
Chapter 28 - ...the storm (part 1)

When the lady and her attendant left her room, they were already almost late.

At first, Zoemi thought that the hair crisis would be averted but...


Something unfortunate although quite expected happened.

The young lady Espine spotted a cute wrapping on a little package that her attendant put to the side while brushing her hair, and she instantly thought that it was meant for her as an apology for not returning for her once her date with the first prince Horeo was over.

Instantly, her hair became meek and all seemed good.

But then the black-haired attendant declared that it's time to go to class and casually put down the comb and a hairbrush.

At that time, Miriette thought that Zoemi had simply forgotten about the package that she fully expected to be present for her, so she asked him about it...

...and once the surprised attendant responded that it was for someone else...


That was the final nail in the coffin of Miriette's usual hairstyle.

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