
Reincarnated in One piece with redo by death ability

Jump aboard the laughter ship with a hilarious fan fiction that mashes up One Piece with a hearty dose of humor! Meet Yash, a teenager who's about as clueless as a fish on dry land, and his mutt Buro, who's got more brains than his human. They're just taking a stroll in Delhi when—bam!—they're whisked off to the wacky world of the Sabaody Archipelago. And let me tell ya, it's weirder than a three-headed parrot! Yash: "Buro, did you hear that? I think we're not in Kansas anymore... Or, uh, Delhi!" Buro: *Woof woof!* Translation: "No kidding, Sherlock. But at least there's no shortage of fire hydrants here!" From dodging bad guys to tripping over their own feet, these two are in for a wild ride. But hey, at least it beats a boring night at home, right? Yash: "I swear, Buro, if we make it out of this alive, I'm never going for a walk at night again." Buro: *Tail wagging furiously* Translation: "You say that every time, buddy. But who can resist the call of adventure?" So grab your sea legs and get ready for a barrel of laughs, because with "Transmigrated Tides," every page is a treasure trove of fun!

WildYash · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 9: Echoes of Destiny

As Yash slowly regained consciousness, a sharp pain shot through his body, causing him to groan in agony. Blinking his eyes open, he found himself lying on the damp jungle floor of an unfamiliar island. The dense foliage loomed overhead, casting eerie shadows that danced in the dim light.

"Where am I?" Yash thought, trying to make sense of his surroundings. The last thing he remembered was the chaos of Sabaody, Groove 12 but now he found himself in a place entirely unknown to him.

Pushing himself up, he winced as pain flared through his limbs. Every movement sent a jolt of agony coursing through his body, as if he had been battered and bruised in some unseen battle.

"Gotta find some help," Yash muttered to himself, scanning the jungle around him for any signs of civilization or shelter.

In the distance, he spotted a towering mountain rising above the trees, its peaks obscured by thick clouds. With a sense of determination, he set off towards the mountain, hoping to find answers to the questions that plagued his mind.

As he trudged through the dense undergrowth, his thoughts turned to the events that had led him here. He couldn't shake the feeling that there was something strange and unnatural about his journey, as if forces beyond his control were at play.

"What was that voice in my head? It was like Inner demons from Wuxia Novels." Yash thought.

The distant sound of voices echoed through the jungle, drawing his attention. Intrigued, he followed the sound, weaving his way through the tangled foliage until he emerged into a small clearing.

"Who are they?" Yash wondered, observing a group of women gathered in the clearing. Their faces were stern, their voices filled with authority.

"Did you hear? The Empress is coming back to the Amazon Lily Soon.," one of the women declared, her voice firm and unwavering. "I know right! Empress is a strong, noble and beautiful lady who loves everyone, although she hates men."

After eavesdropping for a while His heart sank as he realized the gravity of his situation. He was an outsider in a land where men were not welcome, a land ruled by women with strength and grace beyond compare.

"But how did I end up here?" he mused, trying to piece together the events that had brought him to this strange island during the chaos in Sabaody.

With renewed determination, he turned to leave the clearing, his mind racing with thoughts of survival and escape. But as he took his first step, a searing pain lanced through his body, causing him to stumble and fall to his knees.

"Can't... give up," Yash thought, fighting against the encroaching darkness. "Got to keep... going."

Yash looked at his leg, it has a huge sting of a poisonous insect, it seemed like he had caught some sort of fast acting fatal illness, as he was submerged in the state of death, he felt a sudden shift in the fabric of reality.

With a jolt, he found himself hurtling forward through time and space, his body consumed by a blinding light. Images flashed before his eyes – fleeting glimpses of distant shores and unknown lands, of battles fought and destinies forged.

And then, as suddenly as it had begun, the journey came to an abrupt halt. He found himself standing in a crowded arena, the roar of the crowd deafening in his ears.

"Where am I now?" he wondered, bewildered by his sudden change in surroundings.

But before he could make sense of his situation, a voice boomed out from the center of the arena, cutting through the chaos like a thunderclap.

"Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourselves for the ultimate showdown!" the voice declared, its tone filled with excitement and anticipation. "In one corner, we have the fearsome pirate captain, Monkey D. Luffy!"

His heart skipped a beat as he heard the familiar name. Monkey D. Luffy – the man who had inspired countless souls with his indomitable spirit and unyielding determination. What was he doing here as well? Was he defeated?

"And in the other corner," the voice continued, "we have his opponent, Bakura"

A chill ran down his spine as he saw Bakura –a huge black panther, with yellow and red eyes, and large fangs. Almost 20 metre long and 15 feet tall.

As Luffy and Bakura squared off in the center of the arena, a surge of adrenaline coursed through his veins. He knew he had to find a way to intervene, to save Luffy from certain doom.

"But how?" he thought, his mind racing with possibilities. "I'm just one person in a sea of faces."

But to his surprise, Monkey D Luffy stood fearless at the scene, He placed his first on the ground and his other hand on his knees," Gear Second."

As Monkey D. Luffy activated Gear Second, his muscles bulged with newfound strength, veins popping as his body surged with energy. With lightning speed, he darted towards Bakura, his fists clenched tight as he prepared to unleash a barrage of punches.

"Jet Pistol!" Luffy shouted, his voice ringing out across the arena as his fist blurred with incredible speed, aimed straight at Bakura's midsection. The punch connected with a resounding thud, sending Bakura staggering backwards.

Bakura, caught off guard by Luffy's sudden burst of speed, attempted to retaliate with a swipe of his massive claws. But Luffy was too quick, his movements fluid and precise as he danced around Bakura's attacks with ease.

"Jet Gatling!" Luffy exclaimed, his fists becoming a blur as he unleashed a rapid-fire barrage of punches, each one striking Bakura with the force of a cannonball. Bakura roared in pain as the onslaught continued, his defenses crumbling under the relentless assault.

But Luffy wasn't finished yet. With a final burst of speed, he launched himself into the air, his fist glowing with energy as he prepared to deliver the finishing blow.

"Jet Bazooka!" Luffy shouted, his fist crashing into Bakura with explosive force. The impact sent Bakura crashing to the ground, defeated in just three devastating attacks.