
Reincarnated as Naruto with A gamer System

gaming_saff · Cómic
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34 Chs

New design in a middle of a fight! The 3 Sanins

As Naruto and Jiraiya followed they found them self in the Best Inn in town!

"Wohh...it's really cool...well I had money we could just book rooms here"Naruto said to jiraiya as Tsunade heard this and with a angry smile said"ohh then!...buy your own room!"

As she said shizune and Tsunade went into their respective room immediately

As Naruto calls the waiter and started to book the two room besides tsunades

As he finished booking jiraiya said

"Naruto gave me the room next to Tsunade and you will take mine!"as he said Naruto knew what he wanted

"No...I paid I get...now go to the room beside mine"as Naruto with a evil grin said and entered his room evily as jiraiya kept banging on his door

"How could you Narutooooo!!"as he said Naruto just smirked

"Serves you right!"as Naruto said he got an idea

"If I don't get a experience system...it will affect my growth then alot..."as Naruto contemplates that he could've reached High Kage but couldn't..

As Naruto slept soundly~~

Chirp chirp~~

Coo coo coo coo!!~~

As birds chirping chicken cooing


And a calming scream...


As Naruto heard the scream he dashes out and saw that a kid was scared by his friends...

"Tch...brats"as Naruto said he made his way towards jiraiyas room as he saw him

"Jiraiya sensei I'm coming in!" As Naruto said he opened the door to see jiraiya sleeping

As he punched on his head and said smilling

"Jiraiya sensei let's get you a get up!"as he said jiraiya shakes is head and about to say something as Naruto jumped out the window

His rinnegan visible and...a evil...evil grin!

As Naruto yelled"jiraiya sensei I want you here" as he pointed towards jiraiya as his body started to levitate

' Benshō Ten'in' as Naruto thought a force grabbed jiraiya and then rushes to Naruto as Naruto started running towards the store in high speed as his jutsu was following

After he reached there his jutsu ran out as the jutsu has reached his master

As Naruto dragged jiraiya

"Hmm..okay so...this...and ohh...this is great too!...hmmm....it's bad...yes that one"after a brief 30 mins

"Naruto I'm coming out" as jiraiya said Naruto didn't said anything as jiraiya came

A black shirt that showed his abs a red coat on top with 9 black magatama at the back

As he wored a Shinobi black pant with sandles as Naruto with a thumbs up said

"Amazing!"as he said he saw in the mirror

"Maybe I have chance to have Tsunade!"as he said

Naruto thought'is Tsunade a virgin?' as he thought

He just shrugged as he was about to fight orochi

As they both paid and left

At the Inn Naruto jiraiya saw a angry Tsunade with shizune waiting

"Where were you!...ohh I had a wrong person"

As Tsunade said her eyes went on Naruto

"Wait...jiraiya?"as she said jiraiya were in tears like a dead person back to life

"Yes!"as he said Naruto quickly replied "I'm bored so mission 1 Heal orochimaru and let me fight him!"

As Naruto said a unsure look appeared at Tsunade but quickly nodded while the whole way jiraiya was lecturing Naruto not to be boatful of his strength

As he said one word"I heard your fast" as he said jiraiya then shut up as they were in bush and Tsunade was healing orochimaru

After a while

"Hahaha! My arms are healed! Kabuto get me the two bodies!" As he yelled to his subordinate

"No need..I can just use my ability"

As a kid appeared with rinnegan shining with black shirt with a orange coat with an uzumaki symbol at the back as he wear a black coloured pants

(A/N: Just imagine...how cool it will look...and people please recommend me clothing style to switch Naruto to everytime okay!)

As orochimaru directly said"Your! your! Naruto uzumaki! Where were you when I was hunting you"

As he said licking his eyes as he glared at his rinnegan as he forgot Tsunade make them make their appearance here

"Well Tsunade I sincerely thank you to heal my hands and give me an rinnegan user as a gift!"

As he said Tsunade emotion turned deadly as she felt a high intensity murderous aura

As she started to find the source she sees jiraiya as the ground but

Naruto in the air with kurama chakra overflowing with a Katana with a weird design

'so there's the reason...nine tails chakra is emitting Murderous aura!' as she thought the scene changed to

POV Naruto

As Naruto then said"Shinra Tensei!" As he said a compressed wind got out of his hands and pushed orochimaru and Kabuto as they hit a rock

At the exact moment they hit the rock Naruto appeared in an instant as he used

"Lightning Chakra Ball!"as he said a ball of Lightning escaped

"That's an A rank jutsu!"as jiraiya and Tsunade said looking at Naruto as he backed away

He then put his hands towards the sky,as the sky in clear weather started turning into thunderous clouds

As Naruto put his hand up and multiple lightning struck towards orochimaru

As he evaded but Kabuto failed and got pushed back

As he escape the range of the lightning jutsu...or so?...'hehe...I deliberately made him live..look...he's so happy he found a loop hole!' as Naruto thought Kabuto yelled

"Orochimaru sama the range of the jutsu won't detect us here!"as Kabuto yelled orochimaru was still dodging every lightning thrown at him

As he said"enough!"

As a snake blade appeared and he seemed to shout something but the thunderous clouds were blocking his jutsu name

As he swiftly evaded as he reached a safe zone with Kabuto

Instantly Naruto appeared and used his katana Red death with Orochimaru retaliating with kusanagi

As they clash Naruto said"I've improved the last time I saw you!"

As Naruto used the katana to swing the katana to upwards as he then swinged in the

Stomach of orochimaru as he evaded

"What the hell is that...is that even a katana technique!"as orochimaru laughs at the end

As Naruto swiftly started swinging

Up right Uppercut stab and Jump And Like a rotation slash

As then Naruto said"Great Thurst!" As he said Naruto stabbed orochimaru

Or so he thought as orochimaru evaded with a smile with a hint of mockery

As the front of narutos katana shined with a beam of light as it stabbed orochimaru and made a hole in him

As he was struggling to heal himself Naruto said

"No need...I'll let you live"as Naruto said he turned around as he closed his rinnegan

As a big shadow appeared behind Naruto as it throwed Naruto further

"Argh!"as Naruto echoed in pain as he realized he need his system power

As the shadow who was Manda the snake throw him towards the two Sanins

"Naruto are you okay!" As they said Manda rushed towards them as they used they respective summoning

[Ding! Key has been Given! Spinning...Ding! Host has gotten Gacha Ranking System!]


[Naruto uzumaki]

[Weight: 140]

[Height: 5'7]

[Strength- SR]



[Potential-S max]

[Intelligence- A]


As Naruto now saw the purple coloured panel in front of him his thoughts were racing!

To be comtinued