
Reincarnated in One piece with redo by death ability

Jump aboard the laughter ship with a hilarious fan fiction that mashes up One Piece with a hearty dose of humor! Meet Yash, a teenager who's about as clueless as a fish on dry land, and his mutt Buro, who's got more brains than his human. They're just taking a stroll in Delhi when—bam!—they're whisked off to the wacky world of the Sabaody Archipelago. And let me tell ya, it's weirder than a three-headed parrot! Yash: "Buro, did you hear that? I think we're not in Kansas anymore... Or, uh, Delhi!" Buro: *Woof woof!* Translation: "No kidding, Sherlock. But at least there's no shortage of fire hydrants here!" From dodging bad guys to tripping over their own feet, these two are in for a wild ride. But hey, at least it beats a boring night at home, right? Yash: "I swear, Buro, if we make it out of this alive, I'm never going for a walk at night again." Buro: *Tail wagging furiously* Translation: "You say that every time, buddy. But who can resist the call of adventure?" So grab your sea legs and get ready for a barrel of laughs, because with "Transmigrated Tides," every page is a treasure trove of fun!

WildYash · Cómic
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21 Chs

Chapter 18: Chaos in Level 1 of Impel Down.

Running around a while and dodging the heavily guarded areas, Yash and his team arrive at the gate of Stairs to Level 1.

"Looks like we need to go down from here." Says Alvida,"Someone is coming."

Tak Tak Tak Tak Tak. A shadowy figure runs towards them, it was soon clear who it was.

Monkey D Luffy.

"Oh! Yash you made it!" Says Luffy excited."I am so glad. But why are you with Alvida and Red Nose's crew?"

"They told me they were friends of Ace. And their captain Buggy is captured here with him" Yash explained.

"WHAT? Ace made these guys their friends? So weird..." Exclaims Luffy.

"Have you seen yourself in a mirror? You are the most weird one here." Says Yash as he continued to walk down the stairs to level 1.

Luffy and Buggy pirates follows Yash down the stairs.

"Damn it. We are breaking in and out a prisoner from the world's biggest prison, why is there no tension in air? I am not even feeling any adventurous vibe." Yash exclaims. "It is so boring."

"What Yash? You like to go on adventures too?" Luffy asked.

"You bet I do. Back in my hometown I visited various forests and mountains, they were filled with beautiful animals and birds. Some were dangerous. There were even a lake filled with bones of animals." Yash explained, continuing to walk down the stairs.

"Woaah that's awesome. I want to visit your hometown too." Says Luffy.

"It is really far away. Are you sure you can take out time to go that far?" Yash asks Luffy with a serious tone.

"Well not right now but I sure want to go there." Luffy says with a smile.

"We are here. It is Level 1 of Impel down." Alvida says on the bottom of the stairs. There is a huge wooden gate infront of them blocking their path.

"Damn it, it is a dead end?" Luffy exclaims.

"No it isn't. We can just create our own path." Says Alvida before swinging her Mace and destroying the wooden gate.

"It is prisoner 82000! He escaped the community cell #4 of Level 1, Quick get him" says someone running down the stairs. There were many people approaching.

"Damn it, Everyone quickly hide inside level 1." Yash says as he run inside the level 1 and used Air walk to hide in the upper corners of the roof.

Luffy did the same but Alvida and Buggy crew started to pretend to be statues.

"Damn it. The Gate is broken, He must have broken the gate to head up the stairs." Says one guard. And before even entering the Level 1 they turned back and left.

"Who is so foolish to try to break out of this prison." Asks Luffy

"Arnt we doing the same thing?" Says Yash

"That's different. We are strong." Luffy says with a smile and they continue their way deeper in level 1.

"Are all these cells?" Luffy asked in wonder to himself.

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH" A scream from a distant place Echoed through the walls of Level 1.

"A scream? No we don't have time to check." Yash gritted his teeth, his heart ache of how much pain are the people in the prison are suffering.

"Help me!" The scream roamed the walls again as Yash and everyone else proceeded to look for staircase to the next level.

The screams were of the notorious Pirate, Buggy the clown, he was being chased by many Blugori.

Blue Gorilla nicknamed Blugori by the Impel Down guards and prisoners, is a large masked gorilla-like beast with a skull painted on where its face should be. Blue Gorillas wield double-sided battle-axes and have incredible physical prowess, to the point of hunting Sea Kings for food.[13] However, they are mindless creatures and are under the command of Saldeath, who controls them with a flute.

Buggy when cornered by Blugori accidentally pressed a danger labeled button.

Suddenly many traps were triggered causing spikes to nearly drop onto Luffy and others and spears to come out of the wall.

Luffy quickly used his agility and flexibility to escape unscathed but Yash and others became trapped.

"Can't you just break them with your mace as well?" Asks Yash, stuck between spikes and spears.

"I can't move as well." Says Alvida.

"Wait a moment guys. I will free you in a second." Luffy takes a stance.

"Gum Gum Gatling." Luffy exclaims breaking all the traps but some punches were crashed with Yash and others.

"Ouch Luffy. Watch where you are punching." Exclaims Yash. It hurts but Yash wasn't injured. What kind of sorcery is this?

"Oye the traps have been triggered here." Some guards start to rush their way towards them. Luffy, Yash and others quickly ran away.

They found themselves in an open cell area, where Buggy was kept before.

"Oye You guys, How did you got out?" Asks one prisoner but No one in the group stopped to answer him

"I am in a hurry" says Luffy.

"Oye I am asking you something." Becoming desperate the Prisoner shouted.

"What are you talking about ? I didn't got out, I broke in from outside." Luffy answered.

"That has to be a lie" says one prisoner.

"Who are you? You don't look like a jailer or something." Asks other prisoners as well.

"Why aren't you guys behind the bars too?"

"Man you guys are irritating." Luffy scratches the back of his neck. "Ah! Do you know where Ace is?" Luffy asks.

"Ace?" Exclaims one Prisoner

"The Ace your are talking about is...Fire Fist Ace?"

"Yeah, we are here to rescue him!" Luffy answers.

"Talk about yourself. We are going to escape after finding captain Buggy." Says Alvida.

"Didn't you said Ace was your friend? How can you just leave your friends behind?" Asks Yash.

"He isn't my friend. He is Buggy's friend."

"That's impossible." Prisoner started laughing.

"We heard he just got in, he must be at Level 5, it is impossible to get him out."

"Yeah it is impossible." Chatter among the prisoner started to escalate," By the way you guys can you go to jailer's room and bring us the ke--"

Before they can finish asking, Buggy who is being chased by Blugoris is seen running towards them.