
Reincarnated as an Orphaned Dragon!

Facing the imminent danger of a demon invasion, the Prazia kingdom establishes orphanages to uncover hidden talents among its populace. Lena, now known as Lava, is reincarnated as a dragon and becomes an orphan after her mother goes missing. However, not every fantasy world is filled with raw plot armor. Reality can be difficult, and Lava is not immune to being a pawn in the plans of others. Features a unique word-based magic system, no skills or levels. ----- Sorry for how slow burning and random the beginning chapters are, I just kind of made up plausible nonsense to keep the story flowing. It wasn't until about ch.23 where inspiration struck and the story really started to pick up speed. The main reason things started so slow is that I don't like writing highly unlikely events to drive plot like an mc saving someone that just happens to be a noble. Keep in mind this has a more realistic theme than most isekai stories, even with power mc is not untouchable and actually has to make difficult choices. Sometimes, reality can be dark. It's also not a wake up as a dragon and then fight endless monsters kind of story either, I felt that was already done too many times and chose to go for a more intrigue and life themed story. This is my first work, and I think it's rather good for a first story. Trying to develop my writing style on this. First chapters might come off as kind of rushed, I didn't spend much time on backstory and what happened to her mother I just kind of rushed mc to her new family and that really came back on me later on in the story. Cover is AI generated (Except for the title)

RecursiveDescent · Fantasía
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43 Chs


Once we arrived in the city and located a magic shop, we entered and asked for what we were looking for.

The response was not great.

"It sounds like you need something like Orichalcum, we don't have any of that here. Your best bet is the dwarven kingdom farther north, and it will still be very expensive." The manager answers.

That was going to be a problem, we don't have that much money.

"How far is that?"

"It'll take a few days, assuming you're going fast." He replied.

We'll just have to hope we can solve our money problem on the way.

"I know of a few opportunities to get enough to pay for the trip at least." Aya says.

"Like what?" I ask.

"There are usually festivals after the countries' promising talents are revealed, street performers are very active and there are some contests with a hefty prize." She responds.

Walking further through the streets, indeed, there were numerous performers and guys trying to hustle gullible passers by.

They even have a version of shell game.

The man running it is definitely scamming, and I'm surprised no one around has used magic to check if he was pulling tricks.

I'm aware of it but I still play.

If this were back on Earth, I would have simply pointed to the two cups it wasn't under, turned them over myself, and then turned over my guess, not that I was ever able to walk around enough to encounter it outside of the internet.

Once the people watching saw it wasn't under the other two, he would have no choice but to let me win.

However, here it's more than just sleight of hand at play, he's extra sneaky, he's talking and hiding spell invocations in his sentences.

I suppose it was stiff to assume spell activation had to be obvious, still, anyone with above average Mana perception would see through it right away.

"A new challenger, I see? Do you care to try your luck?" The shifty man says, slightly smug.

It cost a few copper coins just to play, which Aya provided generously.

"Let's see if you have the eyes to keep this ball from <disappear >ing on you!"

That pause after 'disappear', I knew it!

Two can play at this game! There's no way I can get away with the same trick, but mental casting is actually practical for me, so I can easily undo that!

He is surprised when I make my choice and the ball is under it.

An easy silver coin!

"How did you do that?" He asks, quite blatantly.

Winning an impossible game is quite surprising, I guess.

"Everyone has their secrets..."

With that, I walk away with my silver coin.

Besides the scams and occasional gambling, there were plenty of performers trying to take advantage of the increased activity.

Some of them were just creating distractions for an accomplice pickpocket.

After turning the silver coin into a gold coin by destroying an eating contest, we were finally on the way to the north.

Maybe this is getting too big brain for an isekai?

The shell game trick mentioned can actually work IRL.

I went from rushing story to burning super slow, but this was the only idea I had to put on the brakes.

Half normal length because I really needed to get a chapter out fast.

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