
Chapter 12: Li Tian comes out.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow over the Li Clan's ancestral grounds, the cultivation chamber's door creaked open. A frail figure emerged, shrouded in an aura that seemed to mirror the ebbing twilight. 

Li Tian stepped out of the cultivation chamber's door, and upon seeing his state, an air of concern descended upon the onlookers.

Every Li Clan member present, from the venerable ancestors to the youngest disciples, held their breath as they beheld Li Tian's appearance. The robust cultivator, known for his strength, vitality, and solidarity for cultivation, now resembled an old man on the brink of imminent demise. The stark contrast with the vigorous cultivator they knew left a collective gasp hanging in the air.

Ancestor Li Xian, Ancestor Li Fang, Ancestor Li Yanling, and Ancestor Li Yu, the pillars of the Li Clan, exchanged worried glances. Their divine senses, finely attuned to the fluctuations of cosmic energy, instinctively reached out to probe Li Tian's life essence. However, what they discovered sent a shiver down their spines—there was nothing. No trace of the formidable power that once coursed through Li Tian's veins remained.

Ancestor Li Xian, bearing a somber expression, couldn't help but voice the concern that hung heavy in the atmosphere. "Tian, what has happened to you? You appear as a mere mortal without a hint of cultivation. Is this the price you have to pay for your unsuccessful attempt to break through to the Half-Immortal realm?"

Ancestor Li Fang, equally troubled, added his voice to the inquiry. "You now resemble an old man nearing the end of his journey, and the absence of cosmic energy within you is unsettling. Can your cultivation be restored, or has this left an irreversible?"

As Li Tian stepped out of his cultivation chamber, he saw a gathering of clan members, and the somber atmosphere became apparent. Ancestor Li Xian and Ancestor Li Fang, with genuine worry etched on their faces, had inadvertently fostered the belief that he had met a tragic fate in his failure to breakthrough the half-immortal cultivation stage.

The two beauties, standing at a distance, gazed upon Li Tian's aged and frail form, their hearts weighed down by the apparent tragedy that had befallen the esteemed husband.

The collective sorrow and confusion within the Li Clan painted a poignant picture of a family facing the potential loss of an extraordinary cultivator.

Li Tian, on the other hand, experienced a moment of bewilderment as he confronted the peculiar scene before him. After some time, the realization dawned upon him that the clan members had misconstrued the situation, assuming he had failed in breaking through to the Half-Immortal realm. However, rather than immediately dispelling the misunderstanding, Li Tian was thinking to himself and contemplating the consequences of revealing the true nature of his recent cultivation breakthrough.

Inwardly, Li Tian grappled with the delicate balance between truth and the well-being of his clan. Li Tian understood the profound impact that the revelation of his actual achievement—the successful breakthrough to the true immortal realm—might have on the unsuspecting members. 

The shock could potentially disrupt their spiritual balance and even induce adverse effects, given the unprecedented nature of such an accomplishment, and many experts all over the world will eye the Great Li Clan like prey to find out what treasure I have used in breaking through to two unbelievable realms that only a few can manage to breakthrough.

In light of these considerations, Li Tian made a strategic decision to withhold certain details. Instead of correcting the misunderstanding entirely, he chose to divulge a partial truth—admitting to a successful breakthrough to the Half Immortal realm but withholding that he had already broken through to the True Immortal realm. After all the potential consequences of the true cultivation, it will be terrifying for clan members safety and an unnecessary distress for Li Tian himself.

Li Tian's gaze fell upon two beauties—Lin Hua and Chen Lian—who were eyeing him with heartbroken expressions while holding each other. The weight of their sorrow was palpable, and as Li Tian observed them, he found himself unable to look away.


Lin Hua possesses a captivating allure that transcends the ordinary. Her porcelain-white skin, smooth and flawless, reflects the radiance of moonlight, giving her an ethereal quality. The luminescent glow accentuates the delicate features of her face, framed by cascading ebony locks that tumble gracefully down her shoulders. 

Her eyes, pools of obsidian, hold a mysterious depth, concealing the wisdom gained through years of cultivation. A subtle curvature in her eyebrows adds a touch of elegance, harmonizing with the gentle slope of her nose.

Lin Hua's lips, a delicate shade of rose, carry a serene poise that complements the grace she exudes.

Lin Hua's figure, a testament to the mastery of her cultivation techniques, embodies both strength and grace. Her slender neck supports a countenance that blends celestial beauty with a hint of earthly warmth. The contours of her collarbones trace a subtle invitation, leading the gaze to the modest yet alluring cleavage.

Her shoulders, adorned with the fabric of traditional cultivation attire, convey a restrained sensuality, hinting at the strength that lies beneath the surface. 

Lin Hua's waist, cinched with a silk sash, accentuates the gentle curvature of her form. As one's eyes descend, the robe flows gracefully over her hips, unveiling the sculpted lines of a physique honed through dedicated cultivation.

Lin Hua's legs, revealed by the flowing robes, are a testament to both strength and femininity.

And beside her is Chen Lian, who possesses an arresting beauty with her distinctive blonde hair cascading down her shoulders like strands of gilded silk. The golden hue of her hair captures the essence of sunlight, creating a radiant aura around her. her porcelain-white skin

Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of sapphire blue, complement the warmth of her hair, adding a touch of celestial charm to her appearance.

The contrast between her fair complexion and the golden tresses accentuates her ethereal beauty, making her a captivating presence.

Chen Lian's facial features exude a blend of strength and grace. High cheekbones and a well-defined jawline contribute to the regal elegance that characterizes her countenance. Her eyes, framed by long, golden lashes, convey a sense of determination and resilience.

As a cultivator in the peak stage of the divine transformation realm, Chen Lian's physique reflects both power and agility. Her slender yet athletic frame suggests a mastery of martial arts. In her cultivation attire, Chen Lian appears both formidable and refined. The robes, adorned with subtle patterns, enhance the visual appeal of her blonde locks. A sash cinched at the waist adds a touch of elegance, highlighting the contours of her figure.

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