
Reincarnated as.. WHO?!

unknown_user001 · Fantasía
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8 Chs

The struggles of a poor person

The bright sunlight hit my face. I sighed while thinking, another day to go.. why can't I just get lucky like those protagonists in those novels people keep talking about and get rich or something?

"yeah you know, in this novel the protagonist got hit by a train and got reincarnated as a bottle! what was the author thinking?"

"I don't know but they must've been hella dumb"


ok maybe I don't wanna get so lucky and end up as a bottle.. i thought. that's when I saw a takoyaki shop and a bookstore selling those types of novels next to it. "let's have some fun shall we" I said in an evil tone.

I did some basic exercises and sprinted towards the shop and the bookstore showcase area. Hell did I get a good book. Of course, stole some takoyaki too.


Of course I was used to it by now. After all, I've been living like this after my father got hit by truck-kun, or that's what I think it's called? i don't know much about these novels. I should probably not joke about that though. I don't even know what my mother's name is or how she looks like as she died when she was giving birth to me. My dad decided to re-marry so I got a step-sister but her mother and my father died together. We were only 4 back then. Now I'm 18 and she's almost 18. Her birthday is in 2 weeks and I need to get something for her. Wait! Sorry about that I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Jin Sasaki.


A/N: These are the names of the people of the family (alive and dead)

My name: Jin Sasaki

Step-sister: Hina Sasaki (Sato)

Father: Sora Sasaki

Biological mother: Unknown

Step-mother: Yuki Sasaki (Sato)


Now for the past few days, I've noticed that Hina's cheeks get all red when she sees me. Thankfully I'm not that dense and I think I know what the cause behind her getting red is.

Of course, she has a fever! What else?

No I'm just kidding i realised that she might have feelings for me. So on her birthday I'll just confirm that. Now I need to wake Hina up to give her some takoyaki. Oh there she is.

"Hina, wake up, it's morning already. I got some of your favourite takoyaki."

She slowly opens her eyes and sees my face close to hers. Of course she blushes and what I did, is on purpose. I need to confirm if after all. Honestly, i don't know what she sees in me. I'm basically scum. I always steal food whenever I get the chance to. But that can't be helped since we're gonna die it we don't eat. As for my looks, I'm brunette with hair that's curly and my eyes are green. I'm a bit tanned from staying outside all the time. I guess I'm at a pretty good height for my age, being 6'1/185.7cm. I've also done a little training so I have just a LITTLE bit of muscle. To be honest, Hina is pretty hot. She's also a brunette and her eyes are hazel, she's 5'8/172.9cm. She's quite fair since she mostly stays in shades.

"N- w- good m-morning" She stuttered.

I find it cute. Now don't call me a pedo, it's two damn weeks. I don't know if you expected this but I'm a man of culture. I can't wait for 2 weeks to be over. I hope you know why. Shit. I better reply.

"Good morning. I have some water. Wash your mouth and eat up." I said smiling at her

"Okay.." she replied.

MAN HER CHEEKS WERE AS RED AS A TOMATO. CUTEEE. Hmm, I do like to stare at her because she's cute but I think im gonna go read the novel now.

A/N: He's got the knowledge someone of his age should have because he stole lots and lots of books that are used for studying.

I sniffed the book. Damn this shit smells good.

When it became evening, i stole, gave and also ate and went to sleep.

That's what I did everyday until today. Today something amazing happened. There was some rich ass motherfucker that was surrounded by gangsters. I think she was 18 too? anyways when i decided to go help her out, this is how it went.

"Come on lady, just dinner. It's just one dinner that we're asking to have with you."

"Yeah, don't be shy now"

"N-no.. get away.."

"I'll ask you again lady, have dinner with us"



That's when I butt in. I've learnt some fighting since I was an amateur at stealing and all when I first became homeless. I've got beat up countless times but that's how i learnt to fight.

"Oye did you not hear her?"

"What the fuck? who are you asshole?"

"Just some random dude. Now get the fuck out before I beat your ass"

"Ha.. hahahahahaHAHAHAHA, boys did you hear him?! he said he'll beat our ass!" he was crying laughing.

That's when i kicked him, knocking him out.

"No way- he did that in one kick?!.. motherfucker!"

They said that and came at me only to get their asses beaten too.

"Th-thank you sir." she said

"Please, no need for formalities." i said with a smile on my face.

"Umm so I have something to ask you.." she said in a rather cute tone

"Of course, go on"

"So well..you kn-"