
Reincarnated as the weakest beast

Uriel_et_teneberis · Fantasía
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3 Chs

Increasing speed.

According to the system, the best way to increase speed ( Represented by agility) was to run. I tried running but my strength was still low. After walking for half an hour I received a notification.

{ Strength : 4 }

I was now able to run but still as slow as a snail. Imagining running in slow motion. Yep that's how I looked.

{ Agility : 1 }

I was now faster than a snail but still slow. I ran for a few minutes

{ Agility : 2 }

10 minutes

{ Agility : 3 }

30 minutes

{Agility: 4 }

My running speed was that of a person walking slowly.

" Look isn't that an Alo? It looks kinda cute." Someone behind me said. I looked at her. She seemed like a giant, or was it because I was small. Somehow I could see her stats.

Name : Angelica.

Species: Human

Age : 15 years

Level : 3

Exp : ( 12 - 3500)


Strength : 120

Agility : 40

Defense: 73

Perception: 28

Mana / Qi : 1745

If she was human, that meant I was just a few inches tall, however I was still a new born. I sneezed. " Oh it really is cute I let me take it. " Angelica said, as she took me up. ' Do I look like a pet to you , put me down. ' I said but no words came out.

{ Proper linguistics will be spoken on the 3rd evolution}

I am so toast.

" Hey look at what I found, An Alo" She said as she showed me to her friends. " You can't keep a beast as a pet , there's a reason why they are called wild " A tall muscular man in his early 20s said. " Yeah but I can try, I mean it's not that strong so it won't be hard to keep. " They agreed. She gave me some bread but once I tasted it , I puked. I reverted to the system.

{ Most Alos are omnivores but there is usually an Alo born with the thirst of blood, This types of Alo appear 1:100000}

' Am sorry Angelica but I gotta feed' I took up her Index finger and bit it . " Ouch !" She screamed. She looked at me about to remove her finger but then she noticed that her blood was being sucked rather than eating her flesh like a normal Alo would do. " What's wrong Angelica?" Someone behind her said. " Oh nothing I just scratched myself by mistake. " She said. ' She protected me ?' I thought.

{ Blood consumed 1 xp gained}

They headed out of the forest and I gasped as I saw the modern world.

{ This world is a place where magic and qi is replaces science. }

It actually seemed a little different come to think of it. " Okay bye am going to head home " She said as she and her friends separated ways.

' Is this how my life is going to be ? ' I thought. ' Maybe I should escape when I have the chance. ' I tried jumping out but she caught me. " Your not going anywhere mister" She said. ' Oh fuck , maybe I should have run when I had the chance but what would that do anyway, I'm as fast as a human walking and considering my height , I wouldn't go far.