Demon in a different world." She explained.

"You see, I need your help. Be live it or not, this is not earth. This is a replica I made several years back, and I rarely visit. I need a soul to be reincarnated in the main world. I am what they call an outer god. I am among the most powerful being in existence. But all outer gods are forbidden from interfering in the main universe."

"I am confused." I said.

(Author: Info dump/ Important info)

"The Omni-verse is divided into Multi-verse's, which are divided again into Universe's. Being's from these place's are divided into tier's. These tier's are divided into Lower and Higher. The lower 1st tier consists of humans and animals, while the Higher 1st tier is made of most monster's, demons, Demi-humans and Demi-gods. The 2nd-3rd is Extremely powerful Demi-gods and Minor Gods. The 4th is Major gods and anythings powerful enough to kill a god. The 5th tier is made of beings who could destroy a universe. Then the 6th - 8th tier's, which contain beings that can travel through universe's, such as Eternal Dragons, Dreameer's, Elder gods, High Humans, Wyrms, and Celestials. They are powerful enough to easily destroy several universe's. The 9th and 10th are made up of outer gods, which travel the Omni-verse. Did you get all that?" She asked.

"Yes. Its just I always believed there was only one god who created everything. This is completely reshaping my beliefs, so its hard to comprehend all this. Its weird to know that there's no true god out there that's all knowing." I said.

"Well I wouldn't be so sure about that." she stated.

"About what?" I asked.

"That there isn't a true god out there. There's plenty of evidence that there is one. Many gods believed that there was a true god at one point. Or at least some sort of Grand Designer. But he's either dead or hiding for an unknown reason, so it doesn't make much difference." She said.

"Hmmmm". I sat there, or more specifically floated, and though about this for a moment.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked her.


"Is it possible to kill a god?"

"Well yes technical. Gods are fueled by their divinity, and the only way to get divinity is to have follower's or a religion. Or, you get so powerful like me, that doesn't need divinity, and can simple wipe them from existence. You either have to wear them down through fighting, or cut off their links to the mortal world. There's only a few who are powerful enough, and those are outer gods or destroyer's."

"What's a destroyer?" I asked.

"A destroyer is someone who has destroyed a universe. See, destroying a universe is a big no-no for gods. If you do, then you are labeled a destroyer, then you are an enemy of the gods. Anyone can be a destroyer, regardless of power or race. But a destroyer's power's varies, but most destroyer's could defeat a minor or major god, but some of the very, very ancient destroyer's can go toe to toe with multiple outer gods." She explained.

I shuttered to think of a fight of such proportions.

She saw this and said, "Don't worry, all destroyer's are monitored closely. If an ancient one showed its face, then the entire council of gods would be at its toes."

"There's a council of gods?"

"Yes, but its made up of elder gods and outer gods, none of the weak ones."

She then said, "Well, what do you think? Are you willing to become a reincarnator and help me? You would be powerful of course. Over a few hundred years, you could become an elder god, maybe even an outer god!"

"You haven't even told me what the main world is yet."

She smiled. "Well, its like a fan-fiction's you would read on the web, but so much better."

"You read Fan-Fictions?" I asked, but she ignore me.

"Its a world made up of universe's. The most notable being Marvel, DXD, MHA, and Percy Jackson."

I thought for a moment. This world would be dangerous. I would have to worry about people like Thanos and Galactus, as well as Greek gods. And maybe things like elder gods, outer gods, destroyer's, and other races.

I came to a decision. "I will help you. What will I be reincarnated as?"

"You will be a very special case. You will be reincarnated as The Angel of Chaos

"OOOKKK, but what are my power's?"

"Theoretically, anything, as chaos is, by definition, complete discord or confusion. Well, out time is coming to a close. See you on the other side."

Then everything fades to black.

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