
Reincarnated As Muichiro Tokito

What happens when someone reincarnates as Muichiro Tokito in Demon Slayer, but things in this world are different from the original story. Please note I'm just writing this for fun. P.S: English is my 3rd language so there will be quite a few of mistakes but it should be readable. [Cover is not mine] Discord: https://discord.gg/7Zws4xjx8T

FallenEclipse · Cómic
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33 Chs

Crimson Field (1)

Muichiro, Makomo, and Sabito were running on a dirt road at fast speeds. The sun was down and there was a mountain in the distance. The mountain was where their mission was, Muichiro looked at it and thought, 'Over 50 civilians and 5 slayers went in there and didn't come out. But why do I get this creepy feeling from it, not a feeling of damager but more it was more so unsettling.'

Muichiro hardly got scared, if ever. After reincarnation, he has yet to be scared but anything, but the mountain was just creepy. He didn't know how to explain it. Then, they all heard a scream.

They stopped and were alert, Muichiro said, "It's a straight shot to the edge of the forest, 1 kilometer down this path. Three demons and one human."

Sabito and Makomo nodded, then they all shoot forward. Sabito and Makomo separated from Muichiro who kept running forward, then at the edge of the forest right in front of him he saw two demons and one woman.

Muichiro held the hilt on his sword and his speed increased, the demon looked up sensing someone else's presence but it was too late for it. When Muichiro was to the side of it he turned his body and slashed at the demon's neck, taking its head.

He slid on the ground and site flipped avoiding a slash with claws from the second demon, Muichiro was upside down as he slashed at the demon's neck, not allowing it to attack again. Its head flew into the sky as he landed softly on his feet.

He swung his sword and the blood flew off, Muichiro then walked to the woman passed out on the ground.

Sometime Before With Sabito

Sabito separated from Muichiro and Makomo, his eyes darted around and he saw the demon. He charged forward with his sword in hand, the demon looked at him and screeched.

When Sabito was in front of it, the demon swung its claws at him. Sabito tilted his body and dodged the attack.

[Frost Breathing. First Form: Ice Fang]

{Frost Breathing. First Form: Ice Fang: The swordsman swings their sword forward and is able to influence the force and pain inflicted towards the target}

He held his sword and released a powerful slash, severing its head. The demon's body fell to the ground and he walked back over to Muichiro.

With Muichiro

Muichiro was looked at the woman sleeping on the ground and frowned, she had yet to wake up. He wanted to talk to her and get information, she doubted those demons he killed were all.

If they were then a slayer with a lower rank or one close by would have been assigned to come here, for this mission been assigned to all three of them means it's a serious case.

Sabito walked over and said, "I have a bad feeling about this place." Muichiro nodded, "Same, let's just get this over with."

Makomo jumped down from a tree and landed behind them, "I found a few demons around us, but only 6 or so. The number of demons seemed to increase higher up the mountain, and I saw a lot of bodies. Normal people and slayers."

"Huh, are you sure? Demons would have eaten them by now, it's not like they didn't have any time to do so." Sabito said.

"I'm sure, look." she then took out 7 swords, Muichiro took one and looked at the bland change color. He put it away and said, "Yup, definitely Nichirin swords. But Ginko said only five slayers went missing, not seven."

"What if they got it wrong," Makomo suggested. Muichiro shook his head at this, "They wouldn't of, trust me. Uhm, what was your name again?" he pointed at Sabito who sighed and said, "Sabito." "Yeah, you. How strong was the demon you killed, the two I killed were very weak. I wouldn't be surprised if they were turned into demons VERY recently."

"Yes, the demon I killed was also very weak. It didn't seem to even have a blood demon art." Sabito said. Muichiro nodded and looked down at the woman, still sleeping on the grass.

He coached down and tapped her cheek a few times, then he raised his hand.


Yup, he slapped her. It wasn't a gentle one either, he fucking pimp slapped her without a care. He was someone who believed in equality, yes, that's it. He respected women, he respected them so much that he would throw hands with any woman without a second thought.

Sabito almost spat out blood and stumbled back, NEVER, would he have EVER expected Muichiro to just slap a sleeping woman as if it was normal. Muichiro was proving to him that he just didn't care at this point. Makomo didn't do it say anything, because she was too stunned to even speak. She was having similar thoughts to Sabito.

Muichiro paid them no mind and looked at the woman, she snapped awake and yelped holding her cheek. Her eyes wandered around until it landed on Muichiro who said, "Hey lady, tell me why you are here and what happened."

"What? Who are you?" she asked. "Hey, I'm asking the questions, now, why are you here?" Muichiro said once more

The woman looked outraged and yelled, "How do you think you are, you are like 10! You should re..." unfortunately, she received something she didn't want.


Muichiro slapped her, again. "H-How dare...!" she screamed but was promptly slapped once again.


"Would you stop...!"


"Why are you still...!"




She seemed to have gotten the memo and didn't speak, she silently cried with a VERY swollen face. She didn't know what was even going on, she woke up and saw this boy who just kept on slapping her, for no reason.

Sabito and Makomo stood at the side watching this play out with blank faces, they knew they should have probably stopped Muichiro, but they didn't. Sabito sighed, he knew Muichiro would get them into trouble, granted he was probably right as well, but what could he do?

He can't just leave, he was given a mission and damn sure he was going to complete it or die trying. Makomo had similar, if not the exact same thoughts.

Muichiro nodded and said, "Now tell me why you are here."

"My brother and I live in a town nearby and our mother lives on the mountain with our father, we came here to get them since people seem to be going missing on the mountain. They like to live away from people but we thought it was too dangerous, it's not like they can defend themselves. They would always tell stories to my brother and me about demons when we were younger, we never believed them and just thought it was superstitions but it's better to be safe than sorry.

We came here yesterday and saw those things all over, and bodies were everywhere as well. I thought we should go back and get help but, Akio, my brother wanted to go get our parents. So we split up..." she stopped when she heard Muichiro sigh.

Muichiro looked at her thinking, 'What is it with people splitting up in scary situations, are they all really that stupid. Why would you slit up, granted it wouldn't make much of a difference but still.' he waved his hand signaling her to continue.

"Anyway, after we split up I tried to leave for help. I didn't make it far before those things found me and knocked me out." she finished speaking.

Muichiro, Sabito, and Makomo all had the same thought, 'Why didn't they eat her?' it was truly an odd situation, there are probably dozens of demons on this mountain, yet, none of them ate the humans that came.

They just left the bodies there, some demons take humans alive just in case they need to feed to them in an emergency but so far the only people alive were her and her brother if he is even still alive.

Muichiro said, "Truly an odd situation this is." Makomo nodded in agreement, "Indeed it is, but it's clear where we need to go, no?"

"To the peak of the mountain, whatever is going on we will probably get the answer there. We need to do this quickly, too many people have already died and the sun will come up in a few hours." Sabito said.

Muichiro looked up and looked at where the moon was, "We have 9 hours, should be enough." he looked down, and then it hit him, "Wait, when we were coming here we heard a scream, right?" he asked.

Sabito crossed his arms and said, "Yes we did, why." "Hey, did you scream before you were knocked out, and did you hear someone?" Muichiro asked the woman who shook her head, "No I didn't, to both of your questions."

It finally hit Makomo and Sabito as well, "Then who was the person we heard scream?"

This {Example} will be useful to explain the forms of styles that you don't see in the manga or anime.

FallenEclipsecreators' thoughts