

'I hate my life, why did it have to turn this way. it was going great, just kill me, put me out of my misery.' This person was very drunk because not only his girlfriend left him, but he also lost his job a month after their breakup. The reason why his girlfriend decided to end things with him, is because she believes that he cannot and will never give her the life that she deserves. Lucas was a college dropout; he was poor. He applied for scholarship, but sadly he was never picked. He was in his 2nd year in college when he decided to end it. But now, the only thing that's keeping him alive was gone, he got fired not because of him but because the store owner sold the place. Some multi-millionaire bought the place for his own club, he tried applying but got rejected.

When he was walking back to his apartment, he tried to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge but decided to not do it. When he got home, he tried opening the lights only to remember his electricity got cut off. He was already 2 months late for his payment, so he lit the candles and immediately dozed off.

When he woke up, it was already daytime, but something was different, he tried to get up, but he cannot. When he saw his hand, he freaked out. 'What happened to my hand, why is it so small.' Those were the words running into his mind.

What he didn't know, the night that he lit the candle was also the night he died. The lit candle catches the curtain on fire. Since he was very drunk, he did not know what was happening and was burned to death.

Then he kept looking around to this unfamiliar environment, then he heard a voice. "So, this child is his grandson?" asked by the old man.

What surprises Lucas is that even though he was a baby he can understand the old man. 'Seriously? a baby can understand the old man's language? Is this a gift?'

Then a young man who was wearing a navy uniform answered, "yes sir, according to our investigations, he really is the grandson of that fellow".

Lucas who was listening to the conversation of the two, was shocked to see the familiar uniform of the young man. 'No way, am I dreaming? Why does his uniform look so familiar?'

Back on earth, Lucas would watch anime, but he did not have a particular favorite show. He watched bleach, Naruto, One Piece, Boku no Pico (what can he do, he was bored.). He watched not only these shows, but also other shows, just to relieve his boredom.

Back to Lucas, he was having a hard time processing his thoughts, wishing it is not true. He may like watching the show One Piece, but he never wants to live in a world dangerous such as this.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the young man. "This baby's father was captured and killed by our men, the mother is currently being detained and will face execution for harboring and marrying a fugitive. Should we also end this child's life?"

Lucas was shocked when he heard what the young man has said. 'Who was my grandfather, why do you hate this child's family so much?' he wanted to shout his thoughts but what came out from his mouth was a single cry.

Then the old man asked, "Does anyone know about this child?"

the young navy soldier shook his head and said "no, it's currently just the two of us".

The old touched his chin and said "Good, hide this baby and don't let anyone know about his existence. Never tell Vice-Admiral Garp about this discovery".

The young navy was shocked. "but si---"

before he could even finish his sentence, the old man interrupted him. "Just do it, I cannot let the Marines, or the World Government kill an innocent child, go to this place. I'll find you there." He handed a piece of map to the young navy.

Then the old man continued, "I am already retired, it is already 4 years since Roger surrendered himself to the Marines, I could still remember the day when Garp would always find Roger and fight. I was so afraid that I might die just from the magnitude. All my life I strived for the position of Vice-Admiral, but alas, I never even touch the threshold of a rear admirals combat power. I was stuck at being a captain."

Lucas who was listening, was overjoyed, he did not have to face another death. Although he was not sure if he really died, but he was still happy. Even though he was afraid in this dangerous world, he still wants to have an adventure, maybe become a pirate or even a marine.

Just like that no one knew what happened that day, although the child's mother was executed, the baby was safe, and no one knew that a certain child with the blood of a madman was alive.

This is my First work, so please give a review.

Soul_Paradecreators' thoughts
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